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Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 8:41am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Rear Admiral Sergei Denovitz
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 6:03pm

508 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 0: New Sheriff in Town
Location: Starbase Arcadia, Operations
Timeline: MD 3, 0900 Hours
Tags: story

The operations center was busy with activity as the norm for the start of the day watch. The communications officer of the watch was reviewing the log schedule for regular check-ins by shipping within the Starbase Arcadia’s Area of Operation (AO) and noticed a discrepancy. They transferred a copy of the file to the portable tablet went directly to the Command Duty Officer. "Sir, the USS Howard Carter has missed their last two scheduled check-ins."

The Lieutenant Commander who was the watch command duty officer took the tablet and read the communications log. Cause for concern...definitely, time to worry, perhaps not. "Have you tried to make contact?"

The ensign nodded.

The CDO turned to the plot table and pulled up the Carter's last known position and assignment orders as he dismissed the ensign. He jotted a few notes on the tablet and spoke briefly with the junior officer of the deck. He then marched to the outer office of Admiral Sergei Denovitz and briefly spoke with the yeoman.

The CDO entered the inner office and handed the tablet across the desk to the seated base commander. "Sir, the USS Howard Carter has missed her last two scheduled check-ins. Her last transmission was upon arrival at Vela IV to pickup an archeological team finishing up an initial survey."

Denovitz nodded as he rose to grab the tablet, rapidly reviewing the notes. “Howard Carter…that’s an Oberth-class, yes? They should be reading us loud and clear from this distance. No stellar interference on any of our maps in that region. And you said we’ve received nothing from them at all?”

The Lieutenant Commander shook his head. "Their last transmission was over sixteen hours ago as they pulled into orbit above Vela IV. The Carter was finishing up a stellar cartography survey of the region and picking up a twenty-five person archeological team located just north of the equator. Doctor Ross of the Federation Science Council was the expedition leader."

The Admiral's brow furrowed. "Ross is a by-the-books sort of man. He's not particularly liable to miss a single check in, let alone two." He trailed off, gazing out his window toward the stars beyond it. "Commander, Vela close is that to Defiant's current projected path?"

The duty officer gestured to the Admiral's in-office plot table. "May I sir?"

Denovitz waved his hand approvingly. "By all means."

The duty officer moved to the table and brought up a 3D stellar cartography chart with the Vela system and Defiant patrol route. "Hmmm, looks like the Defiant could reach Vela IV in seven hours, seventeen minutes if they increased speed to warp six."

"Knowing Charlotte, she's not likely to spare the horses if we mention there's trouble. She could make the trip in half that at maximum warp," Sergei said. "Send a message with whatever you know and my recommendation that she investigate immediately. We'll have eyes on the scene in no time."

The duty officer nodded and departed the office to carry out the Admiral's instructions.


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