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Diplomacy in Sickbay

Posted on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 5:36pm by Lieutenant Nugo & Lieutenant Savar

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After meeting the CO

After his pleasant and informative visit with Captain Rhodes. Savar headed to sickbay to get his boarding physical out of the way. Entering Sickbay, he was mildly surprised to see it relatively quiet. When a nurse approached and asked his reason for being there, he replied he had recently arrived at needed his boarding physical done. He was instructed to wait for the CMO.

It was only a few moments before the tall, lanky form of the Chief Medical Officer strode into the room. The Kelpian looked over the room, and noting the visitor strode over on his arched feet. “Ah. Sorry to keep you waiting. I got carried away sorting our assorted stocks of medicinal algae. You would be amazed how similar a Cammarian Crimson and the Saurian Scarlet are. Fascinating little organisms with wholly different applications. It’d be most unfortunate if I went to treat an intestinal ulcer and provided the Crimson instead.”

The Kelpian shook, disturbed by the outcome of his imagined error. “Well, suffice it to say the labeling system could use an improvement. But enough of that.” A long slender hand extended toward the Vulcan. “Doctor Nugo, Chief Medical Officer. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr….”

Savar looked at the extended hand as well as the person it belonged to. After a moment he grasped it. "I am Savar. Chief Diplomatic Officer. Peace and long life to you Doctor. I am honored to make your acquaintance. I am here for my boarding physical. Is now an agreeable time for you to perform this task?" He then asked a follow up question “You are a Kelpien are you not?"

The Kelpian noted the handshake. “Ah, forgive me. Vulcans don’t prefer handshakes. Should have remembered that. Yes, I am indeed Kelpian. One of the first in Starfleet following our planet’s…assisted unification, if you will,” he said, turning toward the nearest biobed. His mind seemed to dance across topics. “Regarding your physical, I suppose now is as good a time as any. Before we start, any medical history I should be aware of?”

"We prefer to limit our physical contact. However this is an exception I am pleased to make. Savar moved to the biobed Nugo had gestured to and placed himself on it. "How did you decide to join Starfleet?"

“It seemed a natural evolution. Starfleet played a key role in saving my people and causing the end to the Great Balance. It was only natural, as Kaminar expands its presence in the galaxy, to join the institution which helped grant our freedom and to learn what the Ba’ul so long kept from us.” Nugo began to scan the man’s bio signatures and it’s a small medical scanner. “Just wanted to ask again. Any medical history I need to know of?”

Savar listened to what the CMO said as he scanned him. "Interesting. Did you join Starfleet out of gratitude or because you felt it could be beneficial to your growth as an individual? and no aliments that I am aware of. As far as I am aware my health is excellent."

The slender doctor tilted his head in introspection. "An interesting question. I suppose a bit of both. I have always had a preference for the medicinal arts. Caring for others has been a calling I suppose. Federation Medical Science was vastly superior to our own, to say the least. So I felt I could do the most good here. But yes, a not insignificant amount of gratitude was involved. Perhaps it was a bit of both." He inputted a few notes in the biobed terminal, and continued his scan. "Take a few deep breaths please."

"A mutually beneficial arrangement." Savar answered as he took several deep breaths. "Starfleet broadens your knowledge and skill as a doctor and you in turn join Starfleet to use your knowledge of medicine to assist Starfleet in rendering medical aid." He paused for a moment. "A logical arrangement. My congratulations to you."

"Thank you. I don't know that the logic of it had truly donned on me until you mentioned it. But it does seem like quite the symbiotic relationship. Perhaps something my own people and the Ba'ul could work to emulate moving forward," Nugo said, pausing for a moment to review the screen. "Well, I must say you seem to be in fine health. Medical scans all appear clear, your vitals are quite strong. All I have left is a cardiovascular stress test if now is a reasonable time?"

"You are welcome. A relationship like that between your people and the Ba'ul would be quite an achievement. Perhaps you can propose/work towards such a relationship by contacting the appropriate officials in both governments to start talks." Savar replied then nodded, "Now, is both reasonable and appropriate."

"An interesting proposition. I may take you up on the offer to reach out to the governments on my homeworld at some point," Nugo said before leading Savar to the connected room with a variety of excercize equipment. After gesturing for Savar to step onto the treadmill, Nugo held up a medical scanner and watched the bio-readings. "When I heard we'd have a Diplomatic Officer coming aboard, I was quite pleased. Your department tends to make things quite a bit easier for mine."

Savar stepped onto the treadmill and began walking at a brisk yet comfortable pace while Nugo spoke to him. "I am pleased to have offered you a option you had not considered." He continued to walk. "Diplomacy is the art of finding a solution to a problem where no one feels they have come away a loser. Or as others have stated, warfare with words. It can be quite taxing at times yet the rewards of avoiding conflict outweigh the occasional headache." He finished as he continued his walking.

“A sentiment I can agree with wholeheartedly,” Nugo said, noting the pulse on the screen before writing down a final note. “You’re free to stop, Lt. Savar. It appears you are in excellent cardio health. As your CMO, I grant you a clean physical.”

Savar slowed his walking and finally stopped. "I am pleased to hear your evaluation, Doctor. Thank you for both a complete and extensive examination as well as a stimulating conversation. I look forward to more such conversations."

"Certainly. In the meantime, however, do try to make sure our visits are out of interest and not necessity. I prefer my patients healthy," the Kelpian replied with a smile. "Farewell for now, Lt. Savar."

"A logical statement." Savar replied. "Goodbye for now, Doctor. Thank you for a most thorough exam as well as a stimulating conversation. It was both informative and enlightening."


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