Created by Major General Myers Hanson on Fri Dec 30th, 2022 @ 7:59am
Hand Phasers:
There are 3 Phaser Pistol variants available to the crew of the Defiant.
The Phaser Type-1, popular in the late 2250s, is a lightweight and agile hand pistol. Its dual emitters allow easily switching between preset stun/kill settings, even in the heat of combat. Its lightweight design also makes it easy to carry and conceal on away missions. However, the design is limited to pulse fire only and does not have quite the range of the Type 2 variant.
The Phaser Type-1B is essentially a heavier duty version of the Type-1. It bears most of the same advantages, but trades the lighter design for a more durable casing. The more sturdy frame can take more abuse and also supports a stronger, wider set of emitters.
The Phaser Type-2 is a less tactical but more utilitarian option. Though not capable of Type-1's rapid repeated firing or instant mode switching, it does bring a variety of advantages through its widely variable settings. Capable of anything from emitting purely heat to full disintegration. It also can function in both pulse and beam mode.
Phaser Rifles:
There are 2 Phaser Rifle Variants accessible to the Defiant Crew. The Phaser Rifle Type-1 is a single pulse/beam fire version which excels in ranged combat. The Type-2 is best suited to close quarters combat situations, where its rapid fire pulse mode can be put best to use.

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