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Imzadi, Part One

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:46am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight

758 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: XO’s Quarters
Timeline: Just Before Unpleasant Duty


With their shift almost over, Callie had made her way to Ryan’s Quarters. As Samantha had suggested she needed to talk to Ryan about her feelings, and what his being her Imzadi would mean for them both.

Ryan was reviewing Teh'dri Caix's personnel record. He was giving thought to speaking to Captain Rhodes regarding getting her assigned to the Defiant as a stellar cartographer with additional bridge duties as navigator. He looked up from the screen at his desk when the door chime announced the arrival of a visitor. "Come in."

Walking inside Callie offered a warm smile. “I hope I’m not catching you at a busy time? I need to talk to you about something important.”

Ryan stood up and crossed the room to her. He gestured for Callie to have seat on the couch. "Of course. Is everything alright?"

Callie nodded. Taking a seat, and for the first time since they’d met, Callie felt uncomfortable talking about something this important. “Have you ever heard the Betazoid term Imzadi?”

Ryan was unfamiliar with the term. He gave a shake of his head. "Not that I’m aware of." He gave Callie a curious look. "I’m guessing you're going to tell me though."

Callie nodded. “If we’re going to have a true, and loving relationship then it’s important that you know. In the Betazoid language, Imzadi refers to someone with whom you have a physical, and spiritual bond. A soulmate if you like. That bond creates a link between lovers, as I feel you, you in time would learn to use it to feel me... my presence, maybe even hear my thoughts if I taught you.”

Ryan listened in wide-eyed attention as Callie explained what becoming Imzadi meant. He was not bothered by what she said, which was surprising, considering how new their relationship was. He seemed more curious or even intrigued than scared. "How does a couple become...Imzadi? Did I pronounce that correctly?"

Callie smiled and nodded. “You did. Actually becoming Imzadi isn’t difficult, for those willing it will happen naturally during... intimate time together.” She gave a wry smile. “You have to be willing to allow me into your mind.”

Ryan looked at Callie for a long time quietly. His expression thoughtful, but not dismissive of the idea of becoming Imzadi. He had never met a woman who captived him so. One who had been so open and honest with him. She knew how to be the utmost in discretion and professional while they were on duty, but was perfectly in sync with him during social times in public, playful times as when they were on the playground and she was especially compatible during their romantic intimate moments. "You say that this bond that would make us Imzadi...that it will occur when we are making love?"

“That’s one of the best ways, Yes” Callie smiled. “As a non-telepath I’d have to be careful not to overwhelm you. Love making is a very intimate act, I've never bonded but from what I know it’s a profound feeling.” She paused and gently took hold of Ryan’s hand. “If it goes wrong I could hurt you! I don’t ever want to hurt you!”

"I understand." Ryan did in fact understand. He wasn’t worried about getting hurt. He knew that when the time came, he would be ready. "I have to swing by and talk to Lieutenant Caix regarding the prepared After Action Report. Want to meet for dinner in the officers' wardrobe in about an hour?"

“I’d love to” Callie smiled and nodded. “It’ll give us more of a chance to talk.”

Ryan returned Callie's smile as he took hold of her hands in his. "I agree." He looked deeply into her eyes. She was indeed perfection in his opinion and he knew she was the One. "Stay and make yourself at home. I will be back as soon as I'm done speaking with Lieutenant Caix." He gave her a gentle kiss before standing and retrieving a tablet from his work desk. He paused in the doorway and looked at her. "I want you to know. I love you with all that I am." He turned and left, the door sliding closed before she could respond.

Callie opened her mouth to speak but Ryan was already gone, instead she sat with a giddy schoolgirl grin on her face. Ryan said he loved her, and that was all she needed to hear.”


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