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Family time

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 3:43pm by Lieutenant Alex Drake

501 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 4; Before hitting Ion storm

"Lieutenant Drake? We have a shuttle inbound with your wife and son aboard. They asked that you meat them." The comm came over the overhead speakers, causing Alex to perk up. He'd swung by his quarters after his shift in Intelligence to change into am off-duty outfit, so he was surprised at the call. Pressing a button on the wall to respond, he spoke,

"Alright. I'm on the way. If they arrive before I do, please let them know I'll be there momentarily." He knew that some shuttle comms could be rather limited on range, so he hoped he could make it to the shuttlebay before they arrived.

He threw on the first clean shirt he grabbed, a short sleeve purple shirt with a bear on it--one of the many gifts from his son--before sprinting out of his quarters and down to the lift.

He entered and keyed in for deck 19, repeatedly pressing the button, causing the computer to bloop angrily at him before it began moving. He hadn't seen his wife or son in months since his leave between the Berlin and Defiant. He was excited to see them, and even more excited for the surprise he had for them.

He jogged into the shuttlebay main floor as the shuttle touched down. Various Starfleet personnel disembarked first, before a crewman in yellow pointed Alex to the little boy currently running full-pelt towards him.

"DADDY!" Carter yelled as he reached Alex, who had crouched down to catch the three year old in a tight hug.

"I miss you so much, bud. You're getting big, did you grow on me? I think you grew on me!" He said, jokingly as he walked over to meet Alia halfway. He kissed her, grateful for the family to be together again.

"So was this one of your intelligence tricks? You've always said families aren't even allowed to visit." Alia asked him with a smirk. She knew what Alex did for a living, and how he could be out of contact for months at a time if it was required.

"They aren't. Usually. But Captain Rhodes is the most amazing Captain ever and even said you guys can stay. So, what do you say, want to come explore Strange New Worlds with us?" Alex asked, causing Carter to nod happily.

"Please mommy can we stay! I want ta stay with daddy!!" The boy bounced excitedly in his father's arms, cause both parents to smile.

"Well, I suppose. I have been wanting to be closer to you for a while now." Alia said, leaning her head against Alex, "do me a favor though? Don't go and get yourself killed on some black op, please. I don't fancy Carter being without you."

"You know I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best." Alex said, hugging her close as the trio left the shuttlebay, as he told Carter about all sorts of places they had aboard. "And tomorrow daddy will take you on a tour of the ship."


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