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Shuttlecraft Pythagoras: Headed to Sentinel 13

Posted on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 @ 11:55pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Edited on on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 12:05am

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Shuttlecraft Pythagoras
Timeline: MD 6: 1000 Hours
Tags: story

Ryan clambered through the hatch to the shuttlecraft. He wasn't a fan of the EVA suit, but he understood the need for caution, at least until they landed and could scan the atmosphere for breathability and radiation. He glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the landing party climbing in. "Strap in folks."

Savar sat at the back of the shuttle and out of the way of the others. The EVA suit was a necessary precaution for the away team as they were potentially going into a dangerous situation as well as an unknown one. It was a logical precaution to take. In addition if the readings panned out, the suits could be removed if Commander Knight deemed it safe to do so.

“Hi” Callie offered a warm smile to Savar as she looked his way. “We haven’t officially met yet, I’m Callie Vali, Chief Counsellor.”

Savar raised his hand in the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life to you Callie Vali. It is an honor to meet you. I am Savar, Chief Diplomatic Officer."

“It’s nice to meet you Savar.” Callie smiled warmly. “What do you think of our current situation?”

"The honor is mine Callie. As to our current situation. I confess I am perplexed. The Ion storm is unusual in both it's duration and intensity. Then in regard to the station. To be in total disrepair is unusual. What ever happened to the crew happened quickly.'

“Indeed” Callie nodded. “It’s all very strange, hopefully we’ll find something that answers our questions.”

"Indeed Callie. I share your hopes that answer will be forthcoming quickly." Savar answered with a nod of his own.

The comm panel of the shuttlecraft lit up as an incoming message played over the loudspeaker. The voice coming through was the captain. “Boudica to Pythagoras. We’re heading down. I’ll send updates on atmospheric conditions on the way down.”

Ryan toggled the communications switch on the shuttlecraft forward control panel. "Roger that, we will follow down shortly. Just waiting on one more person."

Rhodes's voice came through in reply. "Stay safe. We'll be in touch. Rhodes out."

Kenna entered in her eva suit with a rifle slung over her back. She didn't comment at all as she slid into her seat.

Ryan finished his preflight checks and powered up the Pythagoras engines. "Please turn off all electronic devices, ensure personal baggage is stowed properly. Taking off in 3, 2, 1, mark." The shuttlecraft dropped free from its overhead docking clamp and slowly maneuvered out of the bay doors.

Ryan increased thrust and headed for the planet. Hopefully they would find answers, if not survivors. One never knew.


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