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In a Family Way

Posted on Tue Nov 7th, 2023 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Nugo

897 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Archived Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay 1
Timeline: Deck 7

Ryan entered Sickbay with Callie. They had cut their three day honeymoon short by a day and returned to the ship when Callie woke that morning and headed straight to the head. "How are you feeling Imzadi?”

“Not too bad” Callie offered a gentle smile, her stomach was unsettled but she didn’t feel ill..yet. She just hoped she hadn’t spoilt their honeymoon by catching a stomach bug.

Ryan gave a relieved sigh. He looked about Sickbay. It seemed extraordinarily busy considering there were no patients. "Could someone get one of the doctors please?"

Callie took a seat on the nearest available biobed, she was feeling a little light headed, and didn’t want to be passing out and worrying Ryan more than he already was.

Nugo gave a friendly wave as he approached on his long legs. "Ah, the newly weds. I must admit I'd hoped to not see you for a while. Are you not supposed to be off on your honeymoon?"

Callie nodded. “We were on honeymoon, but I haven’t been feeling well lately. Ryan decided it would be best to return to the ship for a medical.”

"A reasonable course of action. Let's see if we can't get you back to normal and back to your festivities then," the Doctor replied as he pulled out a medical tricorder. "So, tell me about your symptoms."

Ryan glanced at Callie before turning to Doctor Nugo. "Nausea the last two mornings. I thought yesterday it could have been from the champagne, but now that I think of it. We both only had two glasses the entire night at the wedding reception two nights ago and yesterday we didn't have any alcohol."

“I don’t feel ill, as in ill” Callie offered a shrug of her shoulders. “My stomach is doing somersaults and I’m unsure exactly why.”

The Kelpian nodded. "Well, there's two possibly straightforward answers. Either something you ate at the reception isn't sitting well with you, or..."

The Kelpian's eyes grew slightly wider, though out of amusement more than surprise. "Or another somewhat logical outcome from some of your recent activities as taken place perhaps." He gave a knowing look, wanting the couple to confirm his suspicions first, to avoid any awkward conversations if this wasn't a possibility. "Activities of the more private variety."

Ryan looked at Doctor Nugo for a moment before turning to Callie, his new wife and possibly mother-to-be of their first child. "I believe that the Doctor is implying that you might be..." He never got to finish his sentence, because Callie did.

“Pregnant!!” Callie gave both Ryan and Nugo a surprised, and excited look. “I never even gave it a thought!” She glanced at Ryan her excitement ebbing just a little at the thought of it being so soon after getting married. She hoped Ryan would be happy about it.

"Indeed," Nugo replied with a nod. "I think that narrows my treatment recommendations. I'm going to send you two back to your honeymoon with an anti-nausea medication and the recommendation that perhaps the new bride avoid any further cocktails. However, per your biometrics, you appear to be in otherwise excellent health."

Callie was practically glowing with excitement, or was it the glow that pregnant women were said to give off? “Can you tell us how long? How many weeks?” She looked at Nugo for his answer.

Ryan glanced at Nugo, but felt drawn to look back at Callie. Specifically her abdomen. He placed a hand gently on her stomach and just instinctively knew. They were going to have a child and it...felt right.

Callie smiled as she looked up at Ryan, gently placing her hand on his for a few moments.

The Kelpian reviewed the medical scans. "Based upon the information here, it looks like you're at about 5 and a half weeks of development. It seems to be moving along well, no major concerns I am seeing."

Callie smiled happily at Nugo. “Thank you Doctor, this is one surprise I’m very happy happy about.”

Ryan did the math in his head and came to the conclusion that conception was sometime around the time they had become Imzadi. "Would you give us a minute, Doctor Nugo?"

The lanky medical officer bowed his head. "Certainly. I'll be attending to a few patients on the upper level. Just call if you need me."

Callie offered Nugo a warm smile and a nod before looking to Ryan. “Are you alright with this Imzadi? I know we hadn’t planned to have children so soon.”

Ryan was still in a bit of shock from the news, but he was elated at the news of being a father. "I am a bit stunned, but I don't think I've ever been happier." He smiled warmly at Callie and gave her a wink. "We still have 24 hours of shore leave left. What do you say we get out of here and start practicing for when we can give our first born a sibling?"

Callie was just as elated that Ryan was happy at the news of being a father. “That sounds wonderful Imzadi.”

Ryan pulled out his communicator. "Doctor Nugo, Commander Blake. We are heading back to quarters unless you need anything else from us."

The Doctor's voice came in reply. "I need nothing further. Just avoid those cocktails. Good day Commander."


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