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Getting to Know One Another Better

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 5:37pm by Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II

1,180 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Jackson's Quarters

Samantha bounced frantically as she gripped Jackson's shoulders firmly. Her loud moans got even louder as she crested and felt his own explosive release. She felt pleasantly weak as she collapsed into his arms. Her chest heaved with ragged breaths as she came down from the euphoric high she was experiencing. "Oh my God! That was incredible!"

"You were incredible. I have problems finding women who are willing to be with a, shall we say, large man in all respects." He held on to her.

Samantha let out a content sigh as she slid off his lap to lay next to him, snuggled into his arms. She had quite enjoyed the night in his quarters. "Well, you have the stamina to match. I would think a man of your build and stature would have joined as a security officer." She rested a hand on his chest, one finger making lazy circles. "So what does the Operations Officer for a starship do on a normal day?"

"I direct ship's power to the primary systems. If a science lab needs to use the sensors to scan an asteroid or a planet, I'll redirect power for them. When we're at Red Alert, I make sure that the shields and weapons are powered. And if need be, I can help out in other departments." He was rubbing her back. " this how you treat all the new officers, or was I lucky?"

"Mmmm. That feels good." Samantha looked up into Jackson's eyes. "I would say we both got pretty lucky tonight. Wouldn’t you?"

"I would indeed, doctor." Jackson pulled her closer. It seems he was ready for another chance at getting 'lucky'.

Samantha sensed Jackson's renewed arousal and shook her head with a smirk. "Someone seems to have an appetite almost as insatiable as mine." Her hand slid down his abdomen and finger began a playful drumming. "How about I reward you the same way you rewarded me when we first got to your quarters. Give us time for you to find out about me and give me a little more time to recover?"

"Whatever you want, is fine with me," Jackson smiled at her.

Samantha returned the smile as she deftly played with him. "So what would you like to know about me good sir?"

"Family, other than your brother. Where did you grow up. Other lovers, better or worse than me." Jackson responded.

Samantha gently played with Jackson as she pondered his question for a moment. "Well, my mother is Amanda Knight, Earth's Ambassador on the Federation Council. Dad is Chief of Staff for Admiral Fuller at the Office of Strategic Operations. As for other lovers. Would you prefer to know about the males or females? I am quite diverse in that regard."

"Really. How do I stack up to the rest, if I can ask." Jackson asked.

"Hmmmm?" Samantha shifted position to sit up and give Jackson a long kiss. "Well, I am scientist. I think perhaps there's more research to do before I could come to a definitive conclusion on that. Unless you're too tired to continue...experimenting."

"I'm sure I'm up to the task." He smiled, pulling her closer, and grabbing her backside to pull her closer to him.

Samantha pushed against him as she shook her head. "I'm much to tired to driven this time. Time to see if you can take the reins and make this filly scream." She pulled herself off Jackson before settling on her knees and grabbing the headboard of his bed. She nodded to the lower half of the bed. "Your turn to drive Hon."

Jackson positioned himself between her legs and 'censored' 'censored' 'censored' and 'censored'.


Samantha's whole body was trembling. She had tried to maintain a count of the number of times she had crested, but her brain had been flooding with nonstop endorphins over the last hour as Jackson relentlessly performed. It took all her strength to just hold his hips and stare up at him. She could see in his expression he was close.

Jackson let close with a massive 'censored' and when he was finished, he collapsed.

Samantha held onto Jackson as she panted heavily. The experience was one for the record books in her mind. Her body felt a pleasurable tingle. He was certainly the very first man to ever last long enough to fulfill her nigh insatiable desire. "Well. Damn. That was a first."

"As they say in the Fleet, we aim to please, ma'am." Jackson laid on his back. His body was sweaty. "Now that was excellent. I must say, you are good."

Samantha looked at Jackson with a half amused expression. "Just good? You may want to amend that statement if you want this borderline nymphomaniac to ever share your bed again. I would prove to you I am much better than good, but I it's already debatable that I could walk back to my quarters now."

"Excuse me....very, very, very good." He smiled at her. "So don't walk back to your quarters, if you could walk at the moment, why not just stay here? Maybe even us living together."

Samantha sat up and shifted to face Jackson. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Jackson, you are an incredible lover, very, very attractive, but we just met. I don't know enough about you to determine if I would want to live with you. Plus, I will be leaving the ship when we get back to Starbase Arcadia. I'm a civilian scientist, not Starfleet. I am a junior fellow under contract with the Federation Science Council."

"Leaving? That's news to me." He looked at her. "Can you get an extension of your assignment? What about leaving the Science Council and joining Starfleet? can't leave....I think....I'm with you."

Samantha's eyes widened in surprise. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Jackson, you know next to nothing about me other than I enjoy physical intimacy, I am good at physical intimacy and that I think you are good at physical intimacy. I'm sorry, but I am not in love with you. I do like you, but we only met hours ago."

"A few hours is all some people need. I'm not saying that I am definitely in love with you, but I do care for you, and not just for the sex." Jackson replied.

Samantha leaned over and kissed Jackson. "Why don't we enjoy the time we have. I won't be leaving until we put in at Starbase Arcadia anyway. We can discuss if we want to try and pursue a relationship closer to pulling into port." She shifted in the bed and snuggled up in his arms. "Now it's time for sleep. I promise I won't disappear before morning comes."

Jackson wasn't happy with that answer. He was a type of guy who doesn't just hop into bed with a woman and not feeling anything but sex in the picture. He laid back in bed, and starred at the ceiling all-night.


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