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Initial Checkup...

Posted on Fri Jun 30th, 2023 @ 7:26am by Lieutenant Nugo & Lieutenant William Henderson

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: USS Defiant, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 1 / 1300 hours

After he grabbed a bite to eat, William made his way down to sickbay. Before he would be allowed to actually do his job, he would need to get his initial medical checkup taking care of. So, after entering the main treatment area of Sickbay, he looked around for the CMO. "Hello?" He called out.

"Just a moment!" The jovial response issued around the corner, where the hairless head of the lanky Kelpian Doctor peaked around the corner, wearing a bizarre gas mask apparatus. He disappeared around the corner again, issued a few brief surprised cries, then re-emerged into the room, now covered in a strange magenta gelatinous substance. He urgently shut the hatch to the side chamber behind him. "Ah, my apologies. My Vynebrian Burstblooms are...well, in their burstbloom state. I've been harvesting their nector for some medicinal brewing purposes, but I may have allowed them to over ripen a bit."

He extended a hand, noticed the layer of nector covering it, attempted to wipe off the substance on his medical smock, then gave up and withdrew his hands to head over to the wash sink. "I am Doctor Nugo, our Chief Medical Officer. And you appear to be a new patient! To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

Having served with another Kelpian at his previous command, William smiled politely and waited for the CMO to finish cleaning his hands. "Lieutenant William Henderson, Sir. I'm the new Chief Intelligence Officer for the Defiant." He then paused and gave a traditional Kelpian greeting. At least, as best as his vocal cords could deliver it.

Nugo's eyes went wide. "Most impressive. I must say, I have rarely ever heard that coming from a human. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant. I assume you are here for a routine physical?" The doctor led the duo walked back toward a set of biobeds.

William rubbed his throat as they walked. "I'm still learning the syntax and grammar of your language. It is quite elaborate and tonally demanding." He then nodded as he replied to the question. "Yes, Sir. As I just arrived a few hours ago, I need to get my initial physical taken care of before the ship leaves the station." He reached into his right breast pocket, and pulled out a small data crystal. Handing it over, he said, "Here's my medical file, to include my departing physical from my last assignment."

"Thank you, Mr. Henderson. Intelligence, you said? I do hope you aren't planning to create a bunch of work for me," the Doctor replied teasingly.

William gave the CMO a playful shrug. "I can't see the future, Doc. All I can promise you, is that I will do my best to keep any business for you to as bare a minimum as possible." He chuckled softly as he sat down on the biobed.

The Kelpian smirked. "That is an agreement I believe I can live with. Alright, Lieutenant. Deep breath in and out." The Doctor's eyes watched the biobed. "Your lungs look healthy. I'm glad to see you're not another person suffering from the pollen outbreak on Viniva Prime. Your record shows you served last on the Valiant, and my compatriot aboard has sent me several unpleasant medical reports from your old crewmen."

Grinning slightly, William responded. "Old Doc Calpana was always such a worry wart. If she could, she would've made sure everyone only ate meals that contained the highest vitamins and minerals. No cake or booze, heh." He shook his head. "However, she was a good officer and an excellent doctor. At least, in my humble opinion."

"I would have to agree. Doctor Calpana and I have known each other for a few years now. She is a great doctor and a good friend," Nugo said. "Well, I might be a bit of a worry wart myself, but your physical health certainly won't be on my list of things keeping me up at night. You are in extremely good health from what I can see. Any concerns you have that I should know about?"

William took a beat to think about the question. Then, shaking his head, he replied. "Not that I can think of at the moment, Doc. Though, I promise to contact you should that change."

"That is all I ask," the Kelpian replied. "In the meantime, I may actual have an item which you could assist with. It would have to handled delicately."

Nodding, William replied. "Of course, Sir. How can I help?"

Nugo looked around cautiously. Only after confirming no one was within earshot did he proceed. "Two days ago, I treated a crewman with a severe hormone imbalance. He claimed that it was due to a case of an Andorian virus similar to the flu, which he had contracted on a recent trip. And he certainly did contract that virus. His medical scans and treatment history both concur with that story," Nugo said, pausing for a moment contemplatively, before finding his words. "However, that flu should not have caused such a strong reaction in him. And his blood tests seem quite similar to someone under the influence of Orion pheromones. As I'm sure you are aware, there is a Syndicate presence in the region."

William nodded again as he replied quietly. '"I am aware, Sir." And he truly was, as it was one of the reasons he had been assigned to the Defiant in the first place. Headquarters has been getting reports over the past several months of numerous disturbances of varying kinds. One ship reported a crewman had simply vanished from her bunk one night. Another report came from Station K-3, where an entire shipment of Type I hand phasers had been stolen, along with the station's Quartermaster. There have been more reports from the civilian contractors, where their ships were attacked by Orion frigates and entire cargo loads, be it foodstuffs, uniforms, or other supplies, were taken. Starfleet Headquarters was taking the Orion problem seriously.

In the last two weeks, a new task force had been set up to take care of the pirates. Starfleet would no longer allow the Orion Syndicate to brazenly continue their thefts and assaults on Federation citizens.

"What are you asking me to do, Doctor?" William asked calmly.

"Only what you are able to do within the official scope of your duties. Orion pheromones are powerful, overriding many of the safeguards a sentient brain puts in place. They can prove dangerous to both the physical and mental health of someone in their influence. So I am concerned for the crewman's safety. I am also concerned for the safety of all those aboard Defiant and Arcadia," Nugo replied. "This exposure must have been recent. I, as Doctor, cannot inquire into his travel without potentially raising flags. But I imagine you would be able to do so. If he was exposed in travel, then we can isolate him and purge them from his system. If he was not...then we may have a threat closer than we would like."

William quietly considered what the CMO was asking. Then, he nodded slightly. "I'll look into it quietly," he replied. "Though, should I discover something that would be deemed classified, I would not be allowed to divulge it to you."

The Doctor shrugged. "I don't need to know anything. I just want to make sure my crew is kept safe."

The new Intelligence Chief nodded thoughtfully. "I'll look into it, Doc."

"That's all I can ask, Lieutenant," Nugo said. "Well, I suppose I should leave you to it."

William nodded and gave the CMO a friendly grin. "So, a clean bill of health then?"

"Incredibly good health, Lieutenant. Try to keep it that way," the Kelpian said, stowing his tricorder.

William gave Nugo a friendly grin. "I'll certainly do everything in my power to comply with your request, Doc." He paused a beat, then added. "Am I good to go?"

"Yes, I will release you from your medical captivity," the Kelpian quipped. "You are cleared for duty, Mr. Henderson."


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