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Posted on Thu May 25th, 2023 @ 11:05am by Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

1,949 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Corridor
Timeline: Before away mission



Even though he had been on the Defiant for a while.Steven still had trouble finding his way around. The Captains tour seemed a while ago now.Plus his mind had been so full of all the new wonders before him. Most of the places they visited had vanished before his eyes.

He needed to find the Science labs. But Edgeware was too embarrassed to ask. After all , how would it look if the new Chief Science Officer couldn’t find his own Science Department?

Savar strolled the decks. He was already familiar with the deck listing for the ship but liked to walk the ship to get a 'feel' for it. As he walked, he noticed an officer ahead of him, in the blue of science, looking about as if he was searching. Quickening his step, he soon cane alongside the officer. "Excuse me. I could not help but notice that you appear to be looking for something. Perhaps I can help you?"

“ Oh hello Steven Edgeware new Chief Science Officer pleased to meet you. Yes you see I am new here and I have to say as embarrassing as it sounds. I can’t seem to find my Science Lab.” Steven said

Savar raised his hand in the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life to you. I am Savar, Chief Diplomatic Officer and also newly arrived. I believe the science labs are on deck seven along with my office. The science office is on deck six." He added.

An old childhood injury Steven had growing up in Ballybrack in Ireland on Earth. Prevented him from returning the Vulcan greeting.

" Sorry when I was a small boy my cousin dropped a heavy rock on my hand. For some reason my bones would not heal with our modern technology. Had to have it fixed the old fashioned way. I know skin touch is something Vulcans don't like to do unless needed. So if I bow my head in greeting please do not take that as a sign of rudeness my friend. " Steven explained.

Savar listened to the explanation Steven offered. "I am sorry for the injury to you hand. You are correct in your statement of Vulcans avoiding skin contact but exceptions can be made. I take no sign of rudeness where none is intended." As he finished, he stuck out his right hand towards Steven. "I believe this the traditional greeting for when humans meet someone new."

Just to be on the safe side Steven let his mind go blank. Then he shook Savars hand.

" So you are also new to the Defiant. Chief Diplomatic Officer that is unusual for a Vulcan isn't it? Sorry my natural curiosity sometimes gets in the way of my manners." Steven replied.

"Correct. As for it being unusual, it is not usually associated with Vulcans however many Vulcans do choose this path. Ambassador Sarek for example. No need to apologize curiosity often leads to discoveries."

There was something very likeable about Savar.

“ Yes. I suppose after what happened to your home world. Science is probably a reminder of what you guys lost.I once had an aunt who used to bake these incredible apple pies. But when my uncle passed away she could not bare to cook them anymore. It reminded her of how his face would light up when he smelled them baking in her oven.A face due to his death she would never see again.” Steven said

Savar inclined his head slightly, "While the loss of Vulcan was both tragic and devastating, we do not hold science responsible. Science did not cause the loss of our world, Nero did." He continued "I grieve for the loss of your uncle as well as your aunt and the stopping of task she loved so much. It is regrettable that she could not find enjoyment in seeing your face ;ight up as well."

“ Thanks. She was the only female in the family who actually liked to smile in public. My mother never smiled she always had a face like she was sucking a lemon. Her whole face almost vanished when I told her I was going into Starfleet. Boy was she angry…..” Steven said

"That is regrettable." Savar replied. "One should be able to smile in public with or without a reason." He paused for a moment and asked, "Your mother did not approve of Starfleet? She had a reason for feeling as she did?" Savar questioned.

“Oh yes. The family legacy. You see my father was the town Doctor. He served the people of Ballybrack for years like his father before him. But he died young , he drowned trying to save a swimmer who got into difficulties. I was only young and my older sister did not want to know. So all my life from then on was aimed at my taking on the mantle of town doctor. But when I graduated staying in a seaside town in Ireland. Just did not seem the path I wanted. So I applied to join the academy. She did not take it very well.Imagine an ion storm but in human form.” Steven said

Savar listened as Steven recounted his family history of his grandfather and father both being doctors but he wanted a different path. When he finished, Savar spoke. "Everyone should choose the path they feel is best for them and have the support of their family. It is regrettable that your mother could not see that the path of your father and grandfather was not a path you wished to follow. That your path was a different one. As the human scribe wrote. to thine own self be true." He paused as he looked at Steven. "You are to be commended for having the inner strength to follow your own path and withstand your mother's considerable anger at you. Did your decision cause a rift between you and your mother?"

“ How about yourself? Did your family wish you to return to New Vulcan and help rebuild. Sorry if they died when Vulcan was destroyed and my big mouth has opened a wound.” Steven said

"My family was satisfied with my decision to join Starfleet rather than the Vulcan Science Academy. You have nothing to be sorry for Lieutenant my parents and sister survived the destruction of our world, and all are active in the establishing a new world all Vulcans can call home." Savar replied proudly.

“ You were lucky.When my father died I was very young.I used to watch the other children play with their dads and be quite jealous.”Steven said.

"I offer my condolences on the loss of your father. You had no other male relative to spend time with you and interact with you in recreational activities?" Savar asked.

“ Thanks but to be honest I was very young when he died. So I don’t really remember him that well. I was brought up by my mother and her sister. They were very strict which kind of led me to rebel when I was a child. Me and my gang kind of got into quite a bit of trouble around Ballybrack. Then of course this all led to my near fatal accident at the age of nine. I was hospitalised for quite sometime. My mothers sister became my private tutor.So I could continue my education in my hospital bed. What with the near fatal accident and her teaching style. I became a different person. More willing to learn and better behaved.” Steven explained.

"You may have indeed been young when your father passed. However, you still feel his loss perhaps more than you realize." He paused as he looked at Steven. "May I inquire to the nature of your accident. Logically it must have been serious to require your prolonged stay in the hospital. Was it a result of you and your gangs' activities?"

“ It was a stupid childhood game of dare. You see I had this little gang. We were all about 9 years old and boy some of the mischief we got into. It was a wonder we ever made it to 10. Well I almost did not to be sure. You see there was this house that had a tower attached to it. Well. One day we had a game of dare David Olong who I knew. Was after my place as leader in the gang dared me to climb the tower. I of course should have punched him on the nose. But instead I took on the challenge. I almost got to the top but gravity is a tough mistress. Lost my footing and fell at least 20ft could have been more. Crashed through a greenhouse so not only did I manage to break every bone except thankfully my spine. The glass cut me to ribbons. I was in hospital for over a year.” Steven said

"That is unfortunate. Very much so." Savar replied. "Youth is often filled with reckless, ill thought-out actions In hindsight you should have just walked away. You had nothing to prove and everything to lose which you almost did." He pulled up his arm sleeve to show a nasty scar on his forearm. "A bite from my pet Shelat. I was young and had some food for him however I withheld it for him until he performed a trick, which he did, and I was slow to give him his food. He lunged for it and bit me by mistake. However." He continued, " Experience is a cruel teacher. I however am gratified that you made a full recovery from your injuries and I hope you learned from this situation."

“ It changed me into a better person. I was more into learning and listened more. Plus I was not so rebellious as I had been. Instead of running around Ballybrack firing stones at peoples behinds with my catapult or causing trouble with my little gang. I sat under a favourite tree and read books. Became a better scholar as well. A complete change in personality from rebel to eager student. That’s why I had to undergo a whole load of medical tests recently following the Khan incident. They thought my recovery all those years ago was a bit suspicious.” Steven said

"Then the incident as severe and unfortunate has it was had a positive effect on you which cannot be denied or ignored. I am most pleased that you were able to turn your life around and make your life, one you can be proud of, along with a calling you enjoy and you should be proud of your achievement. It is quite the accomplishment to turn one's life so completely around. You have my admiration, Lieutenant." Savar replied respectfully.

“ Thanks but to be truthful it was my Aunt Daisy. She became my private tutor while I was recovering in hospital. It was she who got me interested in things like Science. Although of course my mother insisted she taught me about medicine. After all my mother was quite determined I followed in my father’s footsteps as a Doctor. Anyway time to do some work. I need to prep for the away mission. Thank you for your help. I was quite lost there.” Steven said.

"Your Aunt and mother are to be commended for their devotion to a proper education and making sure you received one." Savar replied. He gave a short nod as Steven said he needed to do some work. "You are welcome, Lieutenant. I too need to prepare. I found our conversation most interesting. I look forward to more interesting conversations. Until our next meeting." Savar finished and headed down the corridor.


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