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Aruilaen Arrival

Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 1:30am by Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator & Lieutenant Siatan Grator Taxftu'

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Arcadia - shuttle Bay and family quarters
Timeline: Current

The sleek shuttle from Aqald had just finished its landing protocols and the hatch hissed open.

It was dropping off the first ever exchange officers from the Aruilae. The group that disembarked were a family group of three adults and three children. The two officers were going to be assigned to the USS Defiant and their children would be remaining of the Arcadia with their Great Aunt who was their Nanny.

Siatan looked around the shuttlebay as she exited the shuttle, her daughter Mi'arathi on her hip. She glanced back at her husband and sons and gave a warm smile. [["And now we have fun"]] she said in their native tongue.

Genna'ai, the family's aunt and Nanny exited and smiled as she watched her neice and nephew in law and their children move ahead of her. This was a big adventure for them all.

Exiting the shuttle, holding the hand of their youngest son, Saa'into, Mur'trah nodded and grinned to his beautiful wife. [[It is very dry here,]] he replied. He then flexed his muscles slightly. [[And the gravity is lighter than home.]] He looked at his children with love in his eyes. [[As we are in a lighter gravity, you will be stronger than the natives. Be careful in how rough you play with the other children, as you could hurt them easily if things got out of hand.]]

Both boys nodded as they replied with echoing, [[Yes, Papa.]]

Mur'trah then turned his gaze to his little girl and smiled a bit more. [[Same goes for you, my little sea sprite.]]

Mi'arathi simply grinned back at him.

Siatan rolled her eyes. She had a feeling their daughter would be able to get away with things with her father as she grew up.

She was about to say something when an operations officer came up.

"Excuse me?" the Ensign in operations red said "Are you Lieutenant Commander Grator and Lieutenant Grator?"

Siatan nodded. "Yes." Her Federation Standard was okay, not perfect like her husband's, but it would serve.

"Your quarters allocation on the Starbase." A PADD was handed over. "And directions to the Defiant," Another PADD. "That one also includes your berth instructions and information around the departments you are joining."

Reeg'an took the PADDs, thanking the ensign. Once they were alone again, he turned to his family. [[We will get settled in our cabin here on the station first, then,]] he looked at his children, [[your mother and I will report in to the Commander of the Defiant.]]

Genna'ai had read up on the station [[There is plenty for us to do here. I hear they have canals and areas for swimming.]]

Siatan smiled and with the directions in hand, she moved towards the corridor beyond. [[Come, let us find our cabin.]]

Mur'trah nodded and smiled to his beautiful wife as he reached down and lifted their bags easily in the lower gravity. He then followed his family as they made their way through the starbase towards their assigned cabin.

As they walked, the family got a good look of the station and the various areas. It didn't take them long and they were soon in a family-sized cabin, with bedrooms for the parents, the nanny, the two boys and the daughter. It had the same amenities as their cabin would on the Defiant, a waterfall down in the living area and a small pool by a window.

Looking over the accommodations, Mur'trah nodded approvingly. [[The Drylanders at least got this correct.]] He breathed in deeply, enjoying the high relative humidity of their quarters. [[Hopefully, they got our food requirements programed in just as nicely]]

[[I triple checked the data our people sent them]] Siatan said calmly as the children found their bedrooms and Genna'ai moved to the one with her name on the door in their people's writing. Siatan herself moved to the master bedroom and looked inside. [[Adequate]] she said. [[And we have a view of one of the canals]]

Mur'trah entered the master bedroom and looked around. Moving up behind his wife, he quipped his powerful arms around her front, interlocking his hands over her flat belly. [[We could go for a dip in them, like we did in the canal back home, by our house, when we conceived our little princess?]]

She laughed softly. [[And watch these drylanders be insulted? We should be careful.]]

Mur'trah chuckled softly as he nodded in agreement. [[True, I do remember reading how backwards they are concerning the relations between mates. Everything must be done in private.]]

[[And yet they may consider our traditions backwards as well]] Siatan smiled and reached up and caressed his cheek. [[We should unpack what is to stay here before we go report in to our posting]]

Mur'trah closed his eyes and smiled. Je then turned his head to kiss the palm of his wife's hand. [[Of course, Beloved.]] They then spent the next hour unpacking everything they would be leaving on the station. Then, after giving their children hugs and kisses, and telling them to listen to their aunt, Mur'trah and Siatan left their assigned quarters on the station and carried their bags as they made their way to the ship and their assigned cabin there.



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