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Impromptu Greeting

Posted on Wed Mar 8th, 2023 @ 1:20am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci.

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Officers' Lounge
Timeline: MD 5: Evening, After the rescue

Samantha pulled darts from the darts board in the deserted officers' lounge and walked over to the table where a bottle of Jameson whiskey and an empty shot glass rested on the tabletop. She poured a shot and then slugged it back. The fiery taste causing her to give a forceful shake of her head as the whiskey went down.

She had wanted to be alone after the rescue and subsequent medical examination following arrival aboard the Defiant. She was angry about the death of Doctor Ross and even doubly so that the attack on the Carter had been a result of the lead archeologist's betrayal by collusion with the attackers to steal the recovered artifacts and meticulous records. She was debating another shot or a return to the shooting line for the dartboard when the door opened.

As the Captain entered the Lounge, she took in the scene. A lone officer, an open bottle of liquor and a few darts more imbedded in the board than necessary. That at least narrowed down the possibilities. She didn't want to impose though. Permission needed to be granted first. "Mind if I join you?"

Samantha looked at the very attractive newcomer and noticed the gold tunic with a multitude of stripes near the cuffs. She gave Charlotte a nod and gestured to the end of the bar. "Not at all, provided you grab a shot glass."

The Captain gave a smirk and followed directions, making her way over to the table. She picked up the bottle, inspecting it for a moment. "Jameson, huh? Don't tell the Admiralty, but whiskey is my liquor of choice as well. Though I'm a bit more partial to an Irish or a Rye."

Samantha poured Charlotte a shot and refilled her own. "I don't like angry drinking of the good stuff. I would have grabbed the Quervo but I also didn't want to end up in the brig. Cheers." She tapped her shot glass to Charlotte's and slugged down the shot in one gulp.

Charlotte took her own, but noted the woman’s demeanor. She was a few shots deep and something was brewing. “Now that I definitely understand. I prefer to save the good stuff for celebrations. Jameson fits the angry bill well.”

Samantha handed off the darts to Charlotte. "How about a game. Winner take the bottle with them.

“You’re on. Though I think you might have more need of the bottle than I. I’ll play you for the honor of the win,” Rhodes said. It was a fairly hollow gesture though, as her first throw belied. Samantha was a better player drunk than Charlotte was sober. “So tell me what’s eating at you.”

Samantha sniffed sharply with a shrug as she pulled the darts from the board and took her turn at the shooting line. "Well, one, three months of work down the drain when all the artifacts were stolen." She threw the first dart and landed it in the 20 zone just shy of the outer bullseye. "Two, I am apparently the only surviving member of my archeological expedition." She took a couple of aiming thrusts before pausing. "Well, there were a few of the Howard Carter crew you rescued." She launched second darts which landed in the outer bullseye zone. "Three, come to find out that Doctor David Ross had arranged the theft from the beginning with black market brokers." Her final throw landed square in the middle of the inner bullseye. She turned to Charlotte. "So right now I feel like getting drunk...maybe getting laid." She gave Charlotte a head to toe once over and decided tonight she'd want a man for that last task. "Then...tomorrow...I can start to process all this crap."

Samantha stepped over to the table and picked up the bottle. "You want to continue playing or save time and concede now."

“I’ll go another round. Though I doubt it will change much,” Rhodes joked. She swirled a bit of whiskey around in her glass. “Betrayal can be a nasty bitch though. Never really feels better. Seems to be one of those things even time doesn’t quite fix. Were you and Ross close?”

Samantha did a half nod/shake of her head. "Probably not as close as he would have liked to be. Though I get that a lot."

“Ah, I understand,” Charlotte said, landing her throw in the 25 point ring through luck entirely. “If it’s any consolation, it’s worse when you’re dating the traitor. Or related to them.” She let out a laugh. “Unrelated individuals, mind you.”

Samantha quirked an eyebrow as Charlotte landed a dart in the outer bullseye. She glanced at Charlotte with a mild suspicion. She retrieved the darts and took position on the shooting line, foregoing her quick shot whiskey. She took a deep breath and focused. She let the darts fly in quick succession, planting all three in the bullseye zone. She walked to the bar and grabbed two glasses before returning to the table with the bottle and pouring out a healthy triple shot amount in each glass. "Make you a deal. You take the bottle if you promise another game at a later date and point me in the direction of a man at least 1.8 meters tall, blonde and rippling with muscles."

Charlotte unintentionally let out a laugh. “You know this is Starfleet, not the Klingon Imperial Navy. Most of my officers are scientists or engineers. There’s a reason the cardio section of the Rec is so much larger.” She took a sip from her glass, then swirled it around absently. “I’m not in the habit of assigning dates to my crew. But in the interest of being a good host, I will say that several of the young crewman on the cargo deck crew meet your specifications. Please don’t break anyone’s hearts.”

Samantha grinned as a mischievous twinkle lit up her eyes. She remembered a tall, muscular man in a security uniform that had been a part of the rescue team. She glanced at the wall chronometer and figured he would be coming off duty in a few minutes. She turned her gaze back to Charlotte. "Actually, I think I have someone in mind. I promise he will understand it will be a one time thing..., well, probably a one time thing. Fair?"

Charlotte made a show of wiping her hands. “Again, I wash my hands of the matter. Whatever you want to do is between yourself and your mystery Security officer. I’m not going to interfere in that.” She set her glass down. “However, when you are in a good headspace, I wouldn’t mind a follow up chat. More in an official capacity.”

Samantha nodded before turning to go. She paused at the door and looked back at Charlotte with an obvious interest. "Just in an official capacity?"

“To discuss the events on the surface. A bit of a mood killer right now though. Go have you’re night,” Charlotte said, trying not to get bogged down in the topic. “We can talk more later.”

Samantha gave Charlotte an index finger salute. "Of course Captain. I will see you in the morning." She turned and departed in search of a tall, blonde distraction for the night.



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