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When fear keeps you awake.

Posted on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 8:45pm by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

835 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Archived Episode 1: Runner
Location: Counsellors office
Timeline: Before away mission

-Personal Quarters-

Edgeware fell out of bed and hit the floor hard. He shakingly stood up or tried to. For some reason his knees refused to work. The nightmare about Harmony Bay had shook him again. This was getting serious.Steven needed help and he knew only one person who could help. He pressed a switch on his desk.

“=/\= Edgeware to Lieutenant Vali. Come in please.=/\=“ He said.

Callie stirred as she heard the call. She yawned as she reached for her comm badge. =/\= Vali here, what can I do for you Lieutenant? =/\=

=/\= Sorry to wake you. But I need your services please. Preferably as soon as possible please.=/\= Steven said

=/\= Understood, I’ll be there shortly Lieutenant =/\= Slipping out of bed Callie left Ryan a note to say duty called and that she’d be back soon, before she quickly dressed and headed out.

Arriving at Edgeware’s Quarters not too long afterwards she pressed the chime.

Steven had been rushing around at warp speed to clear his room up. Making sure his uniform was clean he pressed a button to open the door.

" Thankyou for coming so quickly. Can I offer you a mug of something?" Steven asked.

Callie offered a polite shake of her head as she entered. “No, thank you Lieutenant. Why don’t you tell me what’s happened.” She moved across to a chair and sat down.

" My nightmare has returned counsellor. When I was back on Earth it went away. Mind you I was too busy arguing with my mother then. But since I came onto the Defiant its back. I am worried it will hamper my job." Steven said

Callie nodded. “I understand, can you think of anything that might have triggered its return? Anything that’s happened since you got here?”

Steven thought for a moment.

“ I was fine until the Captain took me on a tour of the ship. We visited sickbay and I felt my stomach go funny. You see I used to be a medical officer. But after Harmony bay I just could not face going back to medical and switched to science.” Steven explained.

Callie nodded. “I see. That’s definitely a possible trigger event. You didn’t mention before that you used to be a medical officer, did you?”

“ It’s all on my record I just did not have the enthusiasm I used to have for healing. So I switched to medical. I was told it would be ok.” Steven explained

Callie nodded. “That’s understandable, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We will need to work on desensitising you where being in Sickbay is concerned, but that’s doable.

There was something eating at Steven. He had to ask as it was worrying him.

“ I will still be able to do my duties on board the ship won’t I?” Steven asked.

Callie offered a nod of her head. “I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to work, though if you do have any problems during work hours I will need to know about it.”

“ I am seeing you counsellor so there will not be a problem. I am quite sure you’ll be able to help me with this.To be honest I am quite looking forward to this. My first full away mission since the academy as a Science Officer. Plus a mystery to help solve.” Steven said

“Well that’s a promising sign, and it’ll do you good to work your way through this.” Callie smiled warmly. “My door will always be open when you need me.”

“ So can I just go over what I need to do again. After all I can’t keep freaking out every time I go to sickbay.”Steven said

“Of course” Callie nodded. “What I suggest we do is we visit Sickbay together. Do it at a quiet time, for a short duration just to get you comfortable with being there. After that we can increase duration, and phase me out of the visits so you’re attending alone. I’m sure the doctor won’t mind.”

“ I would like to do that please. Is there anything else? Maybe some tips on perhaps meditation. I would need to know what relaxing music you could recommend.” Steven replied

Callie smiled. “Wow you are enthusiastic! That’s what I like.” She picked up a PADD and tapped the screen. She paused for a few moments to read it over. “Okay here you go, this PADD has an array of meditation information, along with other relaxing tips including music choices.” She handed him the PADD. “Oh and could you keep a diary of what you choose and whether it works for you please?”

“ I just want to get back to having a peaceful nights sleep. But thanks for all your help and tips.” Steven replied

“My pleasure” Callie smiled warmly. “You know where I am if you need me.” With that she stood and headed for home.



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