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Meeting the CO

Posted on Sat Apr 8th, 2023 @ 4:51am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Savar

1,575 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD3: 1000 Hours

Savar had deposited his things in his quarters and made sure Tux was alright and situated in his new home. Once he was satisfied. He asked the computer for Captain Rhodes location. The computer responded instantly and in its bland monotone. it was almost like talking to a Vulcan.

"Captain Rhodes is currently in her Ready Room."

Receiving the information, he made his way to the Captain's Ready Room. Before he pressed the door chime he checked his uniform once again and wiped invisible dust away. Satisfied his uniform passed inspection, he pressed the chime and awaited admittance into the captain's private domain.

"Enter," Charlotte called out, as she sat forward in her chair, finishing reviewing the most recent reports from the science teams on Lana'i III. The findings coming off that world were captivating, like reading reports straight out of Mesozoic Earth. More importantly than that, it had also been a good source of reasons to communicate with her little sister. Jaina, her sole un-estranged family member, had been studying xenobiology with a focus on early evolutionary patterns. It'd been a good source of conversation for the two, and Charlotte would take anything she could get.

As the Captain looked up, she saw the proper looking Vulcan man enter her quarters and rose to her feet to meet him. Instead of extending a hand, she rose her right one in a traditional Vulcan salute, something she'd mastered over the years of having a Vulcan best friend. "It's a pleasure to have you aboard, Mr. Savar."

Savar raised his hand in response. "Greetings Captain. Peace and long life to you. It is agreeable to be here. I hope I can be of service to you and the crew."

“I think you will be of great service to us, Lieutenant. And I hope that you eventually find us a suitable home,” Charlotte said, momentarily slipping into the Vulcan esque cadence she often fell into when visiting T’Lok and his family. “Please, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything to drink? Tea, iced water, or something?”

Savar gave a brief nod of his head after Charlotte finished. "Thank you for your welcome Captain. I am here to serve, offer my service and expertise when needed or called upon." He walked with a fluid grace and sat down in the chair in front of Charlotte's desk. "Iced water will be fine thank you Captain."

“I can’t tell you how glad I am to have your aboard,” the captain replied as she retrieved his beverage from the synthesizer in the corner. “We’ve been out here in the Carinae Traverse for a few weeks now and this region is…well, let’s just say there’s a lot going on. A Diplomat’s skills are going to be quite helpful.”

Savar sipped his water as Charlotte spoke. "A diplomat's skill is in their ability to know when to say the right word and when not to say the wrong word. As well as who to say or not say it to. A diplomat is the first line of defense or perhaps the last depending on your perspective on regard to war." Savar observed.

"Well said. I've found myself to be quiet apt at finding the wrong word at times. But personally, I have no fondness for war. There are times its unavoidable. But I think of it as a bit of a failure nonetheless," Charlotte said. "Which I suppose brings us to the present. There's a lot going on everywhere I suppose. The prospects of Klingon-Romulan Alliance has everyone jumpy. But here in our backyard, there are some things afoot too."

She gestured out the window at the massive Carina Nebula, dominating the space beyond. "For the last several weeks, we've had a steady stream of refugee ships arriving from somewhere in the depths of the nebula. We've been doing our best to find them safe places to land and Starbase Arcadia has been trying to ferry them on to their new homes. But the surrounding powers are getting pushy. And wherever you find people in need, you find pirates. We have more than a fair number of those."

"Command is aware of a proposed Klingon-Romulan alliance and is constantly monitoring the situation." Savar answered. He placed his glass on her desk. "The incoming influx of refugees along with finding news homes is daunting but it will be achieved. However the most pressing problem is the issue of pirates. Command believes the pirates are part of the Orion Syndicate along with so far unknown partners." He paused for a moment. "One of my duties is to 'convince ' the pirates it is in their best interest to stop their raids. To look for more legitimate avenues of trade." He looked at Charlotte, "By best interest, I mean their survival Captain."

Charlotte nodded. "We can confirm that at least part of the pirate action is Syndicate. There was a run in a short while ago over Vela IV. An pirate ship attacked the USS Howard Carter and destroyed her. From reports from the survivor's, each of which are currently aboard, we know that the pirates were led by an Orion calling herself Vestra. The attacking vessel also seemed to be a new configuration, but certainly appeared Orion. Defiant missed the ship by a handful of hours at most." She folded her hands in front of her. "We can get to that all later though. I'd like to get to know a my Diplomatic Officer a bit better. If we're to be speaking with one voice in the sector, it's good to reach an understanding. So...tell me about yourself."

Savar nodded, "A most logical statement Captain. It wise to know those you serve with especially as you say it is imperative, we speak with one voice. My parents are both alive. My father is Salik, my mother T'Nara. I have a younger sister T'Kar. I am married to Verelan who is also in Starfleet. I have not seen Verelan except on shore leave or...... Pon 'Farr. I love her very much." He reached for his glass an took a sip. Placing the glass back down he continued, "I have a pet Shelat named Tux he is here with me. You should meet him. He is quite imposing looking and loyal to me but gentle. I am an avid reader. For through reading we expose ourselves to new ideas and thoughts. It broadens the mind as well as allows us to be more accepting and tolerant of new ideas. I play chess and like to spend time outdoors." He finished.

"I'm glad to here you still have both of your parents. After the loss of Vulcan, I know that's not true for many," Charlotte replied, before gesturing to one of the photos on her desk, an image of her friend T'Lok and his family, at their home on New Vulcan. "My best friend lost his whole family in the attack and ultimately decided to resign his commission. He and his wife are part of the New Vulcan settlement initiative now."

Her hand drifted toward a padd, but she decided to hold its information off for just a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, I'm curious what motivated you to stay in Starfleet. We have several Vulcan crew aboard, but I'm always a interested in personal choice in the matter. It tends to be a little different for each."

"One gains knowledge and information through questions Captain." Savar replied with the usual Vulcan calm. "As to your question as to why I chose to remain in Starfleet after the destruction of Vulcan. I did so, to honor my fellow Vulcans who had died in the loss of Vulcan. They believed in the Federation and it's ideals and goals. By remaining in Starfleet, I can bring those ideals into fruition."

"I think you'll get along with Lt. Subat in our Science Division. He feels quite similarly," Charlotte said with a smile. "So I suppose I should flip the script here a little. I imagine you have questions about Defiant, our mission, or your Captain. Anything I can answer for you?"

Savar looked at Charlotte, a slight raising on his left eyebrow. "I trust Starfleet's judgment in the placement of its captains in positions where they will do the most good. I know you are a skilled diplomat if you can keep yourself on track and not let your personal opinions interfere. I believe we will work quite well together. However, on a personal level, I read you like to play billiards and like to sail. Do you play eight ball or straight pool or a different variant?"

Now it was Charlotte's turn to raise an eyebrow. "A pool man? I think we will get along quite well then. Personally, I stick mostly to eight ball. But I'm always happy to branch out."

Savar's lips turned upward in a small smile. "I look forward to the opportunity to play a friendly game of pool with you Captain. I believe it would prove to be most interesting."

The expression caught Rhodes by surprise. "Mr. Savar, is that a smile I see?"

Without missing a beat, Savar replied, " Most observant. I believe you are correct Captain."

She couldn't resist an amused smile of her own in reply. "I get the feeling, this is going to be an entertaining tour together, Mr. Savar."


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