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New Assignments

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 7:42am by Petty Officer 2nd Class T'Raya & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant JG Teh'dri Caix

898 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Captain's Ready Room

T'Raya was at her work station in the administrative offices of the Defiant. She was performing her daily early morning review of communications dispatches when two communiques crossed her screen that she flagged for a Captain's review. She finished her work and downloaded pertinent files to her tablet. She then secured her work station and proceeded to the Bridge and the Captain's Ready Room for the pre Senior Staff daily meeting in an hour. She depressed the door chime at exactly 0915 hours like she did every morning.5

Charlotte's voice was audible through the door. "Come on in, T'Raya."

T'Raya entered and crossed to the desk, handing the tablet across the desk to Charlotte. "Good morning Captain. Two dispatches require your review this morning. The first is from the Office of Personnel at Starfleet Command assigning Lieutenant junior grade Caix, Engineman First Class Mokena, Hospital Corpsman Third Class Grant and Able Crewman Banning to the Defiant. There is also a communique from the Federation Science Council authorizing Doctor Knight to serve as a member of the Science Department on attached status indefinitely."

The Captain's eyes lit up at the comment. "They approved all of them? That was fast." She waved the Vulcan over to her desk, before hesitating and somewhat embarrassingly retrieving the small eyeglass case from her top desk and putting them on. It wasn't the first time T'Raya had seen her wear them, but it still felt a bit awkward. The Interim Medical Chief had given her a hard time about eye strain related headaches though, so she'd decided to at least wear them if she was going to do some intensive reading in her Ready Room.

Rhodes took the padds and began to review. "Perfect. This will help alleviate some of our personnel woes. Now if only we could get a few permanent department head positions filled, we'd be in good shape. I am curious with Knight. No idea if this is something she's actually going to accept."

T'Raya raised an eyebrow. "I have not had the opportunity to meet Doctor Knight. However, I have heard Lieutenant Commander Knight speak fondly of his sister. Perhaps she will accept the position to stay close to her brother." She gestured to the tablet. "Regardless, they will all need new quarters assigned. Would you like me to bring any of them to your Ready Room?"

Charlotte read over the briefs quickly. Getting out of her Ready Room might be a good idea and she could easily swing past each of their temporary stations. "For the Starfleet Officers, I'll come to them. They've already picked up shifts in most cases. I'll just meet them on duty. I'm not quite sure where Doctor Knight is off to though. Might be best if you bring her here."

T'Raya acknowledged Charlotte's order with a nod as she sent the Carter survivors cabin assignments to the desk view screen. "Would you like to speak with Doctor Knight before the others or would you like to specify a time for me to bring her here?"

"Around 1600 works for me, I think. Should be done with my rounds by then," Charlotte said, removing her glasses and stowing them in the desk. "Anything else you've got for me?"

T'Raya annotated the time on her tablet before looking up at Charlotte "Shall I inform Lieutenant Commander Knight he is to be present for any of the interviews. Lieutenant junior grade Caix will be working alongside him as Navigator and Doctor Knight is his sibling?"

"He's welcome to join me for any of the Starfleet transfers," Rhodes said before shooting T'Raya a quizzical look. "As for his sister, I don't know. What's your take? Sibling dynamics can be awfully weird as a general rule and my own experience hasn't exactly made the comparison any easier. I talk to my little sister Jaina at least once or twice a week. My brother Art almost killed me last time I saw him. So...outside advice welcome."

T'Raya took only a second to consider the question. "He has spoken fondly of his sister. I would be inclined to have him present if I were the Captain. However, I am not the Captain."

"Present it is then," Charlotte said as she drummed her fingers on the desk before pointing at T'Raya. "If this blows up in my face though, you owe me one!"

T'Raya quirked an eyebrow. "One what Captain?"

"Figure of speech," the Captain said, waving the comment away. "I was jokingly saying it would be your fault. But it wouldn't actually be. It just...never mind. Joke loses its meaning if you explain it. Anything else, T'Raya?"

T'Raya turned her attention to the tablet in hand for a moment to check what she already knew. She turned her gaze back to Charlotte. "Negative Captain. I will inform each of the newly assigned crew to stand by for their interviews. I should return to the ship's office if you have nothing further for me."

"That's all I have for now," Charlotte said, returning her eyes to her own work. "I'll finish up here and start tracking down the others. Thank you, Petty Officer."

T'Raya used a stylus to jot down a few notes on her tablet before looking up at Charlotte. "Very well Captain. I will inform Doctor Knight of the time for your meeting." T'Raya turned and exited the ready room.


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