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When dreams hurt.

Posted on Sun May 14th, 2023 @ 6:39pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

886 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Mess
Timeline: Just before away mission



Steven concentrated very hard so his hand would not shake. As he carried the mug of Green Tea to his seat. It was very early in the morning and his duty shift was at least three hours away.

He had hoped the bad dreams would cease once he came aboard the Defiant.But the events of Harmony bay kept barging into his dreams. He still could not shake the terrible image of his mentor and friend's dead body. Brutally murdered by the Gorn pirates.

Footsteps headed down the row behind the table slowly, pausing as the Science Officer’s posture visibly tensed. After a moments delay, they began again, this time approaching the table. A white mug emblazoned with the Starfleet Delta was placed on the table with a solid clink, careful not to spill the still steaming coffee. The Captain’s voice followed, low enough to avoid drawing attention but full of care. “Everything alright, Lieutenant?”

Inside he jumped. Had the Captain seen his hands shake. Politely he stood and offered his hand.

“Captain. Good to see you ma’am.I couldn’t sleep.Thought I would start early,” Steven said.

Rhodes shook his hand before deciding to take a seat across from him. "I have a bad tendency to do the same. Away Mission morning nerves?"

Steven had learnt it was always best to tell the truth. He had many a twisted ear from his mother and Aunt when he was a boy in Ballybrack for telling lies. Plus not telling your new CO the truth. Was a sure way for problems later on in his career on the Defiant.

"Yes and no ma'am. I still have nightmares about Harmony Bay. I am seeing the counsellor about them. It wont impede on my ability to carry out my duties Captain." Steven said

The Captain nodded. "I'll admit, I don't have a lot of familiarity with the Harmony Bay situation. Is it something you'd be willing to talk about with me? I understand if it's not."

"Actually it would be good to speak about it. You see. On my last posting the Chief Medical Officer kind of took me under his wing. He was my mentor and a good friend to a young man. Who despite his mothers attempts at sabotage managed to get through from Ensign to Cadet. Anyway I had just made Lieutenant and things where going well. Then we had an SOS from the Harmony Bay mining colony." Steven said taking a sip of his drink

"I've had a few mentors myself. A couple ended up being closer to me than my own parents. Which, as it might sound, is as much a compliment to the former as an indictment of the latter," Charlotte replied, with a nod. "Given that the name Harmony Bay rings at least a slight bell to me, I get the feeling this SOS call didn't go so well."

Steven nodded.

“You see. It was trap. Some Gorn pirates had taken over the colony. They sent out an sos because in the battle to take over the colony, their leader was badly hurt. We did not know this of course when the away team beamed down. I had to stay on board. The CO needed medical treatment. From witness accounts the Gorn cut off…….cut off my friend and mentor's head when he refused to do as they ordered. They sent another call up to us saying there had been another cave in and the CMO was hurt. So I beamed down with the second away team. First thing I saw was his severed head just rolling around on the floor like a football….” Steven said.

Charlotte let out a long, slow breathe, subconsciously folding her arms as she did. "That's...that's a tough scene to walk in on," she said, now having a much deeper understanding of just what ghosts Edgeware had been carrying with him. "Were the rest of you able to get out?"

“The Gorn leader was dead. I pretended to work on him until we were rescued. But my passion for being a doctor was gone. That’s why I swapped to Science. I was fine after a test on Earth. I think seeing your Sickbay kind of brought it all back.” Steven said

"I can see why that would be something that sticks with you," the Captain said, idly spinning her drink in her hand. It was a lot to process even as a listener. She imagined it could take a lifetime to unpack as someone who experienced it. "If you need to stay aboard the ship for this mission, I would completely understand. We can have someone else head down in your stead."

“No. Sorry but I would rather carry on my duties as Chief Science Officer.I am seeing the counsellor so that will help. Also It would help to keep me focused. Plus this looks to be a very interesting away mission science wise. It would be a shame to miss it Captain.” Steven replied.

"Fair enough. But if you do need to tap out, there is no shame in that," Rhodes replied.

“Thank you Captain” Steven said

Rhodes nodded. "On that note, I'm going to get ready myself. See you in the shuttlebay in a bit, Lieutenant."


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