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On Your Left

Posted on Mon May 1st, 2023 @ 4:56am by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight

492 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Outer ring corridor on Deck 9
Timeline: S01M01D02, 0530 hours

Ryan was in a very good mood as jogged along the outer ring corridor of Deck 9, the largest of the saucer sections circular decks. He liked early morning exercises to start his day and the corridors were usually devoid of foot traffic this early in the morning. He was just finishing his second lap when another jogger came into sight just ahead. He closed the gap between them and shifted slightly as he came even. "On your left."

Kenna shifted slightly in her running to make more room for him to pass. She nodded as he passed her, focusing on maintaining her running form.

Ryan slowed to keep pace with Kenna. He enjoyed running with a partner most mornings and hoped he wasn't intruding on her personal time. "Good morning."

"Good Morning Lieutenant" Kenna replied as she kept her pace steady. "Are you enjoying your run?" she knew she had to be polite.

Ryan glanced sidelong at Kenna before returning his gaze to the front. "Every day. Ran cross country and track all throughout high school and the Academy. You?"

"Its good for me to start the day with a run. Doctors orders" Kenna replied with a nod. "Keeps me healthy and out of Medical."

Ryan kept pace with Kenna for the next 20 minutes. "You ready to kick it in to high gear for one last lap?"

"If you think you can handle the pace" She replied casually and picked up her pace.

Ryan increased his speed as well, picking up the pace as they surged forward on the final lap. He was genuinely impressed. Not many folks were able to break into a sprint and maintain a sprint for any length of time.

She kept pace and then as they approached the finish line she extended her stride and pace and passed him. Kenna crossed the finish line a few steps ahead of him and slowed down to a walk. "You run well"

Ryan stopped abruptly just passed the finish line and, with his hands on his hips, chuckled. "Something told me you were holding back." He gestured to a door a few meters down the corridor. "Crew mess is right there. We could probably both use some water to rehydrate, I know I need one, followed by a good cup of coffee."

Kenna nodded. "Water i can do. But it will be on the run. I have a staff meeting with my team in 20."

Ryan stepped into the crew mess and ordered up two bottles of spring water at the food synthesizer. He handed one to Kenna. He took a long pull from his bottle as he looked at Kenna. "You're not one for small talk." It wasn't a question.

"No." She replied. "Its just part of who I am, and I do not really have the facility to make it."

"Well, good luck in your meeting." Ryan turned back to the food synthesizer and pondered a choice for breakfast.


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