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Together at last

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 10:33pm by Lieutenant JG Verelan & Lieutenant Savar

1,025 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Savar’s quarters
Timeline: Prior to entry into the Ion storm


The journey had been a long one, but Verelan had eventually made it to her new ship. Having boarded and cleared her credentials with security, she had requested to be cleared for entry to Savar’s quarters. He had no idea she was coming, wanted it to be a surprise.

Once inside his quarters she greeted his pet Sehlat Tux, before freshening up and slipping into something more comfortable. That done she made herself comfortable in the bed, and awaited his arrival.

After his meeting with Captain Rhodes, Savar walked the ship. Even though he had committed the ships layout to memory, he found that walking the ship, strengthen the memory. After awhile he turned to return to his quarters and take Tux for a walk in the arboretum, for even Tux needed activity.

As he neared his quarters he paused, there was something different, something familiar. He shook his head and entered the quarters and immediately noticed Tux wasn't there to meet and greet him. "Tux?" He called to the shelat. "Tux, where are you?" As he moved from room to room finally coming to the bedroom. Entering, he stopped in the doorway at the sight before him. There on the bed was Tux purring contently as he lay next to "Verelan!" He exclaimed at seeing her. "It is most pleasing to see you." He stated as he moved to the bed and her. "This is most unexpected but immensely agreeable."

Verelan smiled as she motioned Tux down off the bed and moved closer. “It is extremely agreeable to see you again Savar, I’ve missed you!” She leant in her lips meeting his in a loving,and passionate kiss.

Savar responded by returning the kiss with a passion of his own. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he spoke. "I was unaware of your arrival. I take it you meant to keep it from me, to surprise me. You did. I have missed you as well Verelan. I also see why Tux did not come when I called. He always likes you rubbing his back."

“Tux greeted me like an old friend” Verelan smiled. “I’m surprised he remembers me, it has been a long time since he last saw me.” Her fingers gently traced along his skin. “I have so missed you! All our years apart, simply catching up during Shore leave and Pon’farr.”

"He has a very good memory Verelan. he remembers your kind nature. His hand came up and caressed her cheek, feeling the soft, silky skin beneath his fingers. "You are always with me, when I sleep. Now you will be with me when I am awake and that pleases me a great deal to be with you, my wife."

“I have missed you my husband” Verelan moved slightly to allow Savar more room on the bed. “I have waited a very long time to be with you again. I’m looking forward to feeling your touch on my skin, to make love with you.”

Savar said nothing as he moved closer to Verelan. She was his greatest strength and biggest weakness. She was his most ardent supporter and times when needed his harshest critic. She was his best friend and confidant as well as his wife and lover. She was honest and loving and he depended on that honesty. It was good to have her back with him. He once again felt complete after several years of feeling incomplete.

Verelan smiled as she leant back on the bed gently pulling Savar down to her, there was no need for words now, their lovemaking would speak volumes.

~ Sometime later ~

Verelan lay contentedly in Savar’s embrace, their clothing littered the floor and the sheets lay around them in an untidy fashion. Their passions had reached an all time high as they enjoyed their reunion.

Savar lay with his arm around Verelan's shoulders. Their reunion and lovemaking had been both extremely gratifying and satisfying he had missed Verelan's company. Now they lay together basking in the afterglow of their epic lovemaking.

“I’ve missed you Savar” Verelan smiled as she trailed her fingers gently back and forth across Savar’s chest. “I’ve tried for so long to be assigned to a ship where you were serving.”

"And I you Verelan. However, that time is behind us. We are together now and will remain so. Clear your mind of unpleasant thoughts and concentrate on the here and now." Savar replied to his wife.

Verelan nodded as she looked up into Savar’s eyes. “This couldn’t have come soon enough, I was expecting to have to return to Vulcan for the burning of the Vulcan blood, our Pon’farr. It’s only a matter of months before we’d both have been drawn home to each other. At least now we’re together for when that time arrives.”

"Most correct and logical Verelan. When it comes time for our blood to burn. We will be together as it was in the beginning and will be in the future." Savar answered solemnly.

“As long as I’m with you that’s all that matters my love.” Verelan smiled. “Have you met our new Captain yet? I haven’t had chance as yet.”

"Indeed, quite correct my wife, my love. Savar answered. "I have just returned from meeting our captain. She seems to be quite capable and competent. I believe you will enjoy serving under her command."

“She sounds intriguing my love, I’ll make a point of meeting her first thing in the morning.” Verelan smiled. “Tonight I intend to spend my time making up for lost time.”

"She is a most interesting commanding officer. As for your plans for tonight. I could not agree more. The night belongs to us my love."

“Indeed it does” Verelan grinned as she moved to straddle Savar’s lap, leaning down to kiss him. “This night is ours.”

"A most astute and correct statement Verelan. One I could not agree more with." Savar answered as he raised up to meet Verelan's kiss. "Let us not waste one moment of it."



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