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Not Quite Expected

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2023 @ 2:32am by Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II

665 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 1S: Shore Leave
Location: Starbase Arcadia, Luxury Accommodations
Timeline: Immediately following the Wedding

Samantha couldn't stop kissing Jackson or running her hands over his clothed body as they rode the turbolift to her rented suite. She paused kissing him long enough to whisper in his ear. "Hope you have another dress uniform on the ship as I am going to rip this one off your body as soon as we get behind closed doors."

"I made sure the computer has my size on file so I can request another." Jackson whispered back.

Samantha smiled briefly before she resumed kissing Jacksn hungrily. Only breaking the kiss as the turbolift doors opened. She took his hand and led him down the corridor to her suite.

"So what are our plans moving forward?" Jackson knew what she had in mind, but he wanted her to understand that he wanted to have a serious conversation regarding their future.

Samantha paused as she started to key in her access code. She turned to Jackson. "Being supportive of one another, professionally and personally. We learn about what the other person wants and needs every day and we grow and develop from there."

Once Samantha got the door opened, he started undressing her by ripping her clothes off.

Samantha reciprocated in kind. She wanted him and was well aware he had the stamina to make sure she was taken care of before his own release occurred. She stepped back and removed the last of her undergarments before walking to the couch. She kneeled on the cushions as she firmly grasped the backrest. "Rock my world big boy."

Jackson walked over and slowly entered her, then started going faster and harder. Samantha's moans of pleasure increased in volume as he kept going.


The couple had long since moved to the bedroom after a vigorous 'exercise' on the living room couch. Samantha was all but wore out by the lovemaking but had enough for one last 'ride'.

Jackson pulled her on top on of him, letting her ride him.

Samantha's back arched as she too climaxed simultaneously. She collapsed onto his chest and trembled for a minute before the waves of euphoria passed.

Once she climaxed, he did also. His juices oozing out of her.

Samantha finally caught her breath as she contentedly laid on Jackson's chest. She thought about how happy Ryan and Callie seemed at the wedding and reception hours ago. She looked into Jackson's eyes and wondered if she could have the same thing with the man now sharing her bed. Part of her wanted that, but she knew she wasn't ready. "Stay with me tonight?"

"Of course I'll stay." He traced his finger along her shoulder.

Samantha shifted position off Jackson to along his side, something more conducive for cuddling. "Mmmm. This feels nice."

"Yes, it is." Jackson pulled her closer. "I, for one, wouldn't mine this happening more frequently." Jackson had his arm around her. "How would you feel if we shared quarters?"

Samantha slowly dragged her index finger down the length of Jackson's arm. "Have to be yours. Mine are...small."

"You're the one with a suite. I only have crew quarters. I'm lucky not having a roommate. But..." he kissed her. " want to move into my quarters, is okay with me."

Samantha laughed as she looked around the huge bedroom. "I have a suite in this hotel. Aboard the ship I'm quartered in a small junior officers cabin. One I'm going to have to share once we get fully staffed."

"Well, I'm the chief helm officer so I have my own quarters, not very big, but I can request another closet for your clothes." Jackson slowly moved his hand down to her stomach and kept moving down.

"Works for me." Samantha pulled Jackson closer and gave him a long, deep kiss. She moaned gently as his hand reached its destination. It took her only a minute to break the kiss long enough to say. "I want you now!" She emphasized her desire by pulling him atop her.


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