Bad dreams
Posted on Wed Jan 10th, 2024 @ 9:46pm by Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
1,688 words; about a 8 minute read
Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Various
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Steven followed the away team down the corridor. The walls were made of rock and the ground seemed to glisten. Something fell from above and hit his foot. He glanced down and was horrified to see a human head at his feet. Edgeware took a step back as another object fell from the roof. It was another severed head that nearly hit his shoulder. He started to run but more heads began to fall from the ceiling. One of them was female and it started screaming at him in his mothers voice.
“ This is all your fault. This is all your fault. “ It screeched.
Another female head fell from the roof and it started to do the same. Then another and another he turned and fled but more and more heads fell down shrieking.
-Personal quarters-
Steven fell out of bed with a thump and woke up. Blurry eyed and with a sore foot plus back , he staggered around looking for the bathroom door. After washing his face he dressed and decided to go for a cup of sweet tea. Steven did not fancy staying in his quarters.
-Officers Lounge-
Steven came in and saw he was the only one here. Giving a sigh he ordered his hit drink and took a table. A wave of nausea came over him and he did not hear the doors opening.
Savar was up bright and early as usual. He was surprised when he entered the officer's lounge to see Lt. Edgeware already sitting at a table. Normally he had the lounge to himself at this hour as it allowed Verelen to sleep a little longer. He ordered a Vulcan hot tea and after receiving moved to the table where Steven sat. "Excuse me Steven, you appear to be troubled. Is everything alright" He asked as he sat across from the science officer.
" I have been having trouble sleeping lately. I keep dreaming of Harmony Bay heaven knows why. It all stopped a month ago but it returned a couple of nights ago." Steven said to his friend.
"Bad dreams?" Savar repeated. That is troubling as it is odd. You say it started a few nights ago? Can you remember anything that may have triggered this dream to return now?"
“ Well. I did have a communication from my aunt. My father died was I was very young and I was raised by my mother and aunt. My mother is not speaking to me due to my joining Starfleet. So my aunt has been keeping me up to date with gossip from Ballybrack. In truth she is just as bad as my mother…..anyway she said my mother was unwell. But it’s likely just to be a ruse to get me to go home.” Steven said.
Savar considered what Steven had thus far told him. His mother was mad at his decision to join Starfleet and his who was speaking to him but was just as bad a gossip as his mother had conveyed news his mother was unwell. Deliberately leaving his mother's condition unknown or Steven would have mentioned it. "Steven, would your aunt stoop to such low tactics as to use your mother's health as a way to get you home? In addition is there no one you trust that you could inquire about your mother's health discreetly?" He asked his friend and fellow crewmate.
" Oh yes my aunt would do something like that. I remember once she wanted to get back at a women who wore the same dress as she did at some function. So she made out the woman's husband made a pass at her. Broke up their happy marriage and once the divorce came through. She told the poor woman the truth. Ballybrack maybe be a middle sized Sea-side town. But it is like a small village for the gossip mill. She would find out I was asking after her , unless.....but its very illegal." Steven said.
Savar had several opinions about Steven's aunt and her tactics. None he voiced to his friend. Instead, he asked. "Then it would be wise not to ask you aunt anything concerning your mother." Savar replied. He regretted seeing his friend in distress. "Unless what Steven? We are friends, you can tell me what you are considering even if it is illegal. Now what is this idea you are pondering. Out with it."
“ To be honest my friend I just want a decent nights sleep. Waking up at the proper time and not 4am in a cold sweat. There is absolutely no way I am going back to Earth. My mother has sweet toothed everyone in Ballybrack. They all think she is just a poor old woman with a terrible man for a son. Is there any Vulcan techniques you could teach me to clear my mind. So I have a good dream and therefore a good sleep?” Steven asked
Savar listened to Steven's lament. "Steven you are not a bad son. We. your friends here know what a good man you are. Do not trouble yourself with your mother's scheming attempts to control you and that is what she trying to do." He paused and continued. "Yes, I can teach you relaxation techniques to help you get the good night's sleep you crave and then as you say you can have a good dream."
“ Great. Can you show me now or do you have to prepare first?” Steven asked.
"It is better for me to instruct you Steven, so you may get the full benefits of the relaxation method and get the good night's sleep you crave and need." Savar replied.
“ That’s brilliant. So where do we begin?” Steven said.
"As to it being brilliant. Let us wait and see if it brings you positive results Steven." Savar answered. "We can begin here or in your quarters where you would undoubtedly be more comfortable. I leave it to you."
“ Here would be best. I don’t think the Captain would be to happy , if I was caught having 50 winks in the Lab.” Steven said
Savar nodded, "As you wish Steven. I would have thought your quarters would be more appropriate. However, you know best in this area."
“ You know what you’re quite correct my personal quarters would be better. Let’s go and set this up , the sooner we tackle this the better.” Steven said
-Personal Quarters-
When they arrived Steven rushed to pick things up.
“ Sorry about the mess.” Steven said.
"No need to apologize Steven. Your mind is organized and that is the most important thing. Though a clear space for you to meditate and center yourself is most helpful in reaching the inner calm which will then enable you to get a good night's sleep." Savar answered.
Steven nodded and started to clear some clothes away. He accidentally knocked into a pile of old books , which toppled over nearly hitting him on the head. Red faced he picked them up. Soon there was a space cleared.
“ Ok. So let’s start shall we.” He said as another book almost hit his head.
Savar watched as Steven hurriedly cleared some clothes away while at the same time almost knocking himself out when he hit a pile of old books. "Steven, the first thing you must do is relax. You are very tense. Find where you want to begin, sit down and relax."
Taking a deep breath Edgeware finally sat down and closed his eyes.
“ Ok……my friend I am ready.” Steven said
"Very good." Savar replied, " Keep your eyes closed Steven. That will keep you from focusing on an object. Now take several deep breaths, four or five should suffice and hold them for a few seconds and let them out slowly. You want and need your mind to be as relaxed as your body is."
Steven nodded and kept his eyes shut. He slowed his breathing and did as Savar instructed. But there was a problem he kept seeing visions of his mothers scowling face. He gave his head a slight shake and tried again.
“ For some reason I keep seeing my mothers face…..” He said.
"Keep your eyes closed Steven, this but a minor inconvenience." Savar replied with placid calm. Your mother's image is even now influencing your life. As she has since you were a child. You are a man, Steven. It is time for you to live your life. Without any outside influence. Find a happy place that only you know of. Once you have it we will make another attempt."
He had to think of somewhere more soothing that he did not associate with his mother. There was that holiday on the opposite side of England. Bournemouth was on South West coast , a long way from Ballybrack Ireland.
“ I have somewhere.” He said
"Very good Steven. Now once again center your thoughts on your haven. If all goes as it should, use this as your default anytime you have difficulty falling asleep." Savar told his friend. He watched as Steven relaxed. "Now, keep your eyes closed and take some deep cleansing breaths and slowly
release them. You should begin to feel relaxed and at ease."
Slowly Steven drifted off to sleep. He was sitting by a large lake he could hear the gentle sound of waves lapping. A feeling of peace came over him.
He was not sure how long he was asleep for but when he opened his eyes Savar was still there.
“ It worked. My goodness that was a good sleep.” He said
Savar had moved to a chair as Steven drifted off to sleep. he stayed to make sure there were no problems with Steven falling asleep nor upon waking. "I am pleased you had a restful sleep, Steven. Now you know the secret to achieving a good night's sleep."
Savar continued, "I am pleased I was able to help you, Steven. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can assist you in any other way."
Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Chief Science Officer
USS Defiant
Lieutenant Savar
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Defiant