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To The Beach We Go! (Backpost)

Posted on Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 5:27pm by Lieutenant JG Verelan & Lieutenant Savar

1,360 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Private beach, planet side
Timeline: Backpost

After a truly enjoyable picnic meal and dessert. Savar and Verelan beamed downed to their very own tropical private beach.

Sandy beaches, tropical trees that looked similar to palm trees along with crystal clear blue water and a gentle warm breeze greeted the pair. Savar nodded in approval as he took in their surroundings. "Most impressive. Do you not agree Verelan?" Savar asked his wife.

Verelan nodded. “It’s absolutely incredible!” She stood wide eyed as she looked around. “How did we even get this to ourselves? I’d have thought this place would be heaving with tourists!”

" Most gratifying Verelan. A virtual tropical and exotic beach. We are indeed most fortunate to have this beach to ourselves. We must take full advantage of the privacy afforded to us." Savar replied as he put their beach towels down on the pristine beach.

“Well I know where I’m going” Verelan grinned as she put down her sunglasses and ran towards the crystal blue waters for a swim.

Savar watched as Verelan made a mad dash for the sparking waters. "A most excellent idea Verelan." He replied as he pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his sandals to join his wife in the clear blue waters.

Verelan watched from the water as Savar joined her, swimming up to him she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a loving kiss. “Thank you for this Savar, it’s just magical.”

Savar returned the kiss with equal passion. " What is magical Verelan is our love and may it always remain that way. For you are indeed my better half and I would be lost without you to share life's journey with me my love and by the way, you are welcome." As he kissed Verelan again and again. It was a most pleasurable experience.

Verelan was in total agreement, she could spend forever like this with Savar. “So what shall we explore my love? We have this entire beach to ourselves let’s not waste it.”

"The first order of business is to explore you my love." Savar replied as the pair floated with the tide. "Everything else is secondary."

“In that case who am I to insist on anything else?” Verelan grinned a wry grin.

Savar gave Verelan a smile. She was the only one, he truly relaxed around and with. She was his soulmate, best friend, lover and confidant. "Such logic is refreshing." He answered as he took her hand, and they drifted in the sparkling waters.

“I am yours to explore my love, as you are mine” Verelan smiled. Savar was the one who completed her in so many ways, their bond was a strong one and being together only made it stronger.

"Quite correct Verelan and I am quite content to do so, for no one knows me as well as you do." He continued to hold her hand as they continued to float in the clear waters. "Shall we explore the grotto some more Verelan?"

Verelan nodded. “It sounds like a logical idea to me, who knows what we might find.”

"Indeed. I am glad you agree Verelan and you are correct in saying, who knows what we will discover." Savar answered. "Let us see just what we can discover."

Nodding Verelan swam onwards this time waiting for Savar, “look at that” she pointed towards a sheltered area of beach with what looked like a beach hut on the shoreline. “That looks interesting. Let’s go and see.”

Savar nodded, "Lead the way Verelan and we will investigate."

Verelan nodded. Leaving the water she headed across to the beach house, they were obviously alone so she had no hesitation in entering. “Wow...this is just...gorgeous!” She picked up a towel that was hanging on a chair not wanting to drip all over the floor.

Savar followed Verelan into the beach house. "Quite impressive." He agreed as he stopped to admire the decor as well as grab a towel for himself. "I wonder what other mysteries this house contains. Do you feel like exploring Verelan?"

“I most certainly do” Verelan nodded. “This programme is getting more and more curious by the moment.”

"The only way to find out is to explore and see just what mysteries we can uncover. It sounds like a most fascinating experience." Savar replied. "Who knows what we will uncover or get into."

“True” Verelan smiled. “An adventure with you Savar is always special. Savar nodded; a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked at Verelan. "Well said Verelan, very well said. I thank you for the compliment. You make every outing an adventure and highly enjoyable. Let us proceed with the adventure."

Entering the beach house Verelan looked around surprised that it had a familiar feel to it. “I do not understand Savar, why do I feel like I’ve been here before?”

"I confess I do not know Verelan. Does it perhaps remind you of somewhere we have been?" He asked as he looked around the house for an answer to Verelan's feelings.

“It might be that” Verelan shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway it’s ours now.”

"A most logical and true statement Verelan. It is ours now and I believe we should make the most out of this opportunity. Do you agree my love?"

Verelan smiled as she walked up to Savar wrapping her arms around his waist. “Ohh I wholeheartedly agree my love” She looked around. “Maybe we should...explore the bedroom?”

Savar's arms encircled Verelan and returned the hug. As he held her in his embrace he commented. "Another excellent suggestion Verelan, one I think we need to explore at our earliest opportunity."

“Then now seems as good a time as any” Verelan smiled. “We have plenty of time to enjoy each other ahead of the time of the burning of Vulcan blood. My time will be due in the coming months, but as for now I wish to enjoy us being together.”

Savar smiled at the love of his life. With Verelan he could let down his emotional controls and be more open with her than he was with others. "Another impeccable logical idea Verelan. One I am most agreeable with. So, let us indeed enjoy each other before the blood fever is upon you."

Verelan nodded, she playfully stepped back slipping out of part of her bikini she playfully dropped it on the floor and headed towards the bedroom luring Savar to follow.

Savar smiled at Verelan's playfulness which was on full display as she dropped part of her bikini and then turned and headed for the bedroom, luring Savar to follow her which he happily did. "Verelan are you sure you are not part Orion?" He teased her.

“Most definitely not!” Verelan grinned as she slid under the bed sheets tossing out the other half of her bikini as she went. “Now are you going to stand there, or are you coming to bed?”

Savar stood there, beside the bed for a moment just looking at Verelan and how beautiful she was. Then he slipped out of his swim trunks. "I need no further prodding Verelan." He answered as he pulled the sheets back and joined his wife under them.

~ Sometime Later ~

Verelan smiled as she lay cuddled up in Savar’s embrace. “Remind me to take you on adventures more often!” She kissed his chest. “You make love like a man possessed Savar, and I like it.”

Savar nuzzled Verelan's neck, giving it soft kisses. His arm around her holding her close. "When it comes to you Verelan and making love to you. I am possessed. You are most remarkable woman in addition to being my wife, best friend and soulmate." He kissed her full lips. "I am and will be forever in love with you."

“As I will you” Verelan smiled. “I look forward to reaffirming my commitment to you when my time of Pon’farr arrives.”

Savar's answer was simple in it's reply. He brought Verelan close and he kissed her with every fiber of love he possessed. "I look forward to our recommitment Verelan."



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