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Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 8:06am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff
Edited on on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 12:57am

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Captain’s Ready Room, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 0, 1400 Hours

Kenna moved swiftly to the door of the Captain's ready Room. She held a few reports in her hands and she wanted to make sure the information got to the Captain sooner rather than later. She hit the chime.


Captain Rhodes looked up from behind her desk, as the door swiveled open. "Miss Wolff, punctual as ever," she said with a smile. Before dropping a spanner on the table, giving up on the mess of wires on the side of her desk. "I, on the other hand, am about 20 minutes behind pace. Made the mistake of trying to install a panel mod to my desk. I've always enjoyed being able to pull up live feeds of whatever reaches us from the Federation net. And I figured 'I've had some training on this. I run a damn starship, I can upgrade my own desk.'"

She shot Kenna a dejected look. "Suppose I should have let the Ops team handle it. Anyway, enough about my insufficient splicing skills. You said we might have some trouble brewing?"

Kenna nodded even as she bit back a rueful sigh about the Captain's engineering skills. "Yes, a number of items need you to have a look at... just promise me you will get Ops or Engineering in to fix your desk please."

Charlotte looked over at her desk panel one last time. She’d don’t enough damage already. “…I know when I’m licked.”

Kenna handed over the Padd. "Pirate groups are being tracked by Intelligence. Some are more...brazen than others. And some are funded by the Orions." Kenna's tone was cooler when she mentioned the Orions. Her past with them was well known.

“Not entirely surprised to hear about pirate activity. All those refugee ships showing up are bound to attract some bottom feeders, preying on those in need. But the Syndicate. That surprises me. This is a bit outside their usual reach,” she looked at the Tactical Chief. “Think it could be part of a larger effort?”

"They like to expand their territory occasionally, and small non corporate vessels are easy targets." Something Kenna knew all too well. "It could be an opportunist within the Syndicate or someone trying to make a name for themselves and using the Orions as a 'big bad' as well."

The Captain looked over the padd. Her brow furrowed a little as she tried to discern details which she knew weren't there. They just didn't have enough information. On the surface, this looked like just sporadic attacks, but there was definitely the hint of a pattern. Kenna knew the Syndicate better than most. If she said the Orions were involved, or someone trying to look like the Orions at least, Charlotte believed her. "There's only so much we're going to be able to learn sitting in dock. Might be worth taking Defiant out for a few patrols."

She looked over at Kenna, trying to gauge the woman's perpetually guarded response. Ever since the woman's ordeal at the hands of the Orions, Kenna had been less than eager to enter their territories. Charlotte half felt that Defiant's posting was a source of relief for the woman. "How are you holding up with all this?"

Kenna inclined her head slightly. "Orions are not my.. favorite race as you know. They are sneaky and under handed and other things not spoken about in polite company. That said, I am a Starfleet officer, if we must meet them then I will do my duty." And scream about it later, Kenna added mentally.

The Captain nodded. She understood what the woman was getting at. “I’ll do my best to make sure that when we meet them, you do so from behind your tactical terminal.” She looked back at the padd for a moment. “In the meantime, try and draw up a few key regions you expect to see activity. Maybe Defiant will stop by for a visit.”

"Of course." Kenna replied. "I am sure Starfleet Intelligence have a few contacts we can tap as well."

Charlotte handed the padd back to her. "Sounds like a plan. Let me know what you turn up. Once we have something concrete, we launch."

"Yes Sir" Kenna smiled and took the PADD back. "Shall I call Engineering Captain?" she asked looking at the mess again.

The captain allowed her gaze to drift back toward the mess of her desk panel. "Probably for the best..."


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