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Officer's Night

Posted on Sat Mar 11th, 2023 @ 2:20am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci.
Edited on on Thu Mar 16th, 2023 @ 10:44pm

2,604 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Officer's Lounge, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 6: Following Vela IV incident

As her officer's started to shuffle in Charlotte Rhodes was making herself comfortable in the officer's lounge. She was dressed in casual garb reminiscent of her home back on earth, a red flannel with rolled up sleeves, denim pants, and the boots she'd been fond of for years. Her hair was up in a comfortable messy bun and her personal favor cue was in her hand, fresh chalk on the tip of it. "You're late," she teased as the door slid open.

Ryan smirked as he entered the officers lounge wearing a blue shirt with white and red fabric epaulets covering his shoulder blades, comfortable denim blue jeans, and boots. The only thing missing was a ten gallon hat and shoulder slung lariat to complete his cowboy image. He strolled over to the que rack and pulled one down. "Someone is impatient to receive a hard lesson in a game of 8-ball."

Callie was next through the doors, she’d chosen to wear a sparkly off the shoulder top, and black figure hugging trousers. She was hoping Ryan would like what she’d chosen, but wondered if he’d be comfortable with them being seen together as a couple. She smiled warmly, “Good evening, I hope I’m not late?”

Ryan smiled warmly at Callie as she entered. She looked radiant in the sparkly blouse. He gestured towards Charlotte with his pool que. "Your just in time to see our good Captain here suffer an epic defeat at 8-ball."

Callie grinned. “Is that so? Can’t say I’ve ever played myself so I’ll watch and learn!”

Ryan slipped an arm around Callie's waist as she stepped up to watch the start of the game. He looked at Charlotte with a nod towards the table. "Your break."

"And that is your first mistake," Charlotte replied with a laugh.

Callie smiled as Ryan held onto her, she was glad he was happy to be open about their relationship around the others. “Is this something you play a lot?”

Ryan did a sort of half nod as he watched Charlotte shoot. "The other shuttlecraft pilots back on Arcadia had a weekly pool night at the billiards hall. I tried to attend at least one or twice a month. Didn't do too shabby most of the time." He gave a light chuckle. "My sister loves to play. She likes a good bar with lots of food, drinks and games."

“She sounds like someone who likes to enjoy life.” Callie smiled. “I always kept to myself, a quiet night in was more my thing. I guess you’re going to have to teach me how to play.”

Ryan looked at Charlotte before glancing back to Callie. "You take winner."

With a solid crack, the cue ball hit the racked balls, scattering them across the board. She thanked her luck that one of the stripes made its way, albeit slowly, into the right side pocket. "Stripes it is."

She lined up a second shot was lined up, but the angle was not quite forgiving enough and the 10 decided to stop against the side rail.

Ryan withdrew his arm from around Callie's waist and circled the table for a moment. He leaned down and lined up his shot. "Four Ball corner pocket." There was a Crack as the cue ball smacked the four and it sank into the designated pocket.

Callie watched with interest, studying the game and Ryan’s way of playing it. If she was playing the winner she’d need to know exactly how to go about it. “Nice shot” she smiled as the four sank into the pocket.

Ryan glanced at Callie with a smile. "Thanks." He went on to sink the 2 and 7 ball before scratching the cue ball into a side pocket. "Your up Captain."

“So, not to pry or anything. But how long has this been a thing?” Charlotte asked, gesturing at the two of them playfully as she lined up her shot. “I feel like we just barely left the station.” Her tease was punctuated by a sharp pop of the cue against the cue ball. It clipped the 10, sinking it firmly this time, then made its way over and knocked in the 14 with it.

Callie looked at Ryan, then at Charlotte. “To reference a Carpenter’s song Captain ‘we’ve only just begun’ it seems fate has brought us together.” She smiled warmly.

Ryan nodded as he gave Callie a gentle one-armed hug, a blissful smile on his face. "No argument from me." He then ruefully glanced at Charlotte as he gestured at the pool table with his que. "Why do I get the feeling I am being hustled.

“Lieutenant, are you implying that I was being deceptive in some way?” Charlotte asked in a mock official tone, before another ball sank cleanly in the corner pocket. She shot him a wink.

Kenna had slipped into the room, dressed in black slacks and dark purple blouse. She stopped and watched the game.

Ryan chuckled as he watched Charlotte run the table. He handed the cue stick off to Callie. "I will grab drinks while you guys start the next game. What would you like?"

“If you’re playing bartender, I’ll take a mint julep,” Rhodes said, racking up the balls for the next game.”

Callie smiled as she looked at Ryan. “Make mine a cocktail, surprise me!”

Ryan glanced at Kenna. "How about you Commander? What are you drinking?"

"Water" the Security officer replied "I do not drink"

“You know I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve never played this before” Callie looked at Charlotte. “You’re going to have to coach me I’m afraid.”

Ryan went to the bar and after a few minutes of mixing drinks returned to the table closest to the pool table and handed everyone their drink of choice. He hoisted his pint of Ale. "To the Defiant and her fine officers and crew."

Charlotte raise glass in acknowledgment. “To the start of many adventures.”

Callie raised her glass in toast before sipping the coloured cocktail inside. “Mmm that’s delicious! Does it have a particular name?”

Ryan gave Callie a wry grin. "It is one of my sister's favorite drinks. It's called Sex on the Beach.”

Callie grinned as she looked towards Ryan. “Is that so? I think I’ll have this more often. It’s quite delicious!”

“It is quite good if you like fruity drinks,” Charlotte said taking a sip of hers before setting it down and grabbing the pool cue. “Callie, we’ve roped you into the pool game, but are there any activities you tend toward during downtime? I bet we could have some supplies shipped out to add to the lounge.”

Callie offered a polite smile. “To be honest I don’t tend to do a lot, I like to swim and I tend to gravitate there for a quiet swim. Though I guess I’ll have Ryan to keep me company from now on!” She grinned.

"Ah, the other pool," Charlotte laughed. "I tend to gravitate more toward laps when I'm down there, but I completely see the appeal."

Ryan gave the ladies a wolfish grin which ended in a light-hearted chuckle. "I am sure all you ladies would look fabulous in your bathing suits." His gaze settled on Callie though. "Though I would love to see you in a bikini."

“Well that can be arranged” Callie grinned a wry grin as she looked at Ryan as she bent over the pool table ready to take a shot. “So, are you going to help teach me how to play this game?”

Ryan stepped around the table and bent down behind Callie. He tapped her non shooting hand. "Make a loose fists and rest this hand on the table." He then guided the pool que to rest on the saddle formed by her index and middle fingers. "Line up the que stick. Sight down the length and when you think you have a good aim...just shoot." He released Callie and stepped to the side.

Callie smiled as she did just that, grinning as she hit what she wanted to hit. She was a quick study so it wouldn’t take her long to learn, though her next shot wasn’t quite as lucky.

Samantha stepped in to the crack of the que ball hitting one of the numbered balls on the table. She spied Ryan, Callie, Charlotte and Kenna by the pool table and wandered over.

Stepping back from the table for Charlotte to take her turn Callie smiled as she saw Samantha. “Coming to join us?”

Samantha nodded. She gestured to the pool table the dartboard and the bar. "This is where the fun happens. Right?"

"It is indeed. You're actually obligated to have fun upon entering. Part of the terms," Charlotte said in a mock formal tone, lining up her own shot. As the cue ball cracked against the side of her target, she continued. "Any thing striking your interest this evening? I think we've got a decent set of games stashed in the compartments over there. And more types of card decks than you knew existed."

Samantha smiled at Charlotte with a nod of her head. Seeing everyone in civilian attire and a relaxed setting was somewhat different than the last few days. She felt more at ease. "Thank you Captain. Let me grab a drink and look to see what recreational amenities the lounge has."

Callie took her turn, cracking off her own shot she smiled as she hit her intended target. She was getting the knack of playing. “Your shot Captain.”

Something about the moment brought back a sharp echo of a game years ago, back on her USS Maui. A game mere hours before her life then had turned upside down. That was the last time she'd felt this secure and comfortable with her crew. Charlotte felt her anxiety spike and her muscles tense, and the cue ball similarly wandered a bit off course, failing to sink the orange ball she'd sought. She shook the thoughts off quickly, and cracked a smile to cover it. This was a different ship. A different crew. "Ah. Got distracted there."

Callie gave Charlotte a worried look, she’d felt the surge of anxiety and noted the fact that Charlotte was hiding it. “Yes... it happens.” She offered a warm smile knowing now wasn’t the time to bring up what she’d sensed. “Lucky for me.”

Ruttledge walked in, late, and nodded to people. He grabbed a drink, then watched people playing pool.

Samantha noticed the man that walked in. She stepped up to him with a drink in her left hand and her right hand extended. "Well hello handsome. Doctor Samantha Knight."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, doctor. Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge, operations." responded Jackson.

Samantha smiled at Jackson. "Doctor is so formal. Please, call me Samantha big boy."

Kenna finished her drink and her com pinged. Sighing she put the water glass down and left the bar without a word.

Jackson smiled back at her. "And you can call me Jackson, Samantha."

The Captain set her pool cue down. "Hey Counselor, I hate to cut our game short but I need to...attend to some matters. Please carry on everyone. Drinks are on me...not that that really changes anything."

Callie gave Charlotte a surprised look, “Of course Captain” She would have to talk to Charlotte and see just what was bothering her, but right now didn’t seem appropriate.

Ryan glanced at Callie for a moment before turning to Charlotte. "Is there anything I can help with Captain?"

Callie placed her hand on Ryan’s arm and shook her head. “She needs some time alone Imzadi.”

"Samantha," Jackson spoke, "may I get you another drink?"

Samantha held up her half full glass and downed it before looking at Jackson with a slight smile. "Sex on the Beach, please."

"Is that the drink, or do you want to find a beach?" He smiled at her.

Samantha ran a finger along Jackson's cheek and gave him a sly grin. "No beaches on a starship big boy." Her finger traced down to his chest. "Though I did just find out there is a swimming pool."

Ryan stared at Samantha for a moment before shaking his head.

Callie put down her cue and walked over to Ryan. “Imzadi” she smiled as she took hold of his arm. “Stop worrying, your sister is a grown woman she can take care of herself. Besides time together in the swimming pool sounds like fun!” She smiled a wry smile.

Ryan sighed before turning to Callie with a smile. "It does actually. I would love to see you in a bikini."

“Ohh I’m sure that could be arranged” Callie smiled a wry smile.

Jackson looked at Samantha. "Yes, I heard that these ships have a pool installed, so maybe it would be a good idea to avail ourselves of it."

Samantha shrugged as she handed her empty glass to Jackson. "Unfortunately I don't have a bathing suit at the moment." She glanced at Ryan and Callie with a gesture to the pool table. "You guys done?"

Ryan looked at Callie and back to Samantha and Jackson as he handed the cue stick to his sister. "Sure. I kind of want to take Callie to the arboretum anyway."

“That sounds lovely” Callie smiled as she took hold of Ryan’s arm.

Samantha followed Ryan and Callie to the door. She hugged both of them and stood there as they departed. She locked the door and turned to Jackson. "How would you feel about a game of pool?"

"Strip pool?" He laughed. "Any bets you wish to make?"

Samantha just smiled as she chalked up her cue. "Loser buys and hosts. Winner drives though. Oh and you rack 'em."

"I feel like I'm being hustled." Jackson racked up the balls and stood off to the side.

Samantha smiled as she leaned low over the table giving a nice view down her blouse, especially with the top two buttons undone.

Jackson was admiring the view.

Samantha lined up her breaking shot, but paused to look up at Jackson. "I should probably tell you. I have not lost a game since my freshman year...," she looked back down and took her shot, sinking two solids and tilting her head up, "in high school."

"You're not in high school anymore. You'll miss one and then I'll run the table."

Samantha laughed, loudly. "Well perhaps I should give you a little consolation prize as I *run the table* right now. She unfastened all the buttons of her blouse slowly and tossed her blouse on a tabletop. "Hmmm. Less restrictive. Now watch and learn."

Jackson watched, with interest as she removed her blouse and toss it away. "Interesting way of playing pool. So he removed his tunic and under it was a form fitting t-shirt that showed off his muscular chest.

Samantha made good on her word and did run the table. She brushed passed Jackson between each shot always pausing to give him a close up view and opportunity to admire her assets. "I don't like to lose. Besides...," she grabbed him low and pulled him in close. "Convince me it's worth going back your quarters and I guarantee a win for both of us."

Jackson placed her hand on his rather large bulge in his pants. "I'm sure we can find a way to make sure we both get what we want."


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