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A Warm, Tingling Feeling Inside

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 12:27am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight

2,021 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Starbase Arcadia, The Mall, Giovanni's Restaurant
Timeline: S01M01D01, 1905 hours

Ryan wore a tasteful blue suit and tie as he opened the door to Giovanni's and gestured for Callie to preceed him in. "After you."

“Thank you” Callie smiled as she stepped ahead, she’d chosen to wear a three quarter length dark purple dress with a tasteful partial plunge neckline and her hair was tastefully styled.

He was quite impressed by the outfit she had chosen to wear for dinner. She had also put effort into her hair and make up as well. He wasn't sure whether to consider this evening a dinner between fellow officers serving together or a first date with a very lovely lady. While he would be content with the former, he couldn't help but wish for the latter.

“Wow when you said this place was upmarket you weren’t kidding” Callie offered a warm smile. She had to admit Ryan looked very handsome in his suit. “I like your suit, you look very handsome.”

Ryan nodded with a friendly smile as they stepped up to the hostess podium. "Thank you. I must say you look quite marvelous in your dress as well." He turned to the hostess momentary. "Reservations for Knight, party of two."

The hostess briefly checked her reservation list. She gave them a nod and grabbed two small and two large menus. She beckoned for them to follow and led them to a cozy booth along the wall. She placed the menus on the table before assuring them a server would be by momentarily.

Ryan held a hand out to help Callie slide into the booth first. "Allow me."

Callie smiled warmly and took the offered hand, she was enjoying being with a true gentleman. “Thank you again.” She slid into her seat in the booth and waited for Ryan to join her.

Ryan slid in next to Callie, but not too close as to avoid intruding on her personal space. He picked up the two smaller drink menus and handed her one. "There’s a wide range of spirits, wines and mixed drinks."

Taking a look through the drinks menu Callie looked up at Ryan. “I think I’ll go for the Risan Sunset, it’s a nice refreshing mixed drink. How about you?”

Ryan had never had the drink before, but he knew of Risa. Any drink named after that planet must be good. He looked at the server approaching and held up two fingers. "Two Risan Sunsets please."

The server nodded and retreated to place their order.

Ryan turned to Callie. "So. What made you decide to go into Counselling? Why in Starfleet?"

Callie relaxed back in the seat making herself comfortable. “Well I was raised by a Human family after losing my own parents. They took me in and raised me as their own, and sponsored me for entry into the Academy once I was old enough. Counselling was the logical choice for me, especially with my empathic senses. How about you? Why did you join Starfleet?”

Ryan sat back. "Sorry about your parents, to answer your question though. My father was a Starfleet officer in security and my mother worked in the Federation Diplomatic Corps. I always knew that I wanted a career in Starfleet, but I wanted to command a starship someday. Easier to obtain a command in flight operations than it is in Security."

Callie nodded. “To be honest I haven’t given much thought to the future. I would like to see my homeworld, find out more about my real parents. Apart from that I’m not sure what else I want to do.”

The server returned with their drink order, placing both glasses down on the table. "Are you ready to order or do you need some more time."

Ryan glanced at the server. "Couple more minutes if you please. " He took his glass and raised it for a toast as the server retreated to another table. "To a great meal and even better company this evening." He took a long sip of his drink that sent a warm, tingling feeling coursing through his body. He looked at the glass, astonished at how good the drink was. "Wow!"

Callie grinned. “It’s good isn’t it? My father brought some home one time, I’ve been mad on it ever since!” She sipped her own drink before looking at the food menu. “Hmm what would you suggest for dinner?”

Ryan picked up his menu and looked over the entre listing. There was more than a score of pasta and meat dishes or vegetarian recipes. "Depends on what your in the mood for. They have chicken, beef and Italian sausage dishes. I am partial to the sausage meatball spaghetti in red sauce, but they do have a chicken alfredo in white sauce that is fantastic as well."

Looking up from her menu again Callie lowered it and nodded. “Then sausage meatball spaghetti in red sauce it is," she smiled a cheeky smile.

The server returned a minute later and took their food order as well as an order to bring fresh drinks in several minutes.

Ryan faced Callie with a look of curious interest. "So what are your hobbies and interests Miss Vali?" He was genuinely interested in seeing what they had in common.

Callie gazed into Ryan’s eyes as she looked towards him. “Well I collect souvenirs from places I go, I like to read books, I play cards but given my abilities I have to avoid reading the emotions of those playing. Which can be hard to do.”

Ryan took a sip as he listened to Callie. "I suppose your empathic abilities are also very handy in your counseling duties."

*nodding* “They give me a unique insight into what my patients are feeling, which helps a lot. The downside is that I can be easily overwhelmed by emotions, plus telepathy when used is physically draining. I have mental ‘shields’ of a sort that I have to protect my mind, but there’s always a background hum of voices.”

Ryan shook his head. "I am not sure how I could deal with that. I hate it when I get a song stuck in my head. How do you manage?"

“It’s a case of having to, Betazoids develop their abilities at puberty.” Callie paused to sip her drink. “I didn’t have anyone to teach me, fortunately my parents had Vulcan contacts, they helped to train me to control my emotions and therefore strengthen my mind to manage my abilities.” She grinned. “If I start acting a little stoic and somewhat logical at times you’ll know why!”

Ryan returned her grin as he held a hand up in the Vulcan salute. "No problem. My roommate at the Academy dorms was a Vulcan." He dropped the salute. "So, you have any questions about me?"

“Ohh just about a million!” Callie grinned. “Where do I start? I want to know all about you, where were you born? Do you have any siblings?”

Ryan gave Callie a warm, friendly smile. "I was born in San Diego, about 250 kilometers south of the Academy Grounds in San Francisco. Yes, I do have a twin sister who was born about 10 minutes before me, but is technically one calendar day older than me. A fact she has delighted in reminding me for years."

“Twins, Wow!” Callie smiled. “I wish I knew about my family, I don’t know much at all. Having a sibling must be nice. I know not all siblings get along but twins have that special bond.”

Ryan nodded with slight sigh. "We don't always agree on things, but we have always been supportive of one another. Samantha is my best friend."

Callie nodded. “Then you have something very special to treasure. You’re a lucky man.” She offered a polite smile as the waitress arrived with their plates of food, and more drinks. “Hmm looks delicious and smells devine.”

Ryan nodded as the food and fresh drinks were delivered to the table. Over the dinner he asked her questions about her time at the Academy and her various tours of duty. He relayed to her his own experiences of Academy days and post Academy service.

Callie enjoyed talking to Ryan, especially hearing about his experiences during his time at the Academy. She hadn’t enjoyed dinner with anyone like this before, and she certainly didn’t want it to end anytime soon.

Ryan took one final sip of his drink to wash down his final bite of pasta. The dinner had been delicious and the company quite delightful. He looked at Callie. "Any special plans after dinner or would you like to go for a walk. I hear it helps with digestion and considering...." His voice trailed off as he gestured at the empty plates.

Finishing off her drink Callie nodded. “I would very much like to go for a walk with you Ryan, I’m enjoying this evening and to be honest I’m not ready for it to end just yet.”

Ryan's smile grew. "I am having a wonderful time too. Why don’t you go to the ladies while I settle up the bill Meet you at the entrance in say 5 minutes."

Callie nodded in agreement. “Agreed, I’ll go ‘powder my nose’ as women say, and be back in a minute.” She smiled and headed for the ladies room.

Ryan settled the bill with the waitress, leaving a substantial tip, before making a quick run to the head. He was waiting at the door when Callie returned from the bathroom. "Ready to go?" He asked as her angled his arm for her to slip her arm through if she chose.

“I most certainly am!” Callie took his arm as she looked into his eyes. “Let’s go for that walk.”

Ryan gestured to the left as they exited the restaurant. "The park starts one block that way." Ryan guided them at a moderate to slow walk that had them at the park in just over two minutes. He remained quiet during this part of their walk. He felt a warmth throughout his body that was unusual. He was unsure if it was due to the drinks or the fact that the dinner between fellow officers was perhaps turning in to an actual date.

Walking along Callie was trying not to let herself sense what Ryan was feeling, but it was pretty hard not to. She had to admit she was feeling pretty much the same, she was enjoying his company very much. As they walked along in silence she offered him a warm smile as she glanced his way.

Ryan met her gaze as they crossed the threshold into the park. The subdued light of Arcadia’s simulated evening coupled with Callie's smile made her look radiantly beautiful in that moment. He felt a sudden urge to kiss her. It was only an iron will that prevented him from doing so. He took a deep breath and started their stroll once again though he maintained his gaze on her as they walked. "I hope you don't mind me are absolutely beautiful."

Callie couldn’t help but blush as she looked bashfully at Ryan. “Thank you Ryan” she paused walking for a moment to look at him. “I’m having such a wonderful time tonight, I don’t want this evening to come to an end.”

Ryan smiled at Callie. Truth be told. It was one of the best evenings he'd had in a very long time. "The evening is still young my dear lady. Let's finish our stroll and figure out what we would both like to do next." They resumed their walk as He shifted his arm. Instead of crooking his arm, he slid it around her back and rested his hand low on her hip.

Callie grinned, in all honesty she was enjoying seeing where the night was going. She didn’t mind at all that his hand was resting on her hip, in-fact she was enjoying it.

To Be Continued in A Little Night Time Fun


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