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Morning Ritual

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:21am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Petty Officer 2nd Class T'Raya

968 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD 6: Morning

Charlotte stared absently out at the stars beyond the window in her quarters, as she mentally reviewed everything she had to do today. Routine check ins with half the departments, roster approvals, settling a physical altercation between two hotheaded lower deck officers, and a few other assorted tasks. All in all, not too bad of a day ahead. Opting for the green command wrap over her standard gold tunic, she pulled on a black undershirt slipping into the wrap. As a final touch, she pulled her hair into a tight businesslike bun.

T'Raya walked down the corridor of Senior Officers' Country. Her right hand held a tablet with Captain Rhodes schedule for the day that T'Raya was reviewing one final time before the start of watch. She carried a thermal mug of cinnamon latte in her left hand at Captain Rhodes preferred temperature. T'Raya reached the door to Charlotte's Quarters at precisely 0720 hours and rang the chime to announce her arrival. She lifted the thermal mug in preparation for the customary hand off as she entered.

The captain turned to see the young Vulcan enter the room with a smile, an expression which broadened at the sight of the thermas. "Petty Officer, you certainly know how to brighten my morning. What do you have for me today?"

T'Raya handed the miniature thermos to Charlotte and immediately turned her gaze to the tablet. "Bridge watch from 0800 hours until the Senior Staff call meeting at 1000 hours. Lieutenant Knight will take over the bridge watch after Staff call while you have a meeting with Doctor Knight in your ready room. Medical has scheduled a mass casualty drill, there are twenty off duty personnel who have volunteered to assist by being the 'injured'. You have full discretionary time following lunch. Though you will need to decide if you want to conduct a Captain's Mast for Able Crewman Barnes and Sensorman First Class Rivetti regarding the physical altercation in the crew mess." Her face took on a perplexed expression. "Apparently it escalated from a verbal disagreement to a shoving match over someone called the...Silver Surfer."

It was lucky that Rhodes hadn't started to drink any of her precious coffee yet, or it would have surely come out her nose. As it was, her laugh was barely contained. "You're kidding..."

T'Raya looked up from her tablet with a quirked eyebrow. "I am Vulcan Captain. I am never...kidding."

"No, I suppose not," Charlotte said, allowing herself to finish laughing it off. "The aforementioned Silver Surfer was a fictional character from 20th and 21st Century quasi-mythology. He was one of many imagined heroes with incredible abilities who faced enemies with equally impressive powers. A lot of Earth children still enjoy the stories. I'd always been a bit partial to Captain America myself, but the Surfer is a fairly fitting choice for officers on a space mission."

Charlotte looked towards the window for a moment, considering how best to handle it. "No Captain's mast. Just bring them to their department heads office. I'll make a stern appearance and try to just scare them straight. Disagreements like this are bound to happen. Can't charge our officer's every time."

T'Raya listened to Charlotte's explanation of who and what a Silver Surfer was. It seemed a trivial matter to argue over much less engage in a physical altercation over. "Very well Captain. I shall pass along your instructions to the department heads." She looked over the schedule again. "Your meeting with Doctor Knight, would you prefer I bring her to your ready room or to the Captain's Mess? It is scheduled for eleven hundred hours."

"My ready room would be preferred. Though I'll need my second coffee somewhere in there," the Captain said with smirk. "I'll be curious to see how this discussion goes."

T'Raya nodded as she made a note on her tablet. She looked up at Charlotte. She had covered the important points of Captain Rhodes schedule for the day. "That is everything except for your meal decisions in the Captain's Mess for lunch and dinner. If you can message me by zero nine three zero hours, I can inform the Galley Chief. Will you have anyone joining you for either meal?"

Charlotte shook her head. She probably should be familiarizing herself with the crew more. But her walls were still up. It was one thing to join a social night and play up her antics. But day to day, she still felt herself resisting engaging. "No, just me today. We'll see about later in the week."

T'Raya made a note on her tablet then looked back up at Charlotte expectantly. She didn't speak. Just looked at her Captain with the stoic Vulcan expression.

Charlotte eventually noted the silence and turned to face her Yeoman. After a moments pause, she spoke in an amused tone. "Yes?"

"The menu, Captain. You did not specify what it was you wanted for lunch and dinner." T'Raya poised her stylus over the tablet in preparation to write Charlotte's meal preferences.

Charlotte let out an exasperated sigh. "Right. Apologies, T'Raya. My mind is in other places at the moment. Uh....I'll do the Vulcan style salad for lunch, but with a vinigre
tte if you would. And for dinner..." She looked it over feeling a bit noncommital. "Hmm...the torta looks appealing. I'll go with that."

T'Raya made a note of Charlotte's meal preferences and looked up. "That is it for your schedule until tomorrow morning. I will head to ship's office to prepare the summary for the staff call briefing, unless you have another task for me to perform."

Charlotte shook her head. "Nothing this morning, Petty Officer. Just the usual. Appreciate your help as always."

T'Raya gave a single nod and departed without ceremony to carry out her duties.


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