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Home-cooked Meal

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 5:57pm by Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight

2,374 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Callie’s Quarters
Timeline: MD2 1900hrs

Ryan stood before his closest door looking at his reflection in the door mounted full length mirror. He took a deep breath before glancing back at his bed with half a dozen shirts and three pants laying there. He turned back to his reflection and critiqued his choice of Hawaii print short-sleeved shirt, white slacks and deck shoes. He ran a finger through his hair and shrugged before departing his quarters for short walk to Callie's quarters.

In her quarters Callie was busy going back and forth between organising the meal she was cooking, and sorting what she wanted to wear. Having thrown a few choices on the bed she’d eventually chosen an above the knee, figure hugging, low neckline dark purple dress complete with matching dark purple sandals for comfort. Heading back to the food she quickly gave it a check over, then headed back to tidy away the extra clothes. Ryan would be arriving anytime.

Ryan stood outside Callie's quarters and looked at his watch. His other hand hovered near the door chime as the last few seconds to the appointed time ticked off. He pressed the door chime as his watch display read 19:00:00. He hoped he was appropriately dressed for dinner.

Hearing the chime Callie quickly checked her appearance then headed for the door. As she opened it she smiled warmly. “Ryan, it’s good to see you again. Please come on in, I like your shirt by the way.”

Ryan returned Callie's smile as he stepped in. He gave her an appreciative once over. "Dinner smells amazing and you look...even more so." He looked about the room. "I see you got a little more unpacking done. I still have a dozen boxes or more to go through myself."

Callie nodded. “Well I tend to pack light, Starfleet life means moving around and having loads of boxes doesn’t help.” She paused. “Though I would like to try and settle down, being moved around doesn’t give much time for friendships let alone romances.” She gave him a warmer smile. “Please take a seat, can I get you something to drink?”

Ryan nodded cautiously. Starfleet careers were enormously rewarding in many respects, but at a steep cost. Personal relationships were not the highest priority for a lot of officers. He himself was very career focused. He wanted to make Captain and command his own starship in before the end of the next decade. He started towards the couch. "You picked an excellent drink the other night. I trust you." He took a seat and watched her for a moment.

Callie nodded. “In that case I’ll get you something refreshing and tasty, no alcohol content I promise!” She grinned and headed to get the drinks. She returned a couple of minutes later. She placed two glasses on the table “Try this it’s a fruit combination from Betazed, I came across it on my last ship.” She gave Ryan a curious look. “Has something changed? You’re more ... distant than the last time we were together.”

Ryan was in the process of taking a sip when she spoke the last part. He shook his head. "Sorry. I was just thinking about what you said about forming relationships while being in Starfleet. My father has been a Starfleet officer since before I was born and my mother in Earth and the Federation Diplomatic Corps for about as long. Sometimes couples have assignments that keep them away from one another. It can be hard on relationships, especially when children are in the mix too."

Callie nodded. “I understand, but the difference with me is that I’m willing to do what I have to do to stay together. Not that I’m rushing you ... us, into anything.” She offered a smile. “I’ll be right back I just need to check on dinner, it’s almost ready.”

Ryan watched her as she walked to the kitchenette to check on dinner. He felt no awkwardness with Callie like usual associated with new relationships. She had incredible insight to setting a perfect pace. He rose and walked up to her. "Anything I can do to help?"

Callie smiled and nodded. “Would you put out some plates on the table please? I’ll put the food out in the centre of the table and you can help yourself. It’s a mix of Betazoid dishes that work well together, think of it as kind of a roast with a choice of sides.”

Ryan did as instructed and marveled at the aromas mingling in the air. "Smells delicious." He finished setting places and moved next to Callie. "Let me help set out the serving bowls."

Callie smiled as she looked at Ryan. “Sure” she finished putting the last of the food out in the serving dishes. “I could get used to this you know.”

Ryan gave an appreciative nod. It had been a long time since Ryan had dated and he found himself drawn to Callie. He didn't have to pretend to be something or someone he was not. She would sense anything less than complete candor anyway. "I do enjoy spending time with you, and if this food tastes as good as it smells, expect me to want to come to dinner quite often."

Callie smiled, “Then be prepared to come here often! This is a dinner my adoptive mother used to serve quite often, I just hope I’ve done it justice.” She motioned towards the table. “Let’s go sit and eat before it gets cold.”

Ryan carried one of the last two serving bowls to the table. He then pulled out Callie's chair for her before taking his own seat and picked up his glass. "Bon Appétit."

Callie smiled as she picked up her glass. “Bon Appétit” She sipped her drink before putting the glass down, politely dishing out some of the food onto her plate. “I hope you like it.”

Ryan took a little bit of everything, wanting to sample each dish. He took a bite from the nearest mound on his plate. "Mmm, this is excellent. My thanks to the chef."

Callie grinned. “My pleasure!” She politely ate her food before pausing to ask a question. “So tell me more about you.”

Ryan was enjoying the food immensely when Callie asked her question. He dabbed a napkin to his lips and swallowed before answering. "Well, you already know I am a flight officer. Things I like.... I enjoy fencing and gymnastics. Samantha says I would have been a swashbuckling pirate if I had been born in Earth's Age of Sail. I love horseback riding. Learned that at my grandparents ranch in Wyoming. I'm also an outdoorsman. Camping and fishing, hiking and backpacking, it all makes me realize that one should respect their environment. You must have special interests too. Your turn to tell me something new about you."

Callie nodded. “Well I’m one of very few Humanoids to be taught by Vulcans, I’ve spent limited amounts of time on Vulcan learning the disciplines I needed to control my abilities. Vulcan isn’t a suitable world for Humans or Betazoids so my time there was kept limited.” She smiled and tucked politely into more of her food.

Ryan chuckled. "My sister spent three years on Vulcan getting her Doctorate degrees in archeology and anthropology. Said it was grueling temperatures and some very demanding professors. But she wanted to study at the Vulcan Science Academy."

“Sounds like we’d get along well then” Callie grinned before pausing for a moment. “Ryan, Given what you said about relationships, How would you feel about us seeing each other on a regular basis?”

Ryan smiled warmly as he reached across the table to take Callie's free hand. "I would like that very much. We are both at the start of our tour of duty and have several years ahead together."

Callie smiled as she held gently onto Ryan’s hand. “I’m glad you said that, I’d like to spend a lot more time with you.” She blushed as she found herself staring intently into Ryan’s eyes. “Err... would you like some dessert?”

Ryan nodded as he rose from the chair and started clearing the dinner bowls and plates, his eyes remaining on her the whole time. "I would love some dessert. What did you have in mind?"

Now that was a very loaded question, the look on Callie’s face gave away her indecision. “Well ... there’s a chilled dessert that we can have, or ...” she paused as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “There’s me ...” She leant in for a romantic kiss.

Ryan kissed her long and softly. It was only after a minute or so that he finally broke the kiss and gave her a wry smile. "I prefer the latter choice. Much sweeter and fewer calories?"

Callie smiled. “Good, because I’m enjoying this too much to want to stop now.”

Ryan resumed their kiss with more passion this time as his hands explored the fabric of her purple dress. He was more acutely aware of her body and her micro responses due to the clear headed lack of alcohol.

Callie was enjoying the feel of Ryan’s touch as he ran his hands over her dress. She returned the gesture as she let her fingers run over the fabric of his shirt.

Ryan realized their location shift from the kitchenette to standing next to the couch just as his hand found the bow tie not holding her wraparound. He pulled ever so gently to see if she would stop him.

Callie had no intention of stopping Ryan from undoing her dress, she wanted this. She responded to his touch allowing him to guide her where he wanted her to be.

Ryan gently guided her down to the couch on her stomach and slowly pulled her dress down to expose her shoulders. Fingers in a gentle, but firm, manner massaged her neck and shoulders. He leisurely worked his magic down her spine as the dress slowly descended. He worked each vertebrae separately as he listened to her breathing. This continued all the way to her tail bone.

Callie’s breathing gave away just how much she was enjoying what Ryan was doing, his touch sent ‘tingles’ down her spine which made her back arch, her eyes closed as she enjoyed every single moment.

Ryan slowly drew his fingers down her backside and continued the massage once his hands lay on each side of her right upper thigh. He kneaded the muscles with just the right amount of pressure all the way down to the bottom of her right foot.

“Ohhh Ryan ...” Callie sounded almost breathless as she spoke his name. She didn’t want this to ever stop.

Ryan's hands moved to her left foot and worked their way up to her thigh. He only stopped once his fingers reached her upper thigh and he spoke for the first time in nearly an hour. "How does the lovely lady feel at the moment?"

Opening her eyes Callie looked into deeply into Ryan’s. “I feel ... amazing!” She reached out her hand and gently brushed his cheek. “I don’t want this to stop Ryan.”

Ryan stared down at her Goddess-like figure and took in the view of the front of her body. He bent down and kissed her long and softly as his hands gently caressed her body. He could feel the heat of her body washing over him. He only thought, of bringing her pleasure, as his hands and kisses slowly worked down her body.

Callie encouraged every kiss her fingers running along his body, pulling out his shirt so she could reach, and touch his skin underneath.

Ryan felt her body trembling as he lavished her with attention. This was going to be a night all about her pleasure he decided. She was going to know that he would put her needs first and foremost by the time their night together ended.

Callie was completely lost in the attention Ryan was giving her, her breathing heavy as she enjoyed every second of him pleasuring her. She was going to make sure he didn’t go anywhere else tonight.

Ryan looked up the length of Callie's torso at the joyously content and thoroughly exhausted expression on her face. He smiled as he crept up along the front of the couch. He kissed her briefly. "Best dessert I could ever have hoped for. Thank you." His words matched the gentle expression on his own face.

Callie smiled as her fingers traced his clothing. “There’s plenty more where that came from.” Her eyes looked towards the bedroom then back at Ryan. “Stay with me? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

Ryan looked at the bedroom door and then back to Callie with a smile and a nod. He lifted her from the couch and carried her to the small bedroom and placed her gently down on the bedspread.

Callie smiled the biggest smile yet as her fingers nimbly, yet gently removed his clothing. She was planning on making this a special night for Ryan as well.

Ryan embraced Callie as she removed the last of his clothes. He slowly reexplored her body as she began her exploration of his. He was amazed at her ability to quickly find what aroused him and wondered if her empathic abilities gave her the edge in this.

Callie paused her explorations to look into Ryan’s eyes. “I’ve never met anyone I feel so... in-tune with.” Her fingers trailed over his body as she spoke. “I’m drawn to you in away I can’t explain.”

Ryan cuddled with Callie in the bed. "I feel the same way." Despite not actually having a consumption of their night, he felt a sense of completion with her. He was content to lay there in bed, snuggled close under the rumpled sheets and bed covers, holding her close.

Callie lay happily in Ryan’s embrace, stifling a yawn it didn’t take long before she was asleep in his arms.



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