Greeting Wolff.
Posted on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
1,011 words; about a 5 minute read
Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Galley
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Steven was hungry so once he was cleared from quarantine he went off to the Galley. Although he had been on the Defiant now for a while. He had still not met every crew member yet. This included the COS the Captain had given him his security codes and clearance. He knew that as the new Chief Science Officer that was something that needed to be remedied. Especially after what had happened on the planet. But for now his stomach needed filling.
Steven chose a melted cheese sandwich and a mug of tea.
“ Excuse me. May I sit here?” He asked a crew member he did not know yet.
Kenna, in her off duty clothes of teeshirt and jeans looked up from her coffee. "Oh of course." She said politely.
“ Steven Edgeware Chief Science Officer. Sorry I don’t know your name. I am a newbie here.” Steven said
"Kenna Wolff, chief of security." She held out her hand politely to shake his. "How are you finding the Defiant?"
“ Hello. Oh it’s a fine vessel and no mistake. Theses new Constitution class ships are very stylish. Just looking at her from the outside you tell she’s built for speed. Actually I was supposed to see you. I need a security sweep done on me. So I can have access to all the Defiant’s systems. Including the main science lab computer.” Steven said
Kenna raised an eyebrow and then picked up a PADD that had sat beside her coffee mug. "Ah yes, I think I have that report here." she said calmly. "I was catching up on paperwork. Do you have anything to declare?"
Steven shook his head and smiled.
“ Only my excitement at being here.” He replied.
Kenna nodded and scanned the padd. "Looks good and your security checks all meet the mandatory requirements." She tapped a button and pressed her thumb to the padd. Then she slid it over to him. "All good to Lieutenant."
“ Well that’s good. I need to calibrate the science sensors so the main science computer. Can download data a smidgen faster. But for now my stomach thinks my throats been cut. So it’s sustenance for me , would you care to join me? The food and drink on the Defiant is actually quite palatable.”
Kenna considered it carefully. She glanced at her chrono. "I have 30 minutes until my next rotation, I can spare that time."
“ This melted cheese sandwich actual tastes quite good. But this tea could do with a bit more time brewing. Now my Aunt she could make a good cup of tea. The secret was not using boiling water. Then again the water in Ballybrack had a certain taste to it. Something to do with being close to the Irish Sea.” Steven said
Kenna nodded "I hear that different water on earth has different tastes. I mainly drank replicated when i was there."
“ Ah you missed out on treat there. Mind you I am based but any water coming from the Emerald Isle tastes sweet to me. You see it’s the natural peat that acts as a filter. Takes that sharpness off and makes it easier to blend the water with virtually anything.” Steven said
Kenna tilted her head slightly. "Well I was raised on a cargo ship. I guess its a matter of upbringing."
“ I don’t agree. Anyone can make something of themselves these days. The Captain of my last ship ran away from an orphanage when he was twelve. Spent his teen years on the streets. Then one day he got caught breaking into a house. The home owner took pity on him and took him under their wing. Things were not easy at first but slowly he became the person he is today.” Steven said
Kenna calmly raised an eyebrow. "My entire family was killed by Orions. I am one of those survivors Lieutenant."
“ I am very sorry to hear that. My father drowned when I was very young. The CMO of my previous vessel was like a surrogate father to me. Until he was brutally murdered by some Gorn pirates. I know it’s not the same thing as my mother still breathes. Although my relationship with her is none existent. To her I am dead now.” Steven said
Kenna nodded. 'The Gorn are fearsome opponents. Not many live to tell the tales of their combat."
“ True. But we weren’t any threat to them. We came in peace to help the wounded and they just murdered him. Where is the honour in that? The Klingons are brutal but at least they have a code of honour.” Steven said
"You can not judge a race by the morals of another" Kenna replied. "It would be like the Vulcans judging us like they judged the Andorians."
“ Actually a lot of Vulcans do judge us badly if the rumours are true. I heard that Spock had do endure a lot due to his human mother. Not just during his childhood but also in his early adult years.” Steven said
Kenna shrugged. "Its bad thinking and clouds judgement. I try to keep my thoughts clear of things like that."
“ Me to. My mother was always running down Starfleet for its open to all policy. She felt Earth was for humans. I’ve already said what she did when I went and joined up.” Steven explained.
"Its good that you could see past what she said." Kenna said calmly.
" Yes. Anyway enough about her. Tell me more about the Defiant and her crew? Is there anyone I need to avoid or be extra nice to?" Steven asked.
"Its a nice crew, a good ship." Kenna replied "The captain runs a tight ship."
“ Well that’s good to hear. Anyway it’s been good talking to you but I have to get back to the lab and sort out all this data we collected. Hopefully I’ll see you around” Steven said
Kenna nodded. "I am on the bridge mainly. Have a good day Lieutenant."