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Sharing a Table

Posted on Wed Jul 12th, 2023 @ 6:22am by Lieutenant Subat & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci.

1,554 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Officers Mess, USS Defiant
Timeline: During Shore Leave

Rutledge, having just came off duty after a 12 hour shift, entered the Officer's Mess, walked to the bar and ordered a drink, scotch neat, looked around and saw an empty seat at a table where 3 other officers were seated,
He approached, stopped and asked, "May I join you?"

Looking up from his plate and fruit drink, Savar saw the new officer, "Please do." he gestured for the new arrival to sit and join him and his companions. :I am Savar, Chief Diplomatic Officer," He stated by way of introduction and then waited for his companions to introduce themselves.

Steven had been so engrossed in reading a report on the plant life of the planet. He was rather surprised that he had spent a lot longer than Edgeware had meant to. Now his mug of tea was beginning to grow a new life form and his sandwiches were more floppy. Then the wet fish his mother once chased him round the kitchen with. So he threw it all away and went to get some more. But as things would be someone took his seat. Looking around he saw an empty chair.

“Sorry to bother you all may I join you please?” He asked

As he sat down, Rutledge turned to Savar. "Rutledge, operations officer. Pleasure to meet you." He turned and looked at the newcomer. "Okay with me." He looked at Savar. "It's your table, you were here first, so the final say is yours." Across the room he saw Samantha enter the room. It's been weeks since they last.....talked.

"Savar, diplomatic officer. The honor is mine." Savar replied. Then looked up to see Lt. Edgeware standing there. "Please, Lieutenant join us." He replied . "Have you the honor of meeting Mr. Rutledge? He is in operations." Savar continued.

Jackson stood up and offered his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

Steven shook Jackson’s hand. “Me too. Steven Edgeware Chief Science Officer. My this is nice on my last ship the Galley was no bigger then a cupboard. Plus the food on the Defiant is actually edible.” Steven said

"I have found it to be most surprising that the Vulcan food is, in fact, quite good," a voice came from a mere table away where a Vulcan science officer had approached. "Lt. Subat. Science Officer. It is enjoyable to see you so many of you gathered here at once."

"Please Lieutenant join us so we may all converse at one table." Savar invited. "I agree the Vulcan cuisine is quite good. A most unexpected benefit."

Jackson took his seat again, and started eating.

Samantha looked about for a table to sit at after procuring her food from the synthesizer. She spotted a table with a couple of officers she recognized. She carried her tray and paused at the table before sitting down. "May I join you gentlemen?"

Jackson stood up when she approached the table.

Steven also politely stood.

Savar looked up at the newest arrival. He nodded at her. Please do Lieutenant. You will add character to our table and wit to our conversation.""

Samantha smiled as she took a seat next to Jackson. "Just Doctor. I am not Starfleet. I am a scientist working for the Federation Science Council."

Jackson sat down. 'Why did she have to take the seat next to mine' he thought. "I thought you had your heart set on getting that transfer. Why the sudden change of heart?"

Samantha glanced at Jackson with curiosity. "I was supposed to be heading to Vulcan for the cataloging of artifacts from the last dig. No artifacts, so I suppose I am here until the Science Council figures out where next to send me."

"Does that disappoint you, Doctor? That you remain on the Defiant instead of traveling to Vulcan?" Savar questioned.

Samantha shrugged. "My brother is first officer of the Defiant, but I lost all my colleagues when a raider stole all the artifacts, destroyed the original transport ship and killed almost everyone else."

“ Well I for one am glad you are with us Doctor Knight. I would love to go over your findings on those runes you spoke of.” Steven said

"I'm sure you'll land on your feet wherever you end up, or with whoever you end up with." Jackson stood up, grab his plate, and left.

Subat raised an eyebrow as the man left. "A most peculiar reaction."

Savar watched Rutledge leave. "Agreed Mr. Subat. A peculiar reaction indeed. He turned back to Samanatha. "Doctor? Do you know why Lt. Rutledge acted as he did?"

Samantha sighed as she took a bite of her sandwich. She took a moment to wash it down. "We met in the recreation hall a few nights ago. I ended going back to his quarters and spent most of the night there."

"Intriguing. Human fraternization, in particular, has a remarkable tendency to become volatile. I must admit, it is one of the more entertaining aspects of serving aboard a Starfleet vessel," Subat remarked, looking quiet amused for a Vulcan, before catching himself. "My apologies. I mean no offense, Doctor."

Samantha gave Subat a curious look for a moment before answering. "None taken. I am usually not in one place for too long so I generally avoid emotional commitments. I am focused on my career right now, but it’s nice to have physical intimacy. I just don't see the need to have love as a requirement to have sex."

"An understandable position," Subat replied, nodding his head. He didn't often wade into the conversations himself, more often listening into them as he dined alone, reading up on the latest studies. He made a mental note to himself to be a bit more deliberate in how he chose to interject in the future. "I appreciate you humoring my observation. I suppose I have acquired what your people might refer to as 'an ear for gossip.' A bad habit I have acquired of late."

"Excuse me Doctor." Savar interjected himself into the conversation. "Are you saying that you view sex simply as a physical act?"

"Perhaps it was unfair of me to single out humans," Subat added nearly inaudibly, before taking a drink which may have hidden the tiniest hint of a smile on his face.

Samantha turned to Savar. "It is a physical act. A very fun physical act with a skilled partner." A smile came to her face as she thought about the other night. "Lieutenant a very skilled partner."

Steven felt his drink was about to return to his mug. He placed a hand over his mouth.

Savar didn't miss a beat. "It takes two to tango Doctor. I would imagine that Lieutenant Rutledge would say the same about you and your skill."

Samantha searched the expressions of the men at the table. "You would have to ask Lieutenant Rutledge if that's the case."

"I do not believe that is necessary Doctor." Savar replied as he picked up his glass to take a sip. Not wishing to explore that topic.

The conversation was heading in a direction that Edgeware really did not wish to walk down. Stevens luck with the female of the species often did not end well.

“ So….does anyone know of a good restaurant we could visit during shore leave?” Steven asked

"I confess, I do not have any firsthand knowledge of the eating establishments ether on the station or the planet." Savar replied. "Though I am sure we can discover one with little effort."

"Thresat's," Subat said, once again finding himself drawn into the conversation. After a few looks of confusion at the sound he had made, he clarified. "The Andorian eatery Thresat's would be my recommendation. They have a tuber root stew which is by far the best I have encountered of its kind. They also prepare krill beast quite well."

Samantha did a double take as she turned to Subat. She wasn't often surprised. "I thought Vulcans were vegetarians?"

"Indeed, most are. And I, myself, am strictly vegetarian," Subat replied with an amused raised eyebrow. "Vulcans do have friends, however."

"Well spoken." Savar interjected at Subat's comment to Samantha. "I will pass this information on to Verelan. She may like to try it. What of any seafood establishments?" He questioned the others.

Steven shook his head.

“ To be honest I was virtually raised on seafood. Could we try somewhere that does not remind me of home please.” Steven said.

"Of course Lieutenant. I apologize." Savar replied and waited for other dining suggestions to come forth from the group.

“It is always a fascinating experience to see what a collection of people decide to discuss. I think you all for an entertaining lunch,” Subat said with his best appreciative bow of his head. “As my shift begins shortly, duty calls, as the human safiniying goes. However, it has been pleasant to have you around. Should any of you desire further time in my company, I intend to seek out a tour of the mainland of Lana’i III.”

Savar nodded, "It was a pleasure." He stated as his gaze took in all who were present.

Samantha finished her meal and took a final sip of her drink. She stood and picked up her tray. "Well, thank you for the company. Have a pleasant day gentlemen."


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