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Setting Snail

Posted on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 10:24pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant JG Teh'dri Caix & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant Callie Knight
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 6:04pm

1,572 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Runner
Location: Bridge, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD1: 1100 Hours
Tags: story

Captain's Log: Stardate 36154.7,

The Defiant is wrapping up a biological review of the planetoid Vilas II. A cold little rock with a rather unfriendly boron heavy atmosphere. Not exactly somewhere I'd recommend for vacation. It's own inhabitants feel quite differently however. It has quite a unique biosphere, with a wide range of mollusk like creatures inhabiting the coastal regions and a positively thriving oceanic biome. Vilas II might be a few billion years away from joining the galactic community, but it still appears to have a lot of information to share with us about how different life can look.

It's always nice to have these quiet missions. However, if I know the Traverse, I doubt that the calm is going to last.

Captain Rhodes looked out of the viewscreen at the beautiful vista before them. The planet below was a bright green, both due to the rampant surface flora and the atmosphere's unique color shading effect. The oceans by contrast looked nearly golden in the light of the setting Vilas sun. Charlotte's eyes could just barely make out a tiny pinprick of light rising above the planet's horizon in the distance. A moment later, the viewscreen's display highlighted it. The shuttlecraft Hodgkin was making its return trip from the surface, and the pilot clearly had decided to take a scenic pass by the planet's expansive rocky ring system, the remnants of a former natural satellite which had gotten a bit too close to one of its companions. Vilas's surviving moon loomed off to the starboard side of the view screen, a dark amber sphere.

Charlotte decided to break the relative silence on the bridge, relaxing as it was. "Gotta say, this is a pretty hard view to beat. I almost wish this survey was going to last another day or so. Our little slug friends down there don't know how good they've got it."

"I have to say that this visit was a rather enjoyable experience, captain." Jackson commented. "I have the Hodgkin on sensors."

"Let them have take their scenic loop. They've earned it. You can direct them into dock when they're ready," Rhodes said, watching the little craft's leisurely pass over the ring system.

Callie smiled as she sat watching the shuttlecraft on the viewscreen, she could tell that Ryan was enjoying flying the shuttle. It put her mind at rest being able to see the shuttlecraft, it was odd just how unsettling it was knowing Ryan was off ship.

---Shuttlecraft Hodgkins---
Ryan was in the pilot's seat of the Hodgkins performing a leisurely flyby of the rings around the planet to allow his co-pilot, the ship’s geologist, time to get a thorough composition scan. Ryan was simply enjoying flying the shuttlecraft. His first love always have been flying.

The ship's zoologist and botanist were sitting in the rear compartment discussing the diverse biosphere of the planet below.

"All systems on the shuttlecraft seem to be working normally, captain, I expect a smooth trip." Rutlidge reported from the Ops station.

“Looks to me like Commander Knight is enjoying himself flying the shuttle Captain.” Callie smiled as she looked towards Charlotte.

"Sensors have detected some small objects in the immediate area of the shuttle, captain. Shall I contact the commander and warn him?" Jackson turned and looked at the captain.

From the Navigator's seat, Lt. Caix in blue turned around to face the Captain's chair. "The debris field looks fairly substantial. Micrometeorites and other debris. Given its distance from the rest of the ring system, it looks like some sort of anomalous impact. It's make up might make it harder for the shuttle's sensors to see than our own."

The worry was showing for Callie as she stood up next to her seat.

The Captain gave a nod to the Operations Chief. "Give them a heads up. They may be enjoying the view and not so much enjoying the detail readouts of their sensor screens. If the shuttle's sensors struggle to detect it, they might have wandered into trouble before they even know. Not that I don't trust Mr. Knight's flying, but let's go ahead and save them the trouble."

---Shuttlecraft Hodgkins---

=/\=Hodgkins. Sensors are picking up micrometeorites and other debris. Recommend you avoid the rings. =/\=

Ryan flipped the toggle for the comms. "Thanks for the heads-up Defiant. Adjusting course now." He input a course correction and cleared the debris field a moment later. "Defiant, Shuttlecraft Hodgkins here. On our way back to the barn. Will be skids down in two minutes."

The Captain's voice returned through the comms array, with a tone indicating she was in no rush. "Sounds good on our end, Commander. We'll keep the light on for you."

“If you’ll excuse me Captain” Callie looked towards Rhenora. “I’ll be in the Shuttlebay if I’m needed.

---Shuttlebay a Few Minutes Later---

Ryan unbuckled his restraints as the tractor beam settled the Hodgkins down. He stood up and helped the science team gather their gear and sample cases to put them by the hatch as the shuttlebay pressurized. He finally stepped off after the team did and moved forward quickly to give a brief hug to the beautiful woman he had not seen in two days. "Did you miss me?"

Callie hugged Ryan letting out a calming breath. “You bet I missed you! My heart leapt into my mouth when that debris field was found to be in your path.”

Ryan hugged Callie back. "Hey, you're engaged to the best pilot on the ship. It was never an issue of if the shuttlecraft was going to make it back, just a matter of when."

“I know” Callie nodded. “It’s strange how being in love with someone changes your perspective on just about everything! I knew you’d be alright, but I still couldn’t wait for you to get onboard safe and sound."

Ryan released Callie and smiled at her. "I know what you mean. As much as I loved leading the survey mission, I missed you the last two days."

Callie smiled the biggest smile yet. “Well we’re back together now, no sleeping alone longing for each other tonight!”

Ryan squeezed Callie's hand. "Very true."

The communicator on Knight's belt chirped, indicating an internal communication channel. The Captain's voice came through the override speaker. "Rhodes to Knight. Welcome home, Commander. We’re prepping our departure. Do you want the wheel or want to sit this one out and get settled?"

Ryan flipped open his communicator as he looked at Callie. "Be there in five minutes Captain, just need to stow my gear bag." He closed the communicator and hoisted his bag as took Callie's hand. They stepped out of the landing bay into a staging area with multiple lockers where he secured the bag in one of said lockers. It took a minute to reach the turbolift and start the trip from the landing bay deck to the bridge.

Callie looked at Ryan as she stood alongside him. “Shame we didn’t have longer, who knows what we could have gotten up to in one of the storage rooms!” She grinned a wry grin.

Ryan smirked as they boarded the turbolift. "You are absolutely incorrigible." He grabbed the stanchion. "Bridge." He then used his free arm to grab Callie and pull her close to plant a deep kiss on her lips.

Callie was surprised but she soon melted into the kiss, returning it just as deeply.

The kiss lasted a good ten seconds and promised more to come once they were off duty. Ryan broke the kiss and released her a few seconds before the door opened onto the bridge. He stepped off the turbo-lift. "Successful survey mission Captain. Science team collected several dozen flora, fauna and mineral samples for further study in the labs." He held a smile, unbeknownst his lips were slightly lipstick smeared.

As Callie moved around to take a seat she couldn’t help but notice the lipstick, she couldn’t tell Ryan verbally so instead she sent a mental ‘poke’ focussing on the image of him with lipstick smeared lips.

"I think I've got the same color myself somewere. Usually apply it a bit more evenly though," Rhodes said with a teasing smirk, before tapping her lips subtly.

Ryan’s face went beet red as he wiped his mouth. He stepped down to the helm station and relieved the chuckling helmsman on duty. He held on to the embarrassed laugh until sitting down. He checked the console and forced a serious tone to his voice. "Ready to leave orbit at your command Captain."

"All sensors show no other ships in the area, captain Board is clear for warp." Jackson reported.

"Navigational recommendations are also plotted. Looks like smooth flying," Lt. Caix said from the navigator's panel.

The Captain settled back in her chair. "Let's get underway then. Number One, set a course for sector 411. Warp Factor 7."

Ryan turned to Teh'dri. "Navigator Caix assistance with the course plot please."

A few button chirps later, Teh'dri nodded as she sent the course to the helm station. "Course recommendation headed your way, Commandeer."

Ryan did a quick review of the course plot and realized it was more efficient than his own. "Course laid in Captain. Just give the word."

"Let's ride."

The Defiant's nacelle fins opened. After a momentary flash of light, the vessel was gone.


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