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Whose Profiling Who

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:43am by Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Lieutenant Callie Knight

1,713 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Counseling Office
Timeline: TBD

Samantha stepped into the counseling office on the medical deck of the Defiant. She understood that a post trauma psychological evaluation was mandatory, but she felt it completely unnecessary. It wasn’t like she had been physically hurt. She looked at the Hospital Corpsman Second Class at the small desk in the outer office. "Samantha Knight here to see Counselor Vali."

The young enlisted person looked up briefly before checking the appointment log and nodding. "Have a seat. The Counselor will be with you shortly."

Samantha complied with the Corpsman's instructions. Two minutes later the inner office door opened.

Popping her head out of her office door Callie offered a warm smile as she saw Samantha waiting. “Doctor Knight, would you like to come in?”

Samantha rose from her seat in the waiting area and entered the inner office. She stopped several paces in and looked around. She wondered what she was supposed to do, being her first ever counseling session.

“Please make yourself at home” Callie motioned to the couch or chair she had available. “It’s not quite how I want it in here yet, but it’s getting there.” She took a seat. “So how have you been?”

Samantha took a seat across the room from Callie and peered at her with a humorless expression. "Well, I have had every artifact my team uncovered on Vela IV stolen, all my colleagues and grad students who were on the team murdered and come to find out that my boss was the person ultimately responsible for it all. So...all in all...pretty crappy. The only bright side, getting to see my brother again."

Callie nodded. “Thank you for being so honest, not everyone is so open and honest. I’m sorry for your losses, and to discover it was someone you thought was on your side who did it ...” she let the sentence trail off. “Like you said though, the bright side is you get to see Ryan again. He’s been worried about you, he’s also very proud of you, he’s been telling me about you.”

Samantha quirked an eyebrow as Callie used Ryan’s given name instead of using his rank and surname. She gave Callie a closer look. [I]Beautiful, darker-haired woman, unique accent,[/I] she thought to herself. She shook her head with a smirk. " brother is dating a Betazoid. How long has that been going on?"

Callie couldn’t help but grin. “I gave that away well didn’t I? It’s only recent, but he means more to me than I can put into words.” She gave Samantha a curious look. “How did you know I was Betazoid?”

Samantha chuckled which turned into a hearty laugh. "I am an anthropologist with a minor in linguistics, so determining you’re Betazoid was easy. Second, you called my brother Ryan and not Lieutenant Knight. There was the faint hint of a smile when you said his name and three, you have all the attributes my brother finds irresistible in a woman. So you want to answer my question. How long?"

“As I said it’s recent, neither of us have been aboard the ship that long. We’re all new to one another.” Callie grinned. “I take it you’re as protective of your brother, as he is of you. Which isn’t unusual.”

Samantha took a deep breath as she nodded. "True, but Ryan and I have a fundamental difference in what we want out of life. He looks to the future. Me...I tend to go for things in the moment. He likes rules and structure of Starfleet, he wants to be a starship captain someday. I like my freedom too much to commit to what someone else wants."

Callie nodded. “Curious, you’re the opposite of one another. Twins yet opposites.” She smiled warmly. “I know Ryan is a dedicated Officer, I wouldn’t change that or him in any way.”

Samantha leaned forward. "He is very dedicated. Not just to Starfleet, but also to his family and friends. I share that trait in regards to family and friends too."

Callie nodded. “That’s good to know. What are your plans now? Will you stay onboard the Defiant, or will you be moving onto another ship?”

Samantha pondered the question for a moment. Being close to her 'baby' brother would be nice, but Starfleet vessels didn't generally allow civilians to serve aboard their starships without compelling reasons. "Not sure that is really an option. Don't get me wrong. I would love to stay. I would have to fill an empty slot I am qualified for though and it would have to be requested by your Captain and approved by the Federation Science Council."

Callie nodded. “Perhaps that’s something I can talk to the Captain about. Someone with your experience would be useful to have onboard ship.” She smiled warmly.

Samantha gave Callie a deadpan expression. "You may not want me to stay aboard though."

“Why ever not?” Callie offered a curious look. “Just because you’re Ryan’s sister it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want you onboard.”

Samantha gave Callie a pointed look. "My being his *older* sister is precisely why you might regret having me aboard. I want to like you. I really do. You should realize one thing though. Break my brother's heart and I will make your life a living hell."

“Ohh I believe you!” Callie nodded. “I guess that’s one thing you don’t know about Betazoids. We’re a loyal race, more so for me, I don’t believe in messing about. I can’t explain how I feel about Ryan, I just know he’s the one for me.” She offered a smile. “Having you here won’t change that.”

Samantha sat quietly for a full minute as she studied Callie expression and body language. She finally nodded as a warm smile crossed her face. "I believe you. You two haven't fully consummated your relationship yet though." It was a statement not a question.

Callie gave Samantha a surprised look. “What gives you that impression? It’s not exactly a question, or subject you’d normally bring up to someone.”

"Remember, I am an anthropologist." Samantha allowed a slight sigh to escape before continuing. "I discovered that a deep emotional connection between Betazoids or between a Betazoid and physically compatible humanoid who have physical intimacy can establish a psychic bond with one another. Betazoids call it...what's the word...Im...Im...."

“Imzadi” Callie smiled. “It can also be a term used to signify that someone is your beloved. To be honest I haven’t spoken to Ryan about the bond yet, our relationship is a new one, I don’t want to rush things.”

"You may want to tell him." Samantha seemed genuinely concerned. She knew if both of them were not in love with one another the bond wouldn't take, but if they were and Ryan was unaware of the potential could cause him some distress. "Sooner rather than later."

Callie nodded. “I intend to, don’t worry about that. I know the bonding can be difficult for non Betazoids, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Ryan. Before you ask... yes I love him.”

"I love my brother too." Samantha gave Callie a warm smile. "I am growing to like you very quickly. My brother and I both appreciate candor."

Callie smiled warmly. “I’m glad that I’m making a good impression. Anyway, I’m supposed to be conducting your evaluation.”

Samantha sighed as a wry smile came to her face. She shook her head with a slight chuckle. "And here I thought a good dose of deflection would acquit me of the mandatory psych eval."

“Not on my watch!” Callie grinned a wry grin. “You’ve been through quite a traumatic event, and I intend to be there to help you through it. So with that in mind, tell me what went through your mind down there.”

Samantha slowly started to relay the events that transpired on Vela IV. She spoke of the fear it caused, the sorrow of losing the other members of the expedition and about the anger she felt at Doctor David Ross for his conspiracy with the attackers in stealing all the artifacts and records from the expedition. It was cathartic in a way she didn't think would work.

Samantha sat across from Callie feeling physically and emotionally spent. She gave Callie a warm smile. "Thank you Counselor. It did help to talk about it."

Callie smiled and nodded. “That’s good. Anger is to be expected, don’t fight how you feel. It’s going to take time to recover from what you’ve been through, but I’ll be here whenever you need to talk.”

Samantha gave Callie an appreciative smile as she rose from the chair. "Thank you for the talk. I do feel...more able to process what happened."

Callie nodded as she stood as well. “My pleasure, if you need to talk again you know where to find me. We’ll talk again at a later date.”

Samantha nodded and started for the door, but paused after a single step. She turned and stepped up to Callie and gave her a hug. "For what it's worth. I hope you and Ryan are Imzadi in the future."

Callie was surprised by the hug, but soon returned it. “Thank you Samantha. I hope so too!” She smiled as she let go and stepped back. “If there’s ever anything you need, my door is always open.”

Samantha smiled as she looked at Callie. "I have the feeling we're going to get along famously."

Callie grinned. “So do I.”

Samantha walked to the door. She took one last long look at Callie and thought to herself that Ryan was indeed lucky. She also knew that if Callie stayed true to herself as much as staying true to Ryan, she was going to be lucky too. "See you around Counselor. "

“It’s Callie!” She grinned. “It’s been nice getting to know you.”

Samantha nodded. "Very well Callie. It's Samantha to you then as well." She exited the office.


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