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Unpleasant Duty

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:20am by Lieutenant JG Teh'dri Caix & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight
Edited on on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:21am

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Guest Quarters, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 6

Ryan walked down the corridor on Deck 5 to the area reserved for visiting officers. He carried a single data wafer in his left hand with a copy of the after action report from the Vela IV incident. He didn't relish the conversation with the survivor he was about to have, but he had volunteered due to the woman being rescued with his sister. He finally came to a stop at the door to Teh'dri's quarters and pressed the chime button.


The voice from behind the door was even, but welcoming. As the door slid open, it revealed a set of guest quarters lit entirely by candle light. Seated in the center of the room, legs folded, sat Teh’dri Caix. The young woman had assumed a traditional Vulcan meditation pose and sat quietly with her eyes still closed.

The lighting seemed to highlight her mixed heritage. Her hair was pulled back, highlighting her ears more than usual, in close contrast to her Trill markings. However, while she might be conducting a Vulcan meditation, the full bodied calm it was meant to inspire was not present. She shifted somewhat uncomfortably.

Ryan entered, but paused momentarily just inside the cabin as he saw Teh'dri in the midst of what he assumed was a Vulcan meditation ritual of some sort. "Sorry for intruding on your meditation Lieutenant." He tapped the tablet he was carrying. "I have the After Action Report put together. Captain Rhodes just wanted any additional final details you may have had before submitting to higher authority."

“Despite appearances, you’re actually not interrupting much,” Caix said, peaking one eye open to look at the door. After a second, she gave up any semblance of trying to meditate. “Haven’t really been very successful at finding my inner peace since you brought me aboard. I think it might be a bit. Please, grab a seat. I’d like to help however I can, so a report isn’t that big an ask.”

In the back of her mind though, Teh’dri already flinched at reliving the incident. The image of the Howard Carter bridge in flames, moments before she became one of the ship’s only successful survivors cut through the limited calm she’d been able to establish.

Ryan sat down and passed the tablet over to Teh'dri. "I wanted to let you know that we were able to rescue three other members of the Howard Carter's crew. Engineman First Class Mokena, Hospital Corpsman Third Class Grant and Able Crewman Banning were found in a three person escape pod about 200 kilometers south of where we rescued you and Sam. ..Doctor Knight. Mokena had a broken arm and the others some minor cuts and bruises." He gestured at the tablet. "I just need you to read over the report to make sure we have all the pertinent information recorded correctly."

Teh’dri’s shoulders slumped. She was feeling a bizarre mixture of relief at the fact that there were any survivors at all and disappointment at the number. “I…thank you. I’m glad to hear I wasn’t the only one who made it off. I’d be happy to provide whatever details you think would help.” She rose to her feet to receive the padd.

Ryan handed Teh'dri the tablet. "Just read it over and let me know if there's anything we need to add or amend in the report." He sat quietly as Teh'dri began to review the AAR. He didn't enjoy being the one to have to make Teh'dri relive what is probably the worst experience of her life, but overlooking the smallest detail could mean the difference in locating the criminals responsible.

Caix looked over the report. Her expression was flat as she re-read the details of the incident that had claimed her crew. It took all of the training she had to keep her feelings in check. "It seems largely accurate. We lost contact with the lower decks almost immediately when we were hit, so the other pod would be more aware of what happened down there than I. But the only thing I'd add is the nature of the enemy craft. This was definitely not a class we'd seen before. Large attack wings on the outside, almost like a Klingon bird of prey, though the rest of the ship was clearly not Klingon."

Ryan gave a heavy sigh. "Thank you for looking over the report. I know this isn't an easy task for you. Talk to the Counselor if you need to or if you just want an ear. You can talk to me."

“Of course,” Teh’dri said, then paused for a second. “Lieutenant Knight, I did want to thank you. I owe your family doubly so for my rescue. Without your sister on the surface, our your arrival with Defiant, I fear I would not have made it off Vela IV.”

Ryan shrugged. "No need to thank me. I wish we would have gotten there earlier. Maybe we could have saved more than five people and taken the leader into custody instead of just a few Nausican muscle."

"Perhaps," Caix said with an unconvinced nod. Or perhaps not. That Orion woman had sent a chill down Teh'dri's spine, and she still wasn't entirely sure why. She simply gave off one undeniable signal. Threat. "Regardless, I appreciate the rescue. If there is any way I can repay you or your crew, please let me know."

Ryan switched subjects. "Listen, this may not be the best time, but the Defiant is still short a stellar cartographer in the Sciences and my own department would benefit from a skilled navigator. If you’re looking at something to stay busy with."

That got the woman's attention. She looked up from the ground to make eye contact. "I...I hadn't really considered another posting yet. But I would be honored to assist. Even in an interim fashion."

Ryan nodded and allowed a small smile to cross his face. "I will bring it up with the Captain." He rose from his seat and procured the tablet. "Get some rest Lieutenant. I or the Captain will contact you tomorrow."


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