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Appointment With The Counselor

Posted on Sun Mar 12th, 2023 @ 3:21pm by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II

616 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Counselor's Office

Rutledge had been training with the Recon teams in one of the unused cargo bays. Makeshift buildings were constructed to simulate house to house training. "Let's run through it again." The crew moaned. "I know you're tired, but we need to get this right, or we risk losing people."

Just at that moment, his commbadge chirped, and he tapped it. "Rutledge."

Sitting in her office Callie was going over the files of new arrivals. “Lieutenant Rutledge, this is Lieutenant Vali ship’s Counsellor, I was wondering if you’re free to drop by my office?”

"I'll be there in minutes, counselor." He looked at his people. "Lieutenant Baker, take over, I'll be back as soon as I can." Rutledge left the cargo bay and made his way to the counselor's office. When he arrived, he pressed the door chime and waited.

Answering the door Callie smiled as she greeted Rutledge. “Thank you for coming so fast Lieutenant, please come in and make yourself at home.”

Jackson was surprised to see such an attractive woman as the ship's counselor. Someone that lovely might distract the male members of the crew from answering questions honestly. "Thank you, counselor." He moved towards the couch. "Is it okay if I sit here?"

“Of course” Callie smiled warmly. “I prefer to let people choose where they’re comfortable being.” She took a seat in one of the chairs. “Now this is probably new to you, Starfleet doesn’t yet have a Counsellor on every ship. It’s my job to make sure that all the crew have an evaluation, hence why I called you here.”

"Okay, I can understand the need for the eval, so let's get started."

Callie nodded. “Fine by me, so how are you settling in onboard the Defiant?”

"Nicely. Met with the captain and she outlined what my duties are to be. Met some of the crew, and my quarters are fine, slightly bigger than I am used to. Put up some pictures, some books on the shelves, and made the bed, since the last person assigned there, didn't."

“Well at least you’re settled in, it’s nice to meet someone whose so organised.” Callie smiled. “I normally here people say that they’re still living out of unpacked boxes.”

"I guess my parents stressed the importance of being well organized early in life." Jackson responded.

“It does make all the difference” Callie smiled warmly. “Do you have any worries, or concerns?”

"Besides the normal concerns about job performance?" He paused. "I would have to say 'no'."

Callie nodded. “That’s good. As for job performance, that’s obviously not my area to comment on, but you’re new here and I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

"New assignment on a new ship, and I'll be shorthanded trying to keep things rolling, so, no pressure."

“I believe there are a lot of departments missing personnel right now” Callie smiled. “I’m currently the only Counsellor onboard given the size of the crew. The Captain is doing her best to get more crew assigned to the Defiant.”

"According to the captain, I have 20 people assigned to the operations section, which may sound like a lot but considering what duties we may have, actually is on the small size." Jackson replied.

“Well you’re probably doing better than most.” Callie smiled warmly. “Well, I think unless there’s anything else you need to talk about I’m happy to let you go and get on with your duties.”

Jackson stood up. "Thank you for your time, counselor."

“My pleasure Lieutenant.” Callie smiled. “Any problems, you know where to find me.”

Jackson nodded, turned and left.



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