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Running Into You

Posted on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 6:49am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Deck 8, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 3: Backpost

Rhodes had been waiting for this opportunity. She'd tried catching her in the pool, tried intercepting her after her shift ended, waited in the mess to no avail. Her Chief Tactical Officer was as elusive as she was reclusive.

The two had been aboard the vessel since launch, weeks longer than the rest of the main crew. Yet Charlotte felt she knew less about the woman than she knew about their resident spook. And that was saying something.

So she'd cheated. More or less. She'd used the computer to alert her when Wolff was on the move, and staged a convenient overlap of their routes as they ran the length of the saucer. And yet, even with these advantages, it took her half of the loop to finally catch up. Playing it off as coincidence was probably not going to be overly successful, but she went for it anyway.

Rounding the corner, she finally brought their paths into sync. "Ah, Commander. I see Deck 8 is popular today, " Charlotte said, keeping her voice as even as possible despite the brisk jog they were at. Years of command training finally paying off...

Kenna looked up and gave the CO a small smile. "Captain, indeed." she said but she slowed her pace as she noted the woman was probably not used to the pace Kenna set.

Kenna’s act of mercy did not go unnoticed. Charlotte enjoyed a good jog around the saucer, and was in fairly good shape. But her training didn’t compare to Kenna’s. The slower pace allowed her to be conversational at least. “So…I haven’t seen you around much off duty. Not a big fan of the crowds?”

Kenna shook her head. "No not really Captain. I have never been big on groups."

"To be honest, I'm often a bit uncomfortable in them as well. Especially of late, I've been more comfortable in my own quarters. In public, it feels like I need to keep up a bit of a facade," Rhodes said, as she ran alongside the Security Officer. "Of course, there are some expectations of the chair, so I can't exactly avoid them all."

"That is true" Kenna replied her lips quirking. "Hence why I have no ambition for your role Captain."

"One less person I need worry about then," Charlotte quipped. "We do occasionally have some small gatherings though. Dinners, game nights, even just small gatherings in the library. I don't suppose there are any of those I might be able to coax you into attending, is there?"

Kenna considered it and gave a slight shrug. "Small events would be preferable unless they are mission related Captain. I will always be available for mission related events."

"I'm going to have to hold you to that one of these days," Charlotte said, nodding as they passed a few officers. "I get the feeling you've got a good poker face."

"I do" came the reply. "It helps with being the security chief."

"I figured. Then considered this your formal invitation to poker night. It's next Tuesday in the Officer's Lounge. 1900 Hours sharp," The captain replied with a smile.

Kenna stared at her. "I don't gamble captain. Its what got my family killed."

Charlotte felt the blood drain out of her face. "...shit...I'm so sorry."

Kenna nodded. "Its ok. Its not common knowledge that the person the Orions were chasing had also ripped them off at cards. But I do not play poker. I will however try and come and watch."

"Well...," Charlotte said, still recovering. "There's always other options too." Rhodes felt like getting to know her Tactical Officer a bit better was even more necessary now. But she didn't feel like she had gotten very far. Perhaps a different approach. "On a wholly different note though, how's dinner with the captain one of these nights sound? I'd be my treat to host."

Kenna nodded. "Of course, whenever suits Captain." She said. "You just let me know."

"I'll let you know once I figure out my schedule this week. On that note though, this is my stop. Need to get myself ready for duty," Charlotte said, partly just hoping to extricate herself before she said something stupid or lost the ability to keep up with the jog. "I'll catch you around, Commander."


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