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New Gunslinger...

Posted on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 9:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator

670 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: USS Defiant, Security Office

Kenna was in her office working on crew rotations and updating weapons training schedules when she was informed that the new assistant chief of security was onboard. She had noted and knew the man would be along when he had finished his on-boarding.

Suddenly, the door chime rang, indicating there was someone waiting outside in the corridor. As the senior staff and the current members if the Security department would have has clearance to open the door, it clearly meant that this was either someone new, who had not yet has authorization codes issued to them, or a member of the crew not assigned to the Security department.

"Come" Kenna called out and the door opened for the person outside. As the door opened, Kenna rose to her feet. She hated being seated while others stood.

As soon as the door slid into the bulkhead, Mur'trah stepped inside and snapped to attention. "Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator reporting for duty, Ma'am!" He reached forward and placed the data crystal, containing his transfer orders and personnel file, on his superior's desk, then resumed the position of attention.

"At ease" Kenna said taking the padd. "And have a seat please." She noted his features and waved him to his seat.

Relaxing some, Mur'trah moved to sit down in the indicated seat. "Thank you, Commander," he replied politely.

Kenna read his orders and history. Letting silence fill the room. She noted he barely flinched at the silence. Good. She was not one for small talk.

Kenna picked up another PADD and handed it to him. "As Assistant Chief, these are your responsibilities," she said calmly. "I run a very tight ship here. I expect perfection."

Taking the offered PADD, Mur'trah quickly read over its contents. He would read it more in-depth later. Looking back up at Kenna, he nodded once. "As is expected, Commander. You will find that I only give my best, while on duty."

Kenna nodded. "I am sure you will. You will have your own office, it's two doors down from this one. I am sure you will be able to alter it to fit your requirements."

Mur'trah nodded again as he replied. "Understood, Ma'am. I will see to it after our meeting, unless you have other orders for me to fulfil first that is."

"No, once you have done that, I suggest you bring yourself up to speed with the rest of the team." Kenna said.

"Aye, Ma'am," Mur'trah acknowledged the order of his department chief. Then he asked a question. "Which shift will you be placing me on?"

"Beta for now. Does that work for you?" Kenna asked.

The big man nodded once. "Aye, Ma'am. I will give you my best everyday."

"I expect nothing less after reading your file Commander. I do hope you find the Defiant a good place to work."

Mur'trah nodded again as he replied. "It is a bit....dryer...than I am used to. However, I am confident that I will adapt. I do have a medical note in my file, stating I will need to have water available when needed, and I also have to change the water in my suit every ten of your hours."

"I have read it, and have made sure it is available. I believe facilities put a wall fountain in your office as well"

Nodding in appreciation, Mur'trah replied, "Thank you, Ma'am." The more he learned about how this Federation Starfleet treated its officers, the more he was glad that he and his wife had made the decision to join the officer exchange program. Looking over at Wolff, he asked, "Is there anything else you wish to discuss, Ma'am?"

"No but you can bring any concerns to me if you have them," Kenna replied calmly. "Go get settled in Commander."

Realizing that the meeting was at an end, Mur'trah stood. After saluting Wolff, he turned on his heel and strode powerfully out of the office.

Kenna watched him go appraisingly and then sighing went back to her job.


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