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Weigh Anchor

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 1:27am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 6:01pm

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Bridge, USS Defiant
Timeline: MD 2, 1100 Hours
Tags: story

The turbolift doors slid smoothly open to reveal a swirl of activity. Officers headed to and fro across the busy bridge of the USS Defiant, completing prelaunch preparations.

Ops officers verified that all readouts were accurate, Engineering officers made sure the diagnostics had fully completed, science officers conferred to make sure that the star maps and sensors were fully up and running.

All of it was music to her ears. Captain Charlotte Rhodes stepped across the bridge threshold and felt a momentary flash of excitement. Launch days always felt like this. Coming into port was always comforting and the relaxation did wonders for the crew. But nothing quite measured up to the moment the ship left dock and ventured among the stars again.

As the boatswain whistle faded, Rhodes felt a sly creep across her face. Rapping her fingers on the red handrail for good luck, she followed the outer bridge corridor to the Tactical station, where Kenna Wolff was looking over reports. "Last call if you want to change your mind about our little hunting expedition."

Oh the temptation was there. "Aww thanks but you are stuck with me" came the reply from the chief of security. Though she was tense.

Stepping out onto the bridge Callie greeted everyone with a cheery smile. She was excited, yet nervous all at the same time. “Captain, as far as I know there’s no specific Counsellor’s seat on the bridge. Where would you like me to be?”

Charlotte pointed across the bridge, to the currently unoccupied terminal to the right of her Ready Room. "We've got a multipurpose terminal right next to Communications. You can pull up whatever commands you need," the Captain said with a smile. "And, Lieutenant...Welcome to the bridge."

Callie nodded and smiled. “Thank you Captain, it’s nice to be here.” With that she headed to the station that Charlotte had pointed out.

Charlotte made her way down the steps into the center of the bridge, coming to a stop next to the helm station. "What do you think, Mr. Knight? Ready to take this girl out for a spin?"

Ryan glanced up at Charlotte as she looked over his shoulder. He gave her a nod. "I have an ancestor who served in the United States Navy during the final years of the 20th Century. He was famous for using the phrase 'let's kick this pig'."

“Colorful term, but it gets the job done,” the Captain teased. Turning back toward the center chair, she climbed the step up and sat down. “Well, let’s not keep everyone waiting. Ops, get us clearance.”

The Operations crewman nodded. “Umbilicals retracted. Docking clamps releasing.”

Ahead of the bridge viewport, the large docking clamps released the saucer section and retracted within the outer docking ring of the station. Almost immediately, the vessel lost the added gravitational effect of the station but her inertial dampeners compensated. “Mr. Knight, she’s all yours. Back us out nice and smooth. Line up a course for the Xetoa System and hold for warp on my mark.”

Kenna was silent at her post watching the screens. She was keeping a tight rein on her nerves. This had to go smoothly.

"Take us out nice and smooth aye." Ryan's hands danced across his panel and a heart beat later the Defiant slipped backwards from her mooring station. A few adjustments on the console, and the Defiant turned one hundred eighty degrees before moving forward slowly. Once clear of Arcadia’s superstructure he input the navigational commands and stood ready to go to warp. "Course laid in. Ready for warp on your command Captain. "

Charlotte watched as the starfield outside turned past, slowly adjusting as the saucer angled to the correct orientation. She punched the intercom button on her chair's panel. "Attention all hands, this is the Captain. We're heading out for what is hopefully going to be a nice routine patrol. Stop some pirates. Save some refugees. Maybe see some cool space along the way," she paused to allow the snicker to pass. "Everyone just stay focused and do your jobs, and it should be smooth sailing. Rhodes out."

Sitting back in her chair, she turned back toward the helm station. "Alright, Lieutenant. Let's ride."

Ryan took a deep breath and smiled as the ship increased velocity to full impulse. He reviewed the forward scans. "Heading set. Propulsion answers ready. Going to warp in four, three, two," he placed his hand on the throttle levers, "one, mark." Ryan slid the levers forward as he completed the countdown. The ship entered warp in an impressive display of light. "Ship at warp 4.5 Captain."

The stars outside the viewport streaked by in flurry of light as the vessel disappeared, leaving empty space in its wake.


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