In the Swim
Posted on Sun Aug 20th, 2023 @ 7:02am by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Savar
1,165 words; about a 6 minute read
Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Ship Pool
Timeline: Current
Savar headed to the pool. he wanted to get a few laps in before his day officially started. A towel was draped over his shoulders, and he wore sandals, a t- shirt that had a picture of a Vulcan male looking skyward saying. "Hold on let me overthink this." and his swim trunks that were not speedos. Arriving at the pool, he pulled off his shirt and put it and his towel on a nearby chair. he placed his sandals under the chair and dove into the water with barely a ripple. The water was warm and pleasant conducive to swimming as he began to swim leisurely laps to warm up.
Kenna had been heading for her weekly lap time and when she entered the pool area she paused at the sight of someone else in the pool. She was dressed in baggy track pants and sweat shirt over her one piece. She slowly moved to the other side of the pool and placed her towel on a bench there. She considered the situation.
Kenna had a routine, and she liked to maintain it. This was part of her routine, and she also knew that to be upset that someone else was around while she swam was wrong. But it was the one time she could just swim and not be bothered. Sighing she chose to get into the pool. She carefully removed her outer clothes and then went to the side of the pool and sat on the edge, her feet in the water.
Savar had made several laps when out of the corner of his eyes he saw someone else in the pool well actually their feet were in the pool. He stopped his laps and swam over to the new arrival stopping several feet away as he tread water. "Hello. I am Savar." He paused the newcomer was a woman approximately the same age as himself. She was quiet. "Have I inadvertently intruded on your personal time?"
Kenna wanted to nod but she knew better. "No, You were here first, It is more likely I am the one intruding. I am sorry. Oh I am Kenna Wolff."
He raised his right hand in the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life to you Kenna Wolff." He paused and continued on. "Correction. I was here first today. However, I am a newcomer to the Defiant having recently arrived. You have undoubtedly been here longer. So, I am intruding, and I sincerely apologize. If you will permit me to finish my laps. I will leave you alone or you could join me if you desire."
"You do not need to leave." Kenna said "More than enough room. I will do my laps in the other lane."
Now Savar nodded, "Most gracious. I will do that." As he started to swim away, he stopped and asked, "This is a morning routine for you?"
"Weekly. I run normally. " Kenna replied as she slowly slid into the water. "Once a week i swim 3km before shift."
Savar took in the information. "A worthy goal to be sure. I believe I will also swim 3km. In the other lane of course. I will begin when you do."
Kenna was puzzled as to why but she gave a shrug and pulled her swim goggles on and braced herself against the wall. She took two deep breaths and pushed off, slicing through the water easily as she came up and began freestyling down the pool. Though she was spacer born and bred, she had retaught herself how to swim after the attacks on her family.
Savar watched as Kenna swam. He could tell she was a strong swimmer; she would make a good swim partner, but he hesitated to ask her as he got the impression, she liked to be alone. Nonetheless, He timed her stroke and joined in matching her stroke for stroke a lane away from her.
Kenna approached one end, and tumble turned before stroking down the pool. She concentrated on her strokes and kick beat, maintaining a level pace. She tried hard to block out other things.
Savar watched as Commander Wolff began to swim her laps. Her form was good and her stroke crisp and powerful. Her pace was good as well and not over challenging. He took a breath and began to swim, matching her stroke for stroke two lanes away.
Kenna did lap after lap robotically counting off the 50meter increments in her head. At 1.5 KM she swapped from Freestyle to breaststroke.
Savar too switched to breaststroke when Commander Wolff did and while his was a powerful stroke. It was not as polished or as smooth as Commander Wolff's. But he could still keep up with her.
Once her three kilometres was complete, Kenna held onto the side of the pool and caught her breath. She had all but forgotten someone else was in the pool with her. And now that her hair was slicked into its plat, scars on her back were clearly seen.
As he finished his swim. Savar stopped and began to swim over to Commander Wolff to thank her for a most satisfactory swim, when he stopped and tread water at seeing the scars on her back. He briefly wondered how she came to receive them and quicky pushed the thought out of his head. It was none of his business. If the Commander wished to comment on them, then she would. He would not pry into her business.
After the brief hesitation he swam up next to her but still several feet away as not to intrude on her personal space. "Thank you for a most satisfactory swim. You are quite good."
"Thank you" She replied. She had not been good when at the academy but swimming had been part of her physical therapy after the attacks. "I work hard at it"
Savar maintained his position away from Kenna. "Your hard work has paid off Commander and it shows in your form which is quite good. Your stroke is also powerful yet contained and controlled. I commend you."
Kenna was not used to compliments but she inclined her head. A beep from her towel had her looking up. "Apologies, I have an appointment." She said and braced her hands on the side and in a smooth movement, levered herself out of the pool.
Savar returned the nod. "No apology is necessary Commander. As chief security/tactical officer, your time is at a premium and cannot be spent in idle chat." He replied as he watched her exit the pool gracefully. "Perhaps, one day in the future we can do this again. That is if you are agreeable."
"Of course." Kenna replied. "Enjoy your swim." She briskly gathered her towel and belongings and headed to get changed.
Savar watch ed as Commander Wolff gathered up her belongs and left to change. The Commander while not unfriendly was distant. He would respect that. "Thank you Commander, for a most pleasurable encounter."