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Time Together

Posted on Thu Jun 29th, 2023 @ 12:59pm by Lieutenant JG Verelan & Lieutenant Savar

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Station/Planet's surface
Timeline: After Meeting the New Spock er Spook


" Verelan, have you thought about what you wish us to do while we are on shore leave?" Savar asked standing in the door frame to their bedroom. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a t-shirt that said. "Kiss me, I'm Vulcan." He was also feeling quite silly.

Verelan couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Savar in the t-shirt she’d previously brought for him. “To be honest...not a clue!” She stood up and walked over to him giving him a loving kiss. “Be careful or I may just decide to spend our time locked away in our bedroom together with no interruptions to spoil it.”

Savar returned the kiss with controlled passion. "A not unpleasant scenario Verelan as spending time with you is always pleasant, enjoyable and worthwhile. Perhaps we should endeavor to 'wing it.' Transport over to the station or planet and see what interests us and go from there." He proposed.

Verelan nodded. “I like the sound of that, I would love to find somewhere where we can go swimming, an oasis of calm that you and I can enjoy.”

"If memory served Verelan. There are private, tiny beaches that couples or families can rent for their personal use. Your privacy is guaranteed."

“Wonderful” Verelan smiled. “I’ll get my things and we can head to the surface. I wouldn’t mind doing some shopping too.”

"Of course, Verelan. That is a given." Savar replied dryly as he waited for Verelan to gather her belongings.

Grabbing a small bag to put her bikini and a towel in Verelan smiled. “I’m ready to go when you are my love.”

Savar nodded, "I am ready Verelan. Are you sure you have everything? I do not wish to get to our destination and find we have forgotten something."

“I’ve got what I need” Verelan smiled. “One bikini and one towel, that’s all I need.”

"Extremely practical Verelan. However, I wonder how are you going to purchase something if you wish to buy it?" Savar asked.

“It can be billed to the ship and I’ll sort it out when we return” Verelan smiled. “Unless of course you’d like to buy me something?”

Savar stood silently as he thought on Verelan's suggestion. Finally after several moments he answered. "I would like very much to buy you something Verelan. Are you going to give me any hints as to what you would like or are you going to leave it to me?"

“Well how’s about...” Verelan grinned as she whispered in Savar’s ear. Her suggestion was a naughty piece of lingerie to spice up their evening fun.

Savar's left eyebrow arched up as Verelan whispered her suggestion into his ear. he turned and looked at her. "Indeed Verelan, I believe that can be arranged. In point of fact, I know it can be arranged. I Look forward to purchasing this for you and seeing you in it."

“Then it’s sorted” Verelan grinned. “Let’s get going” she took hold of Savar’s arm as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Indeed Verelan. It is sorted and by all means let us be on our way. I have a purchase to make as well as spend time with a very attractive woman who I know quite well." Savar replied as he returned her kiss.

~ Starbase, a few mins later ~

Verelan smiled as she walked onto the station promenade, there was plenty to look at, and her first stop was going to be a shop that had already caught her eye. “Do you see that?” She pointed to an ornate crib that was sitting in the window. “I know we’re not having a family yet, but I’d like to look at it.”

Savar looked to where Verelan was pointing and saw the ornate crib. "Of course Verelan. Let us take a look at the crib. It has obviously caught your eye. I do admit it is appealing to look at."

“So is this” Verelan pointed to some carvings. “These are ancient Vulcan, i’ve seen them when I’ve studied Vulcan’s past. I don’t quite know why they’d be on a crib though.”

Savar looked at the carvings. "To protect the baby while it sleeps from the evil spirits that roam the night Verelan. Placed on the crib, they form a protective barrier against evil spirits."

“I want to buy it” Verelan looked at Savar. “We can keep it for future use, when we decide the time is right for us to have a family. Can I buy it?”

Savar looked at Verelan, heard her question, saw her desire for the crib and he could not refuse her. "Of course, you may Verelan. Your reasoning is logical. Have it sent to the ship and we will store it until the appropriate time."

“Thank you!” Verelan practically jumped for joy as she headed into the shop to arrange purchase of the crib. It wasn’t long before it was removed from the window, and Verelan reappeared from the shop. “Okay that’s sorted, it’ll be delivered to the ship.”

"You are welcome Verelan." Savar barely got out before Verelan dashed into the shop to purchase the crib. When she came out she was all smiles. "Very good. We can keep it in one of the cargo bays until we have need of it."

“So where to next?” Verelan looked around. “Is there anything you’d like to look at that’s of interest my love?”

Savar thought on Verelan's question. "I take your question to mean is there anything other than you that I would like to look at Verelan." A slight smile gracing his features as he went on. "I believe I would like to find a shop, where we can buy some items for what the humans call a pic nac. Then we can go to a private beach and enjoy ourselves."

“A pic nac? You mean a picnic” Verelan grinned. “That sounds wonderful to me my beloved. We could go sit in the arboretum and eat.”

Savar tilted his head at Verelan's gentle correction. "Pic nic." He repeated. "Yes, you are correct Verelan." His eyes alight with his love for her. "Your suggestion is highly logical and agreeable Verelan my love."

Verelan nodded. “Then let’s not waste any time, the sooner we’ve got our supplies the sooner we can sit down for our picnic.”

"A very wise and true statement Verelan. Let us not linger any longer. "What are you in the mood for my love?"

“Anything at all” Verelan grinned. “I don’t mind what we have, as long as it includes a bottle of tomato ketchup! I’ve become quite partial to having tomato ketchup with certain foods.”

"Which now begs the question, which foods do you like to use tomato ketchup with Verelan? After all, I wish this to a most pleasant time for both of us."

“The list could be practically endless my love.” Verelan grinned. “I’ll show you.” With that they headed to choose their picnic items.

"Yes Verelan, please show me." Savar replied as he followed his wife to pick up the items they needed for a picnic.

~ A few minutes later ~

Having found a nice spot for their picnic Verelan set out a picnic rug, alongside a picnic hamper having found both in a nearby shop. “Now how nice is this? A romantic picnic together.”

"A romantic picnic with my favorite dining companion who also happens to be my best friend, confidant and oh yes my wife and soulmate." Savar replied with a twinkle in his eyes.

Verelan moved closer, leaning in for a loving kiss. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

Savar returned the kiss. "Nor I Verelan. Now what do we have to make this meal complete besides wine? Though I must admit, the wine is an exceptional beginning."

“Ohh let’s see..” Verelan opened up the picnic hamper. “We have cheese, crackers, the Vulcan salad platter we chose, cocktail sausages, pork pie, this...” She pulled out a small double portion of something. “whatever it is...” she paused. “Ohhh that’s right it’s the sample of that new Bajoran dish they gave us to try.”
She grinned.

Savar looked on as Verelan pulled the items out of the picnic hamper. He nodded in approval as she laid them out. "An excellent sampling of food for us to have a most enjoyable picnic." He observed. He took the wine glasses and opened the bottle of wine, pouring each of them a glass. "To you my wife, my forever love and soulmate. You honor me with your love and friendship, May I always be worthy and deserving."

Verelan raised her glass. “And to you my love, you honour me with you encouragement and never ending love. I will forever be at your side.” She chinked her glass gently against his before sipping her wine.

Savar clinked his glass against Verelan's. "Your love fuels me my love. It keeps me strong. Now shall we partake of this feast before us?'"

“We shall” Verelan nodded. “Then perhaps we can enjoy dessert!” She gave him a wry smile.

"Most excellent." Savar replied. "Dessert, would be most welcome. I am most fond of dessert." He finished. A twinkle of mischief in his eyes.



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