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Not So Standard Orbit

Posted on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 @ 10:39pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant Alex Drake & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

1,289 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Bridge, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 6: 0900 Hours
Tags: story

The planet outside rotated peacefully below, as if the space around them was not dominated by a violent, ionic hurricane the size of a star system. It seemed blissfully ignorant of the maelstrom around it. Of course, everyone aboard knew that wasn't the case. The planet and its stellar sisters were not, in fact, untouched. Instead, they had experienced 4 decades of time passing in the last 3 and 1/2 weeks. And the effects showed.

The Federation satellites in orbit over the world were fried beyond repair, assailed by years of ionic bombardment and micrometeoroid impacts. Or in the case of the imaging array, a not so micro meteoroid. And per Starfleet's findings from the surface below, they knew that for some reason, life had not gone on unhindered at the outpost of Sentinel 13, which now sat a ruined husk devoid of its occupants.

Captain Rhodes pulled her eyes away from the planet below and rounded the bridge's outer walkway toward the science station. "What are we seeing down there, Mr. Edgeware?"

Steven’s hands ran across the science console as he tried to make any sense of the readings coming back. The only reliable readings he could pick up was the course of the Ion storm. They had a day before it would hit them again.

“ Having trouble with the sensors ma’am. Atmosphere full of Ionic discharge there’s no way we can transport down. Woo that’s odd….sorry scanners are all over the place. They really don’t like this planet. We are picking up something odd. There seems to be a large bulk of a metal I have not seen before possible some sort of crashed vessel. Quite big…. One thing I have been able to calculate is that storm will hit us again in a least 48 hours time possibly a bit longer.”Steven said

"Well, that at least gives us a bit of time to determine what created the time dilation field and, ideally, disable it so it doesn't happen again. I have a feeling that crashed vessel is our first best bet," the Captain replied. "Are we able to pick up anything around the outpost? Any trace of survivors?"

Due to the Ionic energy left over from the storm. He could not give the Captain the full information she requested. The sensors and scanners did not like the planet below.

“ The Ionic energy the storm created is playing havoc ma’am with the sensors. We can’t detect any life signs from this orbit. Maybe once we get down there it may change. However there is a signal although as with every other attempt to scan anything through that there’s no way to decipher content or source. At least not through the science console.” Steven reported

"Keep trying, but I know you're doing the best you can. The planet has basically been buffeted by an Ion Storm for 40 years. It's a wonder the sensors can detect anything at all," the Captain replied, turning toward the Helm Station. "Thoughts, Number One? It sounds like we aren't going to be able to determine much from up here."

Ryan drummed his fingers on the edge of his console as he gave considerable thought to Charlotte's question. He knew what he would do if he were in command. "The orbital satellite may be damaged, but it is possible the memory core may be intact or at least partially so. I would also recommend sending landing parties to both the outpost and the crash site of the alien ship. If there is even the slightest chance there are survivors at either location then we need to rescue. Two shuttlecraft and two separate teams to carry out the mission."

Charlotte nodded. “I was thinking pretty much the same thing. This crash site follows the line of thinking I’ve been on about the storm. I can take a team down and investigate. Rutledge, Drake, Verelan, and your sister would cover our bases. I also agree with you regarding survivors. We owe it to anyone still there to try.”

Ryan took a moment to consider the needs of the second landing party. If there were survivors, they would need to be examined for physical and possibly even mental issues. There was also a general assessment of the outpost infrastructure to be completed. "Lieutenants Vali, Edgeware and Savar should come for examination and assessment of anyone we encounter. Commander Wolff and I can probably handle the general assessment of the facility and retrieve the log entries. "

Edgeware nodded his medical and scientific knowledge would come in handy. But there was something bugging him. The ships sensors were all over the place they could not get a proper scan. Anything could be down there and both away teams would be going on blind at best. Plus the storm would be on them soon enough.

“The sensors are useless up here. It may be a good idea we wear EVA suits. For all we know there could be a deadly virus running rampant down there. Plus all these years of being hit by that ion storm who knows what the atmosphere if any will be like.” Steven suggested

Savar listened as the other officers spoke of the ion storm and the conditions of the planet as well as the discovery of a large metal object on the surface. It all made for an intriguing puzzle to be solved.

"Captain," Rutlidge turned to the captain from his Ops position. "Navigating through that interference will be extremely tricky and dangerous." He was, after all, thinking of her safety, it wouldn't be good to have the captain of the ship killed needlessly on a mission.

The Captain nodded. “I appreciate the warning, Mr. Rutledge. I’ve flown through some pretty tough conditions though, as has Commander Knighr. And at this point, we have little alternative.”

Steven thought for a moment.

“Maybe…….maybe we could send a probe to planet first. Once on the surface its sensors should work. We can then retrieve it and look through the data once we got it back.” Edgeware suggested.

"No telling what the temporal dilation would do to it should we be unable to retrieve it before it returns. Plus, if there is some sort of alien virus down there, we'll just be bringing it back with the probe." Alex spoke up from the Intelligence station, not taking his eyes off of...something...he was doing on the terminal.

“ We could always remotely take its data. It does not have to come on board.” Steven suggested.

“All good points, if we had more time. But we are a bit strapped for that, so we’re going to need to do this the old fashioned way. 2 shuttle teams, full EV suits at least until we determine it’s safe,” Rhodes said, before turning to her tactical officer. “Commander Wolff, I defer to you on any other safety measures you think we need.”

"Standard weapons configurations, and I would suggest taking transport markers just in case we need to do emergency beam outs. " Kenna said calmly. "And I would also suggest that people leave their knives at home. If the EVA suits are cut, then who know what will happen"

At the mention of emergency beam out Steven made a face. That would be like being dipped in iron fillings. Then reassembled by a sleep deprived man with hiccups.

"I'd prefer not to beam through that atmosphere, but we better to have the option if we need it," Rhodes replied. "Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us. Shuttlecrafts Boudicca and Pythagoras will be geared up to head down. Everyone grab what you need and meet up in the shuttle bay."


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