Starbase Arcadia and the Lana'i System

Created by Captain Charlotte Rhodes on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 11:06pm



The Lana'i star system had been named for the tropical Hawaiian island back on Earth. The blue star Lana'i bathed its planets in a warm blue light, providing for not one but two comfortably habitable planets within its habitable zone.

Starbase Arcadia

Starbase Arcadia Starbase Arcadia Starbase Arcadia

In orbit above Lana'i III, the growing structure of Starbase Arcadia can be found. Upon its completion, it would be a significantly smaller cousin to the the mighty Starbase Yorktown, with a central habitation dome and surrounding pylons for ship docking, similar to Starbase 1. The Central Dome is home to a simulated city district, providing residential, entertainment, diplomatic, and other accommodations situated on a flat plane. The lower half of the dome is roughly akin to Earth Starbase or the interior tunnels of Yorktown, a downsized internal ship housing structure, with surrounding engineering, shipyard, and other facilities. The pylons provide docking space for incoming ships as well as numerous housing locations for businesses and service providers. The interiors domes of each pylon also house a bio-dome, meant for conservation habitats for creatures from various biomes who cannot be released into the wild. For now, it is only partly complete. The central dome is finished, as are two full pylons, but the others have not yet progressed past basic scaffolding.

Lana'i III

Tropics Plateau Outpost

Lana'i III was a tropical world largely dominated by oceans and two super continents. Nearly a third larger than Earth, but not quite as dense, the planet was something of a biological marvel. The ocean reached depths nearly twice that of Earth's oceans, and the tides rose and fell by heights that would have made ocean side civilization nearly impossible. Its warm, wet atmosphere conjured massively powerful hurricanes nearly weekly. Powerful wind currents helped spread the heat across the atmosphere in a way that even the best weather engineering efforts would envy, maintaining a continously comfortably balmy climate well past what should have been the tropics. Yet, even its equatorial region avoided getting too hot. Its supercontinents were a fascinating sight themselves. Massive megafauna dominated the interior, evoking images of Earth's ancient dinosaurs or the monsters of its ancient mythology. The gravity of the Lana'ian sun also kept the molten core very active, and numerous volcanic peaks dotted the land. Lana'i III was like something out of an old adventure novel, which Charlotte felt contributed to its selection as Starfleet's base of operations. On the surface, a decently large floating scientific outpost sat on top of the ocean waters. Its mobile nature allowed the outpost to travel around the globe as needed, and avoided the large scale ecological damage a permanent outpost would cause. On the Southern continent was the sole permanent land based base, a smaller outpost situated atop (and within) a plateau, to minimize its footprint.

Lana'i IV


Lana'i IV was a bit different, though there was still plenty of water in its oceans and numerous inland seas, it was dominated by more temperate biomes, with tundras and arctic regions at its polls. Starfleet hadn't established anything too permanent on its surface yet, though numerous temporary camps had sprung up.

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