Wedding Bells, Part Two
Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 6:41pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Subat & Lieutenant Nugo & Ensign Veronica Rios & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Lieutenant JG Verelan & Petty Officer 2nd Class T'Raya & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Rear Admiral Sergei Denovitz
1,479 words; about a 7 minute read
Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Starbase Arcadia, The Mall, Giovanni's Restaurant
Timeline: Following Wedding Bells, Part One
As he had just joined the crew, William was surprised to have recieved such a last minute invitation to the XO's wedding. As he didn't know the groom well, or the bride at all, it had taken hom some time to find an appropriate gift. In a elegantly wrapped gift box, he had placed an intricately designed flower vase, made from Andorian ice marble, which he had purchased from one of the shops on Arcadia.
As he entered the restaurant, William saw that he wasn't the first to arrive, and that a table had been set up for any gifts that the guests wished to give. He placed the box down next to the other gifts and then slowly moved towards the bar, looking around as he went, taking in each face, matching it up to the personnel files he had read. As he really didn't know anyone present, he simply took a seat at the end of the bar, putting his back to the wall, and people-watched.
Entering the restaurant alongside Savar, Verelan smiled as she looked around. “It’s been laid out so beautifully in here Savar, Callie will love it!” She motioned to the table that was for gifts. “We should put our gift on the table.”
"Yes, quite attractive." Savar agreed. "I am sure the Counselor will be pleased with the decorations." He answered as he placed their gift on the table with others already there.
“This reminds me of our wedding day” Verelan smiled as she held onto Savar’s arm. “It seems so long ago since we were married.”
Savar turned and looked at Verelan. Though his face showed no reaction to Verelan's statement his voice did. "It does?" His voice revealing his surprise. "It seems like yesterday to me Verelan. It was a most pleasant occasion. One I would gladly do again."
“As would I my love, in a heartbeat!” Verelan motioned to some seats, “Let’s sit here, it’ll give us a good view of the bride and groom.”
"I am glad to hear you say that Verelan." Savar answered as he followed Verelan to the seats she had picked out for them.
Steven looked around as he entered the restaurant. He saw that the happy couple had not arrived yet. He walked over to the others.
“ Few. I thought I would be late.” He said
“Not at all Lieutenant” Verelan offered a smile. “The bride and groom have yet to make their appearance.”
“ Good good. My this is a nice restaurant. Does it have a significance with the happy couple?” Steven asked
“To be honest I don’t know” Verelan shrugged her shoulders. “I really must make an effort to get to know the happy couple better.”
Kenna had reluctantly agreed to attend the reception and had prowled the shops for a gift. She was not the best with social things but the gift was wrapped professionally and she had dragged out her one good dress, a slender sheath of black silk. She added low black heals and her blond hair was down. She also had swept her cloak of 'I am not wanting to speak with people. ' around herself as she walked her gift to the table and placed it down.
From his place at the bar, William saw the ship's Security Chief enter. Though he got the impression, from her demeanor, that she didn't want to talk to anyone, when they made eye contact, he gave her a polite head tip.
Kenna returned the nod and turned to look for a secluded corner. She was only attending because it was the XOs wedding.
A few minutes later the doors parted to reveal the arrival of the newly weds, holding happily onto her husband’s arm Callie’s smile said it all as they entered to greet their guests.
The Chaplain went to a small podium set up. He tapped the microphone to verify it was operational and then gestured to the wedding party. "I have the honor of introducing the newly wed bride and groom. Mrs. Callie and Mr. Ryan Knight." He gave the couple a congratulatory clap of his hand.
Ryan took Callie by the hand and led her to the dance floor as music began to play. He embraced her and danced to a slow song.
Samantha stood at the edge of the dance floor and scanned the area with her Mark One Eyeball. She let out a sigh as she gave a small smile as she spotted some one she really wanted to dance with. She walked up to Jackson. "Hey. I know I have been a bit distant since that night in the officers' lounge. I was wondering if we could talk...maybe while we dance."
Jackson looked at her. "You think we have anything to talk about? Seems all you want from me is sex."
Samantha pursed her lips and gave a slow nod. She had only wanted that on the night they had met in the officers' lounge. "You're right I did at the time, but circumstances have changed, as has my opinion of you."
Jackson looked at her. He was having a hard time believing her. "You know how I care about you. I want more then just us having sex all the time."
Samantha glanced at Callie and her brother, who both looked to radiate love and joy. She turned back to Jackson. "I want that too. I just didn't think it possible with my studies and work towards where I am today. I have moved around a lot since earning my Doctorate with very limited time on dig sites and follow up curating assignments. Now, I have an indefinite assignment for the Defiant in a largely unexplored region of space." She took Jackson's hand. "I also have more personal incentive to stay where I am. I just wanted to know still wanted me to stay."
Jackson looked at her. "Of course, I want you to stay. You know I care for you. Tell the truth, I was miserable not having you near me."
Samantha stood up on tippy toes and kissed Jackson briefly on the cheek. She then whispered in his ear. "I have missed you too. Would you want to come back to my suite when this is over and show me how much you've missed me? I promise to talk further about the future afterwards.
"Promise we will talk first??" Jackson smiled at her. He took her by the hand and they left the room.
Captain Rhodes approached the bar and waived down the bartender. "Irish Mule, in a copper please."
The man nodded before getting to work. A moment later, the Captain retrieved her beverage and made her way over to the standoffish section. "I see you've both managed to survive so far," she said, setting herself down in one of the empty chairs as casually as the stiff dress uniform would allow her.
Will gave his commanding officer a polite grin. "Just enjoying seeing everyone having fun, Ma'am." He took a sip of his drink, then added, "I joined the party late in the day, so to speak. This is more for them," he gestured out to the rest of the room. "I'm just the new guy."
Steven walked up to the bar he looked at all the beverages on view. Looking over he smiled.
"There is quite a choice I do not know what to try." He said
"There's a very good rye over there from distillery on Vega Colony, and the ales are quite good as well. I'd steer clear of that Tellarite rum if you know what's good for you. I feel like that stuff could blind a steer," Charlotte said, shooting an ominous look at an eerily green bottle.
“Oh you don’t have to tell me twice. On my last ship we had two Ensigns go blind for twenty hours after drinking that stuff. I think a nice Ale would be nice. Would you care to join me?” Steven asked.
Charlotte grabbed her mule and followed after. "I've got my drink already, but I'll take the conversation."
Steve chose an old Earth ale brewed not far from his hometown of Ballybrack in Ireland.
" This was the first beer I ever drank you know. What was your first?" Steven asked.
"There was a local brewery in Sedona, a few hours away from home back in Phoenix. I'm fairly certain that was the first I'd had. Still reminds me of home," Rhodes said.
Steven took a sip.
“Oh dear. This beer is not quite the same….of course no alcohol now that is a shame.” Steven said.
As the live music continued into the night, the dome of Arcadia transitioned to night, bathing the scene in moonlight as Lana'i III's natural satellite filled the sky above.