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A New Chief of Spooks...

Posted on Sat Jun 24th, 2023 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff

1,006 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: USS Defiant, CIO's office
Timeline: MD 1 / 1234 hours

Kenna knew that the new Chief of Intelligence was on board. Being Chief of Security gave her that information easily enough. Ship security was key to her. She controlled all computer access because it was part of her purview. She walked up to the office of the Chief of Intelligence and hit the chime.

Sitting at his new desk, William was busy going over the personnel files of his new department. When his door chime rang, he looked up at the door and pressed the comm button on his desk. "Who is it?" As Chief Intelligence Officer of the ship, he was responsible for keeping certain files and systems secret. The only person on the ship who had unrestricted access to his department, aside from him and his people, was the ship's commanding officer.

"Chief of Security." Came the reply from outside the door. The voice was cool, and professional.

"One moment, Commander." He deactivated the comm and stood up from his desk. After moving to the small, nondescript antechamber, he pressed the controls to open the door leading to the corridor.

Kenna had been on the Defiant long enough to know the ins and outs and nooks and cranies of the ship, so being allowed to enter the antechamber was not surprising to her. She knew where his office really was. "Lieutent Henderson. " she greeted him. "I am Lieutenant Commander Wolff. Chief of Security and Tactical. I am here to run your access codes."

Arching an eyebrow, William considered the smaller officer. "Well, as I have already been in my office and department, I would imagine that my access codes are working. However," he pulled out a small data PADD from one of his pockets and handed it over. "Here you go, Ma'am."

"Your office and your department are one thing. If you want access to the rest of the ship, then it has to go through me." She replied her voice, was emotionless. Almost Vulcan in its tone but she was not a Vulcan.

She took the PADD and attached it to the one she carried. She pressed a button and began to run the information. "I take the security of this ships computers and personnel very personally." The words were not a threat, merely a statement of fact. She watched the PADD's communicate. "Should I find any of your department hacking into other department's files, they will not last on this ship." She had caught intelligence officers before and she would not take that.

William considered the woman before him. He had already read through the rest of the senior staff's files and could see that Kenna was a competent officer. There was a darkness to her, of course, but he would keep that to himself. "I can assure you, while I am in charge of this department, the only hacking that will be done, will be by the Captain's order."

"I suggest you make it clear to the rest of your department. Because I will have them briged so fast they will think they were at warp 10 without a spaceship" Kenna unhooked the PADD's. "There are files within my department which are not open to yours. If you wish them, I expect 24 hours notice."

Taking his PADD back, William nodded once. "Understood, Ma'am." Sliding the device back into his pocket, he decided to switch tac. "So, I've been traveling for nearly eighteen hours to get here and have only been here long enough to arrive on the station, go report in to the Captain and Exec in her ready room, and come down here to start getting up to speed on things. Could you recommend a good place to get some dinner?"

"The Mess Hall is normally a good place for food unless you wish to risk your own cooking," Kenna said with a neutral look.

Giving her a slight grin, he replied. "I don't mind cooking. I learned quite a few recipes growing up on my family's freighter."

"Still better food than rations for trips between sectors." Kenna replied. "And the crew congregates in the mess hall."

William chuckled softly. "I dunno, some of the rations tasted alright. And, the crew is congregating in the mess hall now, even with everyone being on shoreleave?"

"Some are, not everyone is on leave at the same time." Kenna stepped back from the doorway. "As shown by my own presence on the ship."

William nodded. "Good point, Commander." He had a thought, then asked, "If you don't have any other plans, would you care to give me a tour of your ship? Figure that way, I can find out exactly all the places you feel I don't need to enter." He gave her a friendly grin, hoping she got the joke.

She raised an eyebrow. "Stay out of security and we will be fine Lieutenant. I have a bridge shift, so unfortunately I am not able to give you that tour."

"Unless I need to go there. And if I do, I'll reach out to you first." He then nodded acknowledgement of her being on duty. "Another time then, perhaps. Thank you for coming down to see me, Ma'am."

Kenna gave a curt nod and turned and headed off towards the turbolift.

Watching her go, William couldn't help but glance down at her rear end. While it was a bit small for his tastes, he did admire the view all the same.

Once Kenna was gone, William closed and relocked the door to his department, then returned to his desk so that he could continue reading over the personnel files for the crew. After a few beats, he stopped and considered the Security Chief again. While he wasn't sure why, there was something about her that was causing his brain to spend more energy on figuring her out. As he couldn't put his finger on anything in particular, he decided to keep the whole thing to himself for now. The last thing he wanted to do was to cause issues where none existed.



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