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Conflict on the Border (Finding the Passage, Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jun 15th, 2023 @ 11:35pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Savar

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge, USS Defiant
Timeline: Part 2 of "Some People in Need"

The sensors pinged yet again. Captain Rhodes's foot practically tapped in sync with it. The display on the side of the bridge window updated once again. The 3 dots representing the refugee vessels continued to alter their course, heading toward Defiant and away from the Krozeelee border. Behind them, the Krozeelee Interceptors did not alter their course. Instead, they'd accelerated, closing in on the unarmed vessels attempting to flee.

"Dammit. Why the hell aren't they backing off?" Rhodes said, rising out of her chair and standing just behind the helm station. "We already messaged ahead and told them the migrant ships were coming with us. They never even entered Krozeelee space."

"The Krozeelee are extremely territorial Captain in addition to them being xenophobic. As to why they their interceptors have not backed off, it may be due ro the fact that the refugee ships have not paid a passage fee to come into and travel through Krozeelee space."

"Charging for passage through space you never even got to enter would be fairly on brand for them," Rhodes said, as she turned to the helm station. "Number One, let's remind the Krozeelee ships that we're here. Take us to full impulse on an intercept course."

"Quite correct captain however the Krozeelee view it has a matter of intent and as the refugee ships intended to enter Krozeelee space that gives them the right to charge and collect passage." Savar added.

Ryan input the course commands and Defiant accelerated to full impulse. "Helm answers full impulse. One minute, twelve seconds to intercept." The Krozeelee ships were no match for a Constitution-class ship. He was doubtful the weapons of a Krozeelee interceptor would even have any effect on the shields. He checked the navigation sensors. "The Krozeelee have just crossed the border. Recommend we raise shields."

"Agreed. Raise shields. Take us to Red Alert," Rhodes said, turning to the Comms Station. "Open a channel to the Krozeelee."

After a nod from the Comm Station, Rhodes spoke. "Krozeelee vessels, this the Federation Starship, Defiant. You have exited your sovereign space in pursuit of vessels who have taken no hostile actions. You will stand down and return to your space immediately or it will be viewed as an act of aggression. We will respond in kind. You have 60 seconds to comply." With a gesture, she had the channel closed. "Tactical, paint them with our targeting scanners. Make sure they're aware we have a weapons lock on them. I want our message to be loud and clear.

"Aye Captain" the reply from security as the lights went to red alert. Kenna watched her scopes carefully.

The Captain's eyes darted to the display, watching as the various ships converged. The Krozeelee vessels did not yet break off their pursuit. At current pace, they would reach the refugee ships just before Defiant reached them. Rhodes didn't love that timing. She turned to her diplomatic officer. "Mr. Savar, I'd welcome any insight you have here. I'd like to avoid causing an incident here if we can. Defiant can take them in a fight, but the refugee ships are at much more risk. And frankly, I'm not looking to spill anyone's blood if we can avoid it."

"The Krozeelee are similar to Klingons in that they value honor quite highly Captain. I would suggest that you or I if you prefer, play to that aspect of their personality make up. It may be suggested that doing this request makes the Federation indebted to them and the individual that grants this boon and will have the Federation's ears," Savar replied.

Rhodes gritted her teeth. "I don't like the idea of rewarding harassing ships. But I think you're on to something. I'm going to try playing it my way first," she replied, nodding to the Comms officer. "Krozeelee vessels, this is your final warning. Break off pursuit. If you do not, you will be disabled and your crews will be sent home in disgrace aboard a supply tug. There is no honor in attacking defenseless vessels which have not even entered your territory. There is similarly no honor in losing your ships or your lives for a laughable cause. If you break off pursuit and Krozeelee vessels avoid future hostilities with passing vessels, the Federation may be amenable to future trade options. Fire those weapons and you will become the laughing stocks of the Krozeelee Imperium. You now have 20 seconds to comply."

"Let's see if that worked," Rhodes added.

Ryan checked the sensors. "Krozeelee vessel has reduced speed to three quarters impulse but no sign of a course change. They are not closing anymore, but they are at maximum effective range if they open fire."

"Well lets dissuade them from that." Kenna said. "Permission to put some ranged shots across their bows Captain."

Charlotte nodded. "Permission granted. Make them proximity shots, just far enough away to blind their sensors for a moment. Let them know our guns aren't just big, they're precise."

The chief smiled. "With pleasure" Came the reply from Kenna. She input the data she had and the weapons fired across the bows of the other vessels. They were closer than they most likely expected but they didn't do any damage than blow their sensor arrays.

Finally, the Krozeelee vessels turned off their pursuit course. Captain Rhodes let out a small sigh of relief, she stopped her mental countdown...with two seconds remaining.

The young Comms officer, turned in her chair facing the center of the bridge. "The refugee ships are expressing their thanks, Captain. They've accepted our offer of an escort back to Arcadia."

Rhodes flashed a smirk at her officers. "Just another day in the neighborhood. Let's take this little convoy back into harbor. I'm sure our guests would appreciate somewhere to rest for a few days," she said, returning to her chair. "Mr. Knight, let's go home. Warp Factor 5."

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. He input the course corrections for Starbase Arcadia. "Course laid in Captain. Ready for warp on your command."

Rhodes sat back in her chair. "Let's ride."


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