Posted on Sat Mar 11th, 2023 @ 12:40am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Captain Charlotte Rhodes
1,522 words; about a 8 minute read
Archived- Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Ready Room, USS Defiant
Charlotte Rhodes stood in her Ready Room, pensively gazing out at the stars and the massive Carina Nebula that seemed to follow them wherever they went in this region. She'd woken early this morning to rehearse this. It hadn't felt any less robotic, so she simply decided to do the real thing.
As she gazed out, she casually flipped open her communicator with her free hand, the other holding a nice warm cup of coffee, compliments of her yeoman. She kept her voice casual and unassuming. "Rhodes to Knight. Do you mind joining me in my Ready Room, Lieutenant?"
Ryan was the senior bridge officer of the watch, but he was manning the helm station instead of sitting in the center seat. He generally preferred to remain at the helm during watches that saw him in command of the bridge, especially when Captain Rhodes was working in her Ready Room.
Ryan was listening to the two junior officers talking about their plans for liberty call once they returned to Starbase Arcadia when the Captain's call came in. He gestured to the engineering subsystems officer to take over the helm as he stood up. "Of course Captain. Be there in a second." He crossed the bridge to the Ready Room door and entered. "What can I do for you Captain?"
Charlotte turned around. "Ah, that was fast. Forgot you were still on the bridge, I could have just popped my head out. Uh..." She paused for a moment, before making eye contact again. "The events of the past few days have reminded me of a few things from my previous command. As such, I am admittedly feeling a bit withdrawn from the crew. And that has reminded me that I've been slacking on one of my command duties."
She walked over toward one of the storage shelves on the side of her office, resting her hand on one of the drawers. "During this past mission, you performed admirably, even while your own sister was in danger. You stayed focused and kept the ship and the crew safe throughout. That kind of level thinking is exactly what Starfleet is always looking for. Do you remember our conversation before we got to Vela IV where I referenced thinking you needed a push?"
Ryan nodded with a slight shrug. He was not entirely sure what Charlotte had summoned him to the ready room for. "I just did my best Captain. Allowing my personal feelings to influence my actions would have put Samantha in even more peril and of course I remember our conversation prior to arriving at Vela IV."
Charlotte nodded. "Some of us struggle with that our whole careers. I've been thinking that perhaps I also need the push." She slid the drawer open, and pulled out a small golden ceremonial Starfleet delta bearing three emblazoned pips: 2 filled, one black. It indicated the rank of Lieutenant Commander. "Mr. Knight, I'd like you to serve as my First Officer. My liaison to the crew and my most valuable advisor."
Ryan looked at the Delta pin and blinked in amazement for a moment before turning his gaze up to look Charlotte in the eye. "Push?" He gave a chuckle. "Seems more like a kick to me, but I thank you Captain. I will do my best." He grew thoughtful for a moment. "We are still short staffed at the moment. I would like to also remain as Chief Helmsman at least until we find a replacement."
“You’re the best pilot I’ve got. You’re not getting out of helm that easy,” Rhodes teased with a smile. “That actually does bring me to one of our first command discussions though. You’re right about short staffed. Half our damn positions are filled with short term loans or junior officer’s serving as interims. It’s been over 6 months since Defiant left the shipyard and I’ve barely been able to secure a permanent posting since then. Admittedly most of that time was spent on shakedown and testing runs for her new systems, but I think Command is just hoping we can make do with the shiny new toys while personnel get funneled else where.”
She moved toward her desk, gesturing with her non-mug hand at one of the seats. “How read up are you on the current situation on the Klingon Border?”
Ryan sat down in the chair Charlotte had gestured to. "Well, it's no secret that tensions have been rising between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The biggest contention right now is the status of Sherman's Planet. Both sides are laying claims that the planet falls within their territory."
The captain nodded. "Yes, it's become quite a hod bead. Deep Space Station K-7 is currently surrounded by more ships than she has docking ports for at the moment. And there have been repeated clashes with Klingon force. Enterprise, Lexington, and the Newton have all reported incidents. However, we've also received a few intelligence reports that are almost more worrying. We have reasons to believe that the Klingons might be in a substantial trade negotiation with the Romulan Star Empire."
Ryan’s eyes widened in mild astonishment at the news of a possible treaty between the Klingons and Romulans. "That is cause for concern. I wouldn’t think it possible though with the number of incidents and skirmishes that have occurred in the Triangle area. Although...,' he paused thoughtfully for a moment, "...I haven't heard of a single incident between the two over the last three months."
Charlotte leaned back a little in her seat, attempting to avoid some of the weight of her words. "Command is understandably spooked. A deal between them could be very problematic. Suffice it to say, that's a good part of why we're short staffed out here by Arcadia. We're a good distance from the Klingons, so resources haven't been sent our way. But I have been informed that there is some reports of a lone Romulan vessel snooping on the other side of the neutral zone in our vague vicinity. We aren't really sure why yet. But now that you're read in, it'll be something we need to keep our eyes on."
Ryan considered Charlotte's words very carefully. A trade alliance would be bad enough for the Federation. A Romulan ship skirting the Neutral Zone was a whole different ballgame. "I will keep my eyes on the situation. That being said, I would like to make a recommendation regarding our personnel shortage. The persons we rescued from Vela IV all have the qualifications to fill some of our shortages, including my sister. I would like to put in a request to Starfleet Command that the four Starfleet personnel be reassigned permanently to this command and...a request from you to the Federation Science Council would likely see Samantha attached to us. At least until Starfleet sees fit to send us a permanent archeologist slash anthropologist. Her linguistics skills could also prove useful."
"See? Command suits you," the Captain replied, with a smile broadening across her face again. "I think that's an excellent idea. Make sure Callie performs an Eval with them. I don't want to put someone to work who really needs rest and therapy. But I agree, that's an excellent decision. I'll put in the requests now. Once I hear back, I'll make the offer to them. Sure it won't be weird working with your sister?"
Ryan’s face took on an amused expression before he let loose a short laugh. "Oh, it will definitely be weird, but like I said during our last one on one conversation. She is my best friend. We'll make it work." A moment later his expression turned more serious. "Do you have something for your new First Officer?"
"That's all at present, Mr. Knight," Charlotte said, allowing him the exit. If he was anything like here, he'd probably need to let it sink in for a moment. "Oh, actually. There is one last thing. I think you might need to update that uniform, Lt. Commander."
"Will do Captain." Ryan took his old Delta pin off and tried to put the new one on, but was having trouble getting it on straight.
Charlotte stood up and reached over to right the Delta. She'd had much of the same nervous energy when she was promoted. "If it's any consolation, there's not really a moment where it feels like it fits. But you grow into it, and eventually it feels like its always been there."
Ryan gave Charlotte a small smile. "Truth be told. I aspire to your chair someday. This just puts me another step closer to that goal."
Charlotte shot him a sly smile. "Good luck getting me out of it! But temporarily?...Report to the Conn, Number One."
Ryan chuckled with a nod. "Aye Captain, I have the conn." Ryan left the Ready Room and stepped over to the helm where the relief helmsman was. He paused for a moment and looked at the center seat. He took two steps and dropped into the chair. "Helm maintains this course and speed"