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Posted on Mon Jun 12th, 2023 @ 11:47pm by Lieutenant Nugo & Lieutenant JG Verelan

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Sickbay, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 6: Following Return to Defiant

Sitting in quarantine Verelan could only sit and wait to find out if being exposed to the conditions on the planet were going to be a problem.

After a few moments, the sound of cheerful whistling issued into the quarantine pod as the slightly comical looking form of Doctor Nugo entered. Encased in an overly long hazmat suit, the Kelpian walked over toward her biobed. "Lieutenant, I must say that I do prefer when your time in sickbay is spent tending to the biobeds, not in one," he teased lightly, but his face showed that he held only care for his crewmate. "I can't exactly blame you though, now can I. Your suit was breached in a combat situation. And if I'm not going to scold the Captain for completely removing her helmet to avoid having her skull crushed, I certainly won't scold anyone for having a suit puncture. How are you feeling so far? Any symptoms?"

Verelan shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t think so, to be honest I’m not really sure!” She frowned. “As a scientist I’m curious about these living plants we’ve just encountered, they were somehow able to reanimate a dead body! Invasion of the body snatchers comes to mind.”

"Indeed. Quite the intriguing lifeforms. It is a shame we met on such...unfriendly terms. Or that we couldn't have at least obtained a sample," the Kelpian added, brining the tricorder to her arm. "Though I will say, it is quite insidious as well. Complex and impressive, but...assuming control of the body of another, especially one no longer living? It does not speak of the kindest intentions."

“No I guess it doesn’t” Verelan offered a shake of her head. “I almost bit someone’s head off when a suggestion was made to kill those plants. I guess the scientist in me overrides my common sense sometimes.” She offered a wry smile.

"Perhaps. Or perhaps arguing in favor of life, regardless of it's intentions, is a noble cause," Nugo said, reviewing the readings he was getting off her arm. "You are lucky to live in the 23rd Century, Lieutenant. This break is a rather complex one. Lucky for you, I enjoy a good puzzle! Have you ever heard of the Prenillian Osteo Worm?"

Verelan shook her head. “No I can’t say I have, but I have a feeling you’re about to tell me.” She smiled.

"Suppose I am predictable," Nugo replied with a laugh. "It is a fascinating little creature. A parasite which burrows into the bones and lives there, building its own habitat inside the skeletal structure of its host," he paused for a moment, noting the horrified look on one of the nurse's faces outside of the quarantine room. "I won't be using one of those, of course. But there is an enzyme it secretes which coats its hosts bones, helping to prevent them from crumbling. With you permission, I would like to administer that enzyme in a focused to your arm. It will rebuild its strength while allowing the osteo-regenerator to do its work. No need for a cast even, as long as you go easy on it."

Verelan nodded. “That sounds like a logical idea Doctor, please proceed.” She smiled even though she sounded more like a Vulcan with her response. “You’ll have to pardon my Vulcan mannerisms, I do tend to fall into expected norms sometimes.”

"Consider yourself pardoned," the Kelpian replied with a smile. He looked over at the results of her blood scans then tilted his head a bit, furrowing his brow. "Hmm...well that's rather interesting."

“What is?” Verelan looked at the Doctor concernedly. “Is there something wrong?”

The Kelpian's eyes focussed on the readouts. "Well...not necessarily wrong. But unusual. I've been reviewing the scans of the other crew who were exposed on the surface. The Captain for example, shows no signs of contamination or infection. Our Andorian survivor, on the other hand, has dozens of attempted infections of his cells by what appears to be the plant material. Your cells, however, aren't infected or compromised. But they do seem to have brought back a souvenir."

Nugo brought up the display, so that Verelan can see it. Several small objects were highlighted in a view of her blood. "Do you see here, these new cells circulating in your bloodstream?"

Verelan nodded. “How come I don’t feel any different? Surely if I have invading cells I should be feeling different?”

“I suppose the adjective ‘invading’ may not be the right fit,” Nugo said, studying what he was seeing. “Foreign cells, certainly. But they seem to be making not attempt to infect you like what was done on the surface. I don’t believe this is an attempt at that. Rather, you seem to have encountered some unique cells on the surface. Where Captain Rhodes’ immune system purged this sort of cell quickly, yours has not. These cells seem to have found the copper rich nutrients in your blood beneficial and your immune system appears to view these cells as either benign or even useful. It is rather intriguing,”

Verelan gave Nugo a curious look. “Fascinating, so my body is actually utilising these cells. Question is what happens now? What does this mean for me?”

"Perhaps more 'partnering with' than utilizing. But yes. Your body has adjusted some of its processes to account for the fact that these cells are present. As for what they are doing? I suppose it might be worth testing," Nugo said, looking around. After a sudden look of realization, he brought over a small potted plant, and set that in front of Verelan. He stared at her for a moment, before waving dismissively. "Hmm, no visual stimuli I suppose. Go ahead and try touching it. Interacting with it via your senses."

Verelan nodded a little uncertain exactly how to go about it. She liked plants but had never been that good at gardening. She gently reached out her hand touching the leaves of the plant, she almost instinctively pressed a finger down into the soil to check whether it was too dry. “When was the last time this plant was watered? It seems pretty dry, the poor thing needs a drink." She smiled as she thoroughly checked the entire plant making sure it was healthy, before checking under the bottom of the pot. “Looks like it could do with being repotted too.”

"Hmm. Most interesting," Nugo tilted his head and gave an amused smile, glancing up at the biobed. "Lieutenant, I believe you may find you a bit more attuned into the art of agriculture than you used to be. When you made those observations, the neurons of your brain lit up in a pattern not so dissimilar to the Vulcan mind meld. I think, perhaps, your time on the surface has left you a rather green thumb, if you'll pardon the saying."

Verelan gave Nugo a wide eyed look. “For want of a better word...Fascinating!” She gently touched the plant’s leaves, in all honesty the affect was extremely calming. She had no doubt it would be Therapeutic after a stressful day.

"Indeed. I also have noticed your eyes seem to change slightly while you are in contact with the plant. Perhaps some sort of outward indication of the interaction taking place," Nugo said. "I can confirm though, you are not contagious. We should have you out of this room within the hour."

“That’s good” Verelan smiled. “You said my eyes changed?” She was extremely curious about that. “In what way exactly?”

Nugo gestured to an image on screen. "Took on a bit of a greenish hue, by the looks of it. I'll need to run a few more tests to know for certain, but my guess would be that it is some sort of interaction with these new cells."

“Wow” Verelan smiled as she noted the greenish hue. “So more or less when I’m in contact with plants my eyes will have that green accent of colour. Fascinating!”

"Fascinating indeed," Nugo replied. "However, if you will permit me, I am going to focus on getting your arm healed now. We can continue to explore the rest in due time."

Verelan nodded. “Of course Doctor, a very logical course of action.” She smiled. “Please proceed.”

Nugo nodded, tapping a canister before inserting it into a hypospray. "Alright. This is only going to feel mildly unsettling."


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