Settling In...
Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2023 @ 11:43pm by Lieutenant William Henderson
640 words; about a 3 minute read
Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: USS Defiant, Henderson's Quarters.
Timeline: MD 1 / 2034 hours
After a long day of reporting in, meeting a few of the senior officers and checking out his new department, William was finally making it to his quarters.
It was an odd feeling, calling the accommodations his. As a department chief and member of the ship's senior staff, this was the first time that he would have his own, private space. Until now, he had always had roommates, even back on his family's ship. He took a few moments, after the door whooshed shut behind him, to close his eyes and simply taking in the silence.
That silence didn't last long, however, as a beeping was suddenly heard from one of his bags, which the ship's yeoman had brought down and placed inside the door, while he was meeting the Captain and Executive Officer.
Reaching down, he grabbed the bag in question, a small attaché case, and moved over to his desk. After setting the case down on top of the desk, he lowered his powerful body down into the swivel chair behind it. Reaching up, he deactivated the security lock on the case and opened it up.
Inside, there were a two small cases of data cards, two PADDs, a survival knife, brass knuckles, a framed picture of his family, and a covert communications device.
After taking the comm unit out, he closed the case and lowered it to the deck beside him. He then placed the unit on his desk in front of him and opened the top, revealing a set of transmission goggles, which looked like fancy glasses with connected earbuds. Slipping the device onto his face, he then fitted the auditory recievers into his ears.
"Charlie Echo Seven, authenticate." He stated clearly as he sat back in his desk chair
A femanine voice replied. =/\=Charlie Echo Seven, your code is authenticated. Stand by.=/\=
Suddenly, through the lenses of the goggles, William saw his handler, a man he only knew as 'Mister Oliver'. "So, William, have you finished settling in to your new assignment?"
"Yes Sir, I have," William replied. "Do you have a target for me?"
Mister Oliver nodded. "Yes, we do. Though, now is not the time to give it to you. I've programmed the system to send you the file in two weeks. By then, you should have a better lay of the land over there. In the mean time, however, I do want you to keep a close eye on the senior staff. They just encountered a new form of life, and we want to ensure that they weren't altered by it in any way."
"Understood Sir. Do you have any specific concerns about the senior staff that I should be aware of?"
Mister Oliver shook his head. "Not at the moment. Just a cautious feeling is all." He shrugged as he continued to speak. "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. However, as a side note, be careful with your Captain. There is evidence that she doesn't approve of any covert intelligence organization. Ever since the Khan disaster, we have had to rebuild ourselves very carefully. We are a smaller group now, as you know. There aren't any dangers that some Admiral will build a secret war chest any more within our ranks. However, the damage was still done. So, stay safe out there, understood?"
William nodded as he replied. "Aye Sir."
Mister Oliver nodded again. "Good. Then, unless something happens that you need to make contact, observe radio silence. Out."
The image faded and the goggle lenses cleared. After a beat to consider thongs, William removed the goggles and put them back in their case. After the case was sealed,he then turned and put it in his private safe.
Afterwards, he spent the rest of the evening unpacking, then had a light supper and went to bed.