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Some people in need (Finding the Passage, Part 1)

Posted on Thu Jun 15th, 2023 @ 12:20am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Savar
Edited on on Thu Jun 15th, 2023 @ 11:22pm

1,058 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Ready Room, USS Defiant
Timeline: After the events of "Episode 1: Runner"

Charlotte Rhodes sat back in her chair at the table in her Ready Room. The screen on the wall displayed a map of the current sector, with numerous small indicators tracking points of interest.

It was three in particular that had caught her attention this morning. Three small vessels, the smallest no larger than a shuttle, the largest only capable of housing a few families. They'd appeared on sensors at the edge of the Carina Nebula, just as so many other craft had the past few weeks. People from somewhere beyond that massive nebula looking for a better home, perhaps also fleeing something which still remained unclear.

They'd been harmless, many simple traders or farmers or merchants. Others academics looking for somewhere safe to continue their field. But all from species new to this region.

The reaction to them had been mixed. Some worlds had been welcoming. Many cultures across the Alpha and Beta Quadrant were more than familiar with immigration from other systems and the hundreds, if not thousands, of reasons people might choose to do so. For some worlds, the voyagers finding new homes or at least temporary lodgings was easy. But not everywhere. Old paranoias, prejudices, and greeds still existed in many places throughout the galaxy, and the Carinae Travers was certainly not free of them either. Some systems were highly distrusting of the new arrivals. Some systems were exploitative of them. Some barred them completely. And some, far too many frankly, chose to prey on them. Piracy had been the single greatest change since the refugee stream began, as bottom feeders and predators chose to make the defenseless their targets. Starfleet had done their best to serve as mediators and protectors. But with really only the Defiant and a handful of smaller, less powerful vessels, Starfleet was themselves only a regional influence.

So the sight of three small vessels heading toward the sovereign space of the Krozeel, a particularly xenophobic and territorial regional power, raised alarm bells.

Rhodes turned the two advisors she'd asked to join her this morning, her XO and her Chief Diplomatic Officer. "I think it goes without saying that the Krozeel are not going to respond well to this. They already have 2 patrol ships on their way to intercept, though they are sticking to the Krozeelee side of the border. If we're going to get involved, which I personally think we should, now is the time."

Savar studied the map for a few seconds before turning to the captain and first officer. "The Krozeelee are if nothing else predictable and this course of action is not unexpected. However that does not mean it is not potentially dangerous. I believe our appearance would help to diffuse any difficulties the Krozeelee wish to entertain."

"Agreed. Defiant is a bit bigger fish than they are used to running into. I'd like to try and negotiate passage through their space for the three ships in question. Or at least, let the refugees get a chance to change course," Charlotte added. "I also wouldn't mind a chance to talk to them. My curiosity about where these ships are coming from is at a peak at this point. I think it's long overdue we find out."

Ryan pondered the options he could recall regarding first contact protocols with starfaring races. "We will need to be careful about our initial contact. Plus we need to consider the Krozeel reaction to a Constitution-class ship closing in on their border. We may or may not have to make contact with them and assure them we are not engaging in any hostile activities. I recommend using only passive sensors. Active scans could be seen as an act of war by the Krozeel."

"A prudent course of action to take Commander. May I also recommend we also hail the Krozeelee to show we have no hostile intents." Savar added.

"I think that's a good idea, Mr. Savar. Let's send word ahead. We are approaching their space purely to assist the refugee ships and have no intention of entering their territory," Rhodes replied, leaning back in her seat. "It also might be a good idea to ask the migrant ships if they'd be willing to alter course to meet us so we can assist."

"Along that line Captain, would it not be advisable to find out where these ships are going or where they wish to go? So further incidents can be avoided." Savar proposed.

"Oh I have a lot of questions about their course. Their origin is a big one for me. But we can get to that once we stop the Krozeelee from shooting them," Rhodes said, turning to her XO. "Commander, how long do you think it would take us to get there. Obviously, at a bit less than full steam. I think if we roll up to the border at maximum warp, that will set tensions ablaze. Warp 6 or so might be more appropriate."

Savar stayed quiet as the question wasn't directed at him. It was a logical approach to come on the scene in an orderly fashion especially when dealing with a potential adversary.

Ryan gave the question some thought as he ran the calculations for speed and a distance of 2.5 light years in his head. "I would say about two and a half days, give or take an hour. Provided the alien convoy does not change their own speed or course."

"That puts us just barely ahead of them. I think I can live with those numbers," the Captain replied, patting the table in finality. "Number One, let's get under way as soon as we're able. In the meantime, Mr. Savar, I'd appreciate it if you could hit the books. I want to know everything our library has to know about the Krozeelee and their border law before we get there."

"Of course Captain. I shall begin my research as soon as this meeting is over." Savar informed Charlotte.

"Aye Captain." Ryan pressed the communications button. "Bridge, XO. Set course for the 065 mark 327 and take us to warp factor six."

The voice of the bridge duty officer replied. "Set course 065 mark 327 at warp factor six aye."

The sound of the warp engines accelerating to cruising speed ebbed through the ship.

"Seems we've got work to do," Charlotte said, as the vessel came up to speed. "Dismissed."


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