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Imzadi, Part Two

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:46am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight

1,451 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Ryan’s Quarters
Timeline: Just After Unpleasant Duty

With Ryan having left his quarters, Callie had been left to her own devices until his return. Ryan had said to make herself at home, so heading into the bedroom she removed her clothing and headed to the bathroom to shower ready for dinner.

Ryan returned to his quarters after going over the AAR with Teh'dri and getting a few more details of the encounter annotated on the report. He noticed that Callie wasn't sitting on the couch. [She probably went to her quarters to get ready for dinner[\i], he thought. He decided that may give him a chance to do the same. He pulled off his boots and socks, then his gold tunic and tossed him onto the couch before walking to the fresher door. He was surprised to step in to the sounds of a shower running and had to give a chuckle. "I guess I did say to make yourself at home."

Callie smiled and nodded as she turned to face Ryan. “You did indeed, I wanted to be refreshed ready for dinner.” She motioned him inside, “Would you like to join me?”

Ryan smiled as he admired her body. He shed his trousers and underpants before stepping into the shower stall with her. He wrapped his arms around her and grinned. "Water conservation is important. Showering together will save resources."

“Indeed” Callie grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leant in for a romantic kiss.

The kiss was light and romantic to start, but it wasn't long before the kiss deepened and became more passionate as their bodies pressed together. Ryan slowly roamed his hands over Callie's body. His massage of her the other night had informed him of exactly what spots she enjoyed being touched most. He focused there.

Callie’s response was both verbal and tactile. Her hands roamed over Ryan’s body, taking in the areas she’d learned he liked the last time they were together. Her moans and cries of pleasure were telling him just how much she was enjoying his touch, her skin reacting with goosebumps at his touch. She parted her legs slightly as she rose on tippy toes, her hand guiding him between her thigh before closing them. She moved her hips ever so slightly to indicate her desire.

Ryan responded with a sudden intake of breath as he responded to what Callie was doing. He wanted her, not just physically, but to become Imzadi as well. He broke the kiss to look into her eyes. He could see the desire in her expression and knee his own expression mirrored hers. He didn't speak. He only nodded his head.

Callie smiled and held onto Ryan, encouraging him to turn as she guided him to the wall of the shower, putting her back against the wall so he could lift her using the wall for leverage. She wanted him, to be Ryan’s not just now but for all time. To be his Imzadi.


Ryan gently stroked Callie's hair as he stared down at her face as she slept. His mind replayed the events of the last several hours which brought a loving smile to his face. The whole experience of their night of lovemaking had been incredible. They had not only enjoyed the physical sensations, but the growing telepathic and empathic bond had allowed them to share what the other was feeling as well. It created an immediate knowledge of what exactly to do and when to do for each other. The bond had grown stronger throughout the evening bringing an intimate understanding of one another and mutual pleasure he had never, ever, known before.

Ryan breathed her scent in deeply as he watched her eyelids flutter indicating she was in a deep REM sleep and most likely dreaming something pleasurable. He wasn't entirely sure if she would consider it an invasion, but he was curious as to what she was dreaming about. He closed his eyes as he opened his mind to hers.

In her dream state Callie was happily dreaming of a picnic, the scene set overlooking gorgeous views of the sea from one of her many favourite places on Earth. Lying on a picnic blanket with Ryan she happily watched two young children, one boy and one girl, at play. Not just any children but their children, on her finger was a shining wedding ring, and she was expecting yet another child. She stirred slightly in her sleep as she cuddled happily with Ryan.

Ryan opened his eyes and looked down upon Callie as she snuggled closer to him. He smiled at the thought of spending a life with her and raising children. It was the first time he thought he could have such a life. He relaxed and settled back into his pillow as she squirmed even closer still. He finally drifted off to sleep with the hopes that her dreams not only reflected her deepest desires, but were a prophecy of the future for them both.


Callie awoke to find herself still wrapped up in Ryan’s arms, she had found herself waking up overnight ever since her arrival onboard, a classic sign that she hadn’t yet settled into her new home properly. She smiled as she lay simply listening to Ryan’s heartbeat, she couldn’t believe they’d come so far so soon.

Ryan stirred in his sleep as he began the gradual process of waking up. He gently hugged Callie as he approached consciousness.

Feeling Ryan starting to awake Callie gently lifted her head and kissed him gently on the cheek. She didn’t want to startle him so soon after starting to stir.

Ryan woke looking upon Callie's smiling face, bringing a smile to his own. He reached up and brushed a stray lock of her hair back into place. "What time is it?"

“I have absolutely no idea!” Callie smiled as she looked into Ryan’s eyes. “I’m hoping it’s nowhere near time to get up yet, I’m enjoying being here with you far too much.”

Ryan reached behind him and grabbed the old style analog face watch on his night stand. The illuminated face indicates it was 0345 hours. "Uhg. I have an hour until I have to get up."

“A whole hour?” Callie grinned as she moved to playfully pin Ryan to the bed. “Sounds like I’ve got plenty of time then.”

Ryan looked up at Callie's face and naked torso as she pinned him to the bed and chuckled. "Oh really now. What does my jailer plan on doing to her prisoner for the next hour then?"

“Let me show you” Callie grinned as she leant down for a passionate kiss. Letting it linger for a while as she opened her mind to Ryan. Can you feel our connection Imzadi?

Ryan returned the kiss. I do indeed and I have made two important discoveries this night. One, you are insatiable. He flipped her onto her back as he reversed them and pinned her to the bed this time. Two, you have a desire for a big family.

Callie looked at Ryan in surprise. “You saw that in my dreams? I didn’t think you’d connect that deeply through our bond yet. I guess we’re a true match for each other, and yes I would like a family eventually.”

Ryan had never thought having a career in Starfleet and raising a family at the same time would be possible. It had been difficult for his parents with his father in Starfleet, doubly so considering his mother worked in the Federation Diplomatic Corps. However, Callie and he were both officers in Starfleet. Arrangements were possible to have them posted together. A week ago he couldn't imagine a life focused on anything else but his career. Now he couldn't imagine a life without the woman he was sharing his bed with at the moment. "Callie. I want to ask you something."

Callie nodded as she looked into Ryan’s eyes waiting to see what it was he wanted to ask her.

Ryan took a deep breath as he looked her in the eyes. "Will you...."

Callie’s eyes widened in shock and surprise at what Ryan was about to ask, the rest of his words faded into a blur. “Ohh Ryan!! Yes! Yes!! and Yes!!!” She kissed him with all the passion and love she felt for him.

Ryan returned her kisses with equal passion. It was quite evident after only a minute that his morning run was to be coopted by a different kind of workout.



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