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A Little Night Time Fun

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 12:28am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight

2,370 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Arcadia Station, Park Area
Timeline: S01M01D01, 2000 hours

Ryan was still tingling from the dinner drinks and even more so now that he walked around the park with Callie, an arm wrapped around her back. He was going to suggest going dancing when he spotted a playground on their right. He slipped his arm from around her as he stepped in front to face her with a wide grin. He nodded over his shoulder. "Time to get in some post dinner exercise." He gave a gentle tug on her hands for a moment before releasing them. He ran over to the children's merry-go-round and hopped on after a short start up. He spun around turning his head to look at her, a playful grin on his face.

Callie couldn’t help but laugh, Ryan’s playfulness and humour was infectious! She ran over to join him waiting for a suitable moment to hop on and enjoy the fun. “Are you always like this?” She giggled. “Forever the big kid?”

Ryan smiled at Callie across the merry-go-round and shrugged as the merry-go-round slowed. "I wouldn't say a big kid...more of...a seize the moment kind of guy." He hopped off and lifted her down as the merry-go-round brought her to him. He nodded at the see saw. "Your choice. See saw or we find a place to dance."

“Hmm now that’s a hard choice...” Callie couldn’t help but keep Ryan waiting for a few playful moments. “I think I’d like to go dancing, I’d like to see just how good you are on the dance floor.”

Ryan gave Callie a playful wink and grin. "I don't know. I may surprise you." He took her by the hand and headed off in the direction of the nightclub district. A five minute walk later had them at a dance club brightly lit in holographic lights.

Ryan spoke briefly to the doorman and the couple was ushered inside immediately. He took Callie's hand and led her towards the dance floor while a moderate to fast paced song played.

“Wow, you certainly don’t hang about!” Callie smiled appreciatively. “Do you know everyone around here to get into these places so fast?”

Ryan shrugged. "Been on assignment at Arcadia for the last six months. I am not a playboy, but haven't been a hermit either." He hooked a thumb towards the door. "Danny, the guy at the entrance. He still owes me 100 credits from last week's poker night. Told him we were squared if he bumped us to the front of the line."

Callie nodded. “Ahh I see” She gave him a smile as the music slowly faded out, and a slower paced song started to play. “Shall we?” She turned to face him ready.

Ryan took Callie's hand and escorted her to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips and started dancing slowly, trying to find their shared rhythm.

Callie gently held onto Ryan as they started dancing, enjoying the feel of his body next to hers as they found the rhythm they needed to go along with the slow music. Her eyes twinkled in the light as she looked into his eyes, simply letting their emotions express through the dance.

Ryan felt a pleasant heat as he danced close with Callie. She was a remarkably sensuous woman and he didn't need to be an empath to see in her expression that their attraction was mutual. It was becoming more and more difficult to fight the urge to kiss her. He took a deep breath just as the music tapered off. He took a step back. "Wait right here. I will be right back." He walked off and spoke with the DJ briefly before returning. He took her hand, but stayed at double arms length away. "Time to see who can keep up with who."

Callie looked at Ryan curiously wondering just what he had in mind, no doubt she’d soon find out.

The first beats of Concion Del Mariachi began to play. Ryan began a sprited dance with Callie that soon became the center of attention on the dance floor. Spectators, both from the tables and others on the dance floor formed a large, but loose, circle around the couple. Ryan, at that moment, felt his universe shrink to just himself and the incredibly beautiful woman he was dancing with.

Callie kept her focus solely on Ryan, trying not to pay attention to all those who were now watching them dance. Her mind was focussed solely on him, her eyes locked on him, never wavering from him as they danced. She was lost in the emotion of the night, of the dance, and totally transfixed on Ryan.

Their dancing was energetic and all but hypnotic to them and the onlookers. Even the staff stopped to look at the performance taking place on the dance floor. The finale arrived. Ryan held Callie with one arm, his other extended aloft. His heart pounded and his his lungs heaved in desperate need of oxygen. His face was tingling from the light touch of her fingers on his cheek.

Callie too was breathing heavily from the exertion of the dance, and the sheer intense attraction between them.

He looked down into her eyes, but could see heaving chest rise and fall from the intense passion of the music. The moment was magical.

Callie found herself wanting to kiss Ryan, to feel his lips on hers but the sudden awareness of their audience brought her back to the reality of where they were.

Applause erupted all around them, bringing Ryan's senses back to the larger universe. He gently brought Callie back to her feet. "I don't know about you, but I think a cool down drink is in order."

“I think a total cool down, not just a drink” Callie smiled as she let her fingers brush his cheek as she smiled at him. “That was ... intense, to say the least. I enjoyed it.”

Ryan led Callie by the hand to the bar where an impressed bar maiden promptly came up to them. "Anything you want...on the house." Ryan was still trying to catch his breath. "First, two waters. Then...two Risan Sunsets please." The bar maiden gave Ryan a beaming smile and nodded. "Coming right up."

“I don’t know about you but I’m roasting.” Callie fanned herself trying to cool down after the exertion of the dance. “Thank you for such a wonderful evening, I’ve never met anyone like you before Ryan.” She suddenly realised she was staring as she quickly looked away, she was yearning to just pull him into a passionate kiss but she didn’t want to overstep her boundaries.

Ryan had been on dates before, but the chemistry between Callie and himself was intense. He sat her down at the only available seat at the bar and stood close next to her. He wasn't sure where the night was taking them, but he knew he wanted to kiss her before the night ended. Now wasn't the time though. "This has been one of the better nights of my life too. Though we may have to consider heading back to the ship after our drinks."

“I know” Callie nodded somewhat reluctantly. “But I can still enjoy your company until then.”

The bar maiden returned with two waters and two Risan Sunsets and placed them on the bar before the couple. Numerous eyes still watched them both, some impressed, others in envy.

Ryan took a long pull from his water which helped. He sipped the other half as he cooled down enough for his last real drink of the night. He glanced at Callie with a not quite winded smile. "Doing better?"

Callie had drunk some of her water, and was looking more refreshed now. “Definitely!” She smiled as she picked up the Risan Sunset, sipping a little of it. “So what if I was to invite you in? Would you take me up on it?” She gave him a curious look.

Ryan looked at Callie for a long moment. He was unsure what answer she wanted to hear and decided to give her his honest one. "I would accept your invitation...happily. I would hope to behave as an honorable guest."

Callie smiled and nodded. “You’re an honourable man, I can tell that just by looking at you. I just ...” She paused. “I don’t want to push you out of your comfort zone.”

Ryan was thoughtful for a moment as he sipped his drink. He didn't want to push her to fast either. "How about we learn more about one another and...see how things develop as we do. I am sure your empathic abilities will let you know if I am comfortable or not."

“That’s true” Callie nodded and drank what was left of her Sunset. “This evening has been the most magical I’ve ever had, it’s not one I’ll soon forget.”

Ryan smiled. "I doubt I will forget this evening as well." He took one final pull on his glass and laid it within easy reach of the bar staff. He turned back to Callie. "We should probably head back to the ship." There was an almost sad expression on his face as he realized their night was about to come to an end when they reached her quarters.

“Yeah I guess we should” Callie nodded and reluctantly stood up ready to head back to the ship.

The walk back to the ship was pleasant but subdued. Ryan held Callie's hand as they took a leisurely pace through the ship's corridors. He was hoping to receive the invite once they reached her quarters, but he didn't want to push things to fast...for either one of them.

A million things were running through Callie’s mind, as they arrived at her quarters she paused outside the door. She wasn’t ready to let the evening end just yet, her eyes met Ryan’s as she spoke. “Would you ... like to come in?”

Ryan took a deep breath before answering. "I would very much like to come in. If...and ony want me to."

Callie nodded and smiled. “Oh I want you to, I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t.” She opened the door and started stepping inside, taking his hand She gently pulled him with her.

Ryan allowed himself to cross the threshold by her gentle pull. His other arm wrapped around her as the door slid shut. His iron will crumbled as their first second of uninterrupted privacy commenced. He took a finger and lifted her chin as he leaned down his head to give her a long,but exceedingly gentle kiss.

Callie closed her eyes as Ryan kissed her, letting everything else melt away. Returning his kiss with equal, gentle care and tenderness. Her arms wrapped around him as she leaned in closer, letting herself enjoy every moment.

Ryan finally broke the kiss, but held Callie in his arms. He felt nearly as breathless as he had following their Spanish Tango earlier. "I have been wanting to do that since meeting you at the airlock for the start of our night."

“I knew you were holding something back, but I didn’t want to rush.” Callie smiled the biggest smile yet. “When I said I didn’t want this evening to end I meant it, I want to be able to be with you for as long as I can. I want to know everything about you Ryan.”

Ryan brushed the fingers of the back of his hand down Callie's cheek. He looked deep into her eyes. "This night has to end at some point, but it doesn't mean we can't spend time together in the future. If that is, indeed, what you want."

Callie nodded as she remained looking into Ryan’s eyes. “It is, very much so!” Her fingers gently brushed his cheek. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can.”

Ryan kissed Callie again, this time with more heat and passion than before. He allowed the sensation to course through his body. The outside universe ceased to exist in that moment. He was only aware of the kiss.

Callie let herself ‘melt’ into Ryan’s embrace, returning his kiss with equal passion. Everything else around her ceased to disturb her thoughts as all concentration went solely on Ryan.

Ryan's senses slowly returned and he realized they had moved from near the door to him sitting on the couch with Callie straddling his lap. It was his turn to look up into her eyes. He realized that despite them still wearing clothes (sans her shoes), said clothes were definitely a might disheveled at this time.

As their lips parted for a moment to allow them to take in air, Callie cuddled up against Ryan feeling safe and happy in his embrace. “As much as I’m enjoying this, if I sit here much longer I’m not going to let you leave tonight.” She smiled as her fingers ran across his shirt.

Ryan sighed with a slight nod and a wan smile. "I understand. I feel the same." He reluctantly extracted himself from the couch. He took Callie's hand as he walked to the door. He paused at the door and turned to her. "I am looking forward to our next date. See you at morning staff call." He leaned down and gave her a lingering soft kiss.

Callie returned the kiss just as tenderly. “I’ll look forward to it Ryan.” She took a small reluctant step backwards. “Dinner tomorrow night, 1900 hours.”

Ryan smiled and nodded. "See you then." He took a moment to take her image in before reluctantly heading down the corridor to his own quarters a few doors down.

Peering around her door Callie watched Ryan go, she wanted to call him back but knew that wasn’t the right thing to do right now. Heading back in she smiled as she walked into her bedroom and flopped down onto her bed, she had a happy feeling that she was rapidly falling in love.



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