Security check in (Backpost)
Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 5:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Callie Knight
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 5:59pm
338 words; about a 2 minute read
Archived- Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Security office
Timeline: Just After departure
With the ship underway Callie decided to visit security to go over her clearances. As ships Counsellor she’d need access to all personnel files, as well as any mission related details the Captain might need her input on. She just wanted to be sure she cleared the necessary levels with the ship’s Security Chief.
Kenna was sending out her people to do rounds when she spotted the chief counselor entering the room. She dismissed her people and they headed out to do their rounds.
Kenna stepped over to meet the counselor. "Can I help you Lieutenant?"
Callie smiled politely as she greeted Kenna. “I certainly hope so Commander. I’m Callie Vali, the new Chief Counsellor. I wanted to go over my security clearances, I’ll be needing high level access so I just wanted to clear it with security first.”
Kenna nodded, "please come this way" she indicated to her office. Kenna's emotions were sealed deep down, and her face showed professionalism and nothing more. She led the counselor into her office. "Take a seat" she said as she rounded the desk.
“Thank you” Callie smiled as she took a seat. “I know it’s generally not standard practice to have a counsellor aboard a ship, hence why I want to do things by the book.”
"Of course." Kenna replied and began to tap at her console. "Of course there are some things you will of course not have access. But i can grant access to personnel files except those with an intel classification." Kenna didn't mention that she had locked her own down tightly.
“Of course” Callie nodded. “I don’t have Intel clearance, so should it be needed I would have to contact Starfleet regarding it, Not that I’m expecting to need it.”
Kenna nodded and finished the input. "There you go. You should have the access you require. " she said calmly. "I wish you luck with the crew counselor."
“Thank you Commander” Callie smiled warmly, then headed on her way.