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Psych Eval

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 12:50pm by Lieutenant Alex Drake & Lieutenant Callie Knight
Edited on on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 12:51pm

915 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Counsellor’s Office

Alex hated psychological evals, but every officer was required to get one at the start of an assignment, no matter how recent their last one was. This was non-negotiable, and for most officers, they could get it within a week of boarding. Of course, this was for everyone outside of Intelligence. If any Intel officer was found to be psychologically unfit for duty they were to be immediately relieved of duty until they could be further evaluated by members of Starfleet Intelligence. It was a security matter.

What doubly worried Alex about security matters was the counselor aboard the Defiant. She was a Betazoid. Fairly new species to the Federation, but their abilities weren't unknown. Especially by Intelligence. Knowing she was a telepath worried him.

While he stood outside her office trying to find excuses for not getting the eval, he was also trying to figure out if he'd be able to get her to sign off on it without actually doing it. Not getting any good excuses or rational reasons, he rang the chime, taking a step back to wait.

Answering the door Callie offered a warm smile. “You must be Lieutenant Drake, I’m Callie Vali please come in.” She walked on ahead motioning to the seats, “Feel free to make yourself at home.” She gave Alex a curious look. “You’re uncomfortable? That’s not unusual, for what it’s worth I don’t read minds without permission, and it takes considerable effort to do so. I can, however, sense your emotions.”

That was a relief to Alex, at least. Knowing that he didn't have to worry about a security breach from her was helpful. Taking a seat, he nodded, "I apologize but it's by nature part of my job. If I'm not careful, secrets and information chains get out to people who are not supposed to know things."

“Given that you work for Intel, I’m not permitted access to certain areas of your personnel file anyway.” Callie smiled. “My clearance only goes so far, so bare that in mind while we’re talking.”

"I completely understand the clearance level tiers as well. I spent way too much time trying to get mine." Alex chuckled a little.

“Of course” Callie smiled. “So have you settled in alright? Any problems?”

"Haven't had much of a chance to fully get settled yet. I've been running back and forth between the intelligence office and everywhere else on the ship. Mostly my own fault for not just using the comms, though."

Callie grinned. “I completely understand, that’s why I make a point of getting settled in before I do anything else. That way you can relax, and freshen up without anyone pestering you for anything.”

Alex chuckled slightly. "I've been known to get wrapped up in reading reports and such that I would forget, for several days even, to report in or do something else of importance when joining a new assignment. I've had to learn to adapt."

Callie nodded. “That’s a good thing. Being able to adapt to different circumstances, and situations, especially in your line of work.”

"It's even more important when you could be cut off from contact for an extended period." Alex smiled a little, "I haven't done much field work in my time such as that, but I've dabbled."

Callie nodded. “I like the way you think, so I don’t think there’s much for me to worry about where this evaluation is concerned. Are there any situations, that you are allowed to talk about that you feel need to be discussed?”

Alex thought for a moment on how much of the Earth's Identity Movement activity was classified, but the events with his parents had happened long enough ago that most people had forgotten about it, and he sighed. "The fact that my parents were terrorists. And the fact that I found it out through snooping where I didn't belong while at the academy."

“Terrorists?” Callie put her PADD down to give Alex her full attention. “That couldn’t have been easy for you, learning something of that magnitude.”

"No, it wasn't, but it brought closure, in a weird way." Alex admitted, "I'd been shuffled between what I was told was family for most of my childhood, with no idea why. So when I finally found that out, I was relieved, in a sense."

“I guess it provided you with answers that you needed, but not necessarily in the best way.” Callie offered an understanding smile.

"Yeah. And of course, that's what lead me to Intelligence." Alex smiled slightly. "And well, here I am."

Callie nodded. “Question is have you come to terms with the truth about your parents? Did they become terrorists for a reason?, for something they believed in?”

Alex scoffed, "I don't know how anyone can subscribe to that ridiculous ideal. The Federation didn't ruin Earth's identity when we founded it. If nothing else, it made us stronger!" He sighed, "yeah I've come to terms with it. Still cannot believe anyone would believe that garbage."

Callie nodded. “Well there are those that do obviously. Anyway I’m glad that you’ve managed to come to terms with it."

"As am I, and I'm also glad I found out about it when I did. I'd rather not have found out when on a starship." Alex said, nodding.

Nodding Callie smiled. She had no doubt Alex would make a good addition to the crew.


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